

Friday, October 29, 2010

Bloggers' Quilt Festival - Not Your Grandmother's Flower Garden!

Hi, all!   

Just a peek!!

I'm so glad you've stopped by to see my entry into this fall's Blogger's Quilt Festival!  I haven't actually committed to the Process Pledge, but I'd like to share a little bit of the process I went through to create this quilt.

First of all, let me tell you a little bit about why I quilt.  (Hang in there - there's lots of pictures to come!)  About a year ago, a group of women from my church met to make a quilt for a young friend who very unexpectedly found out that she had cancer and had to have radical surgery.  We had never made a quilt before, but it was what we felt led to do.  Now flash forward to today - we have made 47 quilts since then, all of them distributed to people with serious medical problems, or in distressing life situations, and also to newborns in our church.

The quilt I want to share with you is one that I made recently for a young woman who was also facing devastating surgery.  She had conquered lymphoma at age 17, but after some difficult times in her life had just about reached the end of her rope.  She made good decisions and started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, only to find out that she had a possible return of her cancer and needed to have surgery.  Needless to say, this took all the wind out of her sails.  She was a member of the Bible study group I was leading, and I knew a little about her - she is very contemporary, likes whimsy (she has eyelashes for her Volkswagon Beetle!) and trended toward vibrant earth tones in her clothing.

Artistic design is not my forte - but I knew where to start looking for inspiration!  I headed off to Flickr to see what I could find.  I bookmarked many pictures, but this is the one that stuck in my mind...  So I dragged out the design journal and started sketching.  (Again, not my strong suit!)  With a vague idea in my mind, I went to check out my stash to see what fabrics I had available to use.  I found several earth tone fabrics to use, paired with some lovely saturated jewel tones.  For the base fabric for the quilt top, I found a piece of 72" wide Irish linen that came from my grandmother's fabric stash.  I cut out circles in various sizes from each of the fabrics I chose for the appliques, and located some strips of deep green in my scrap bin.

Then my granddaughter and I got busy.  We spread out the linen on my bed, grabbed those fabric pieces and started arranging them on the linen.  (Let me tell you, this was quite an experience with a nearly-3-year-old!)  We layered some of the circles, cut "snowflake" type designs in some, and this is the design we ended up with...

My "design bed"!

With this rough beginning in hand, I solicited the advice of a friend whose design skills far exceed mine.  Collaboration is a wonderful thing!  I slimmed down the stems, making them slightly curvy, and appliqued the design to the linen.

Loopy hearts stitched on this flower....

Click pic to see
detail up close!
Next came the quilting process.  First thing was the flowers and stems.  Each flower has free motion quilting in it, and it was a great way to try out lots of different designs. 
Echo quilting and flower designs!

On the back of the quilt, those quilting designs echo the design of backing fabric I chose - which was totally unexpected but wonderful!  The stems have long organic lines quilted up and down them.

Then I moved on to the background quilting.  My inspiration piece had lovely echo quilting around the flowers, and that's where I started.  (I did learn that the echo quilting is much easier to do as free motion quilting - I started out with a walking foot, and that did not work well at all!)

Fiddlehead fern design -
I wish I'd had better light for these pics!

 Once I had done the echo quilting, I had large areas that were unquilted on either side of the design, and also above it.  What to use to fill in the space?  Well, on the sides I did a "fiddlehead fern" design - long stems up about halfway, with spirals at the top.

Once that was done, I turned to the top of the quilt.  I really felt that this needed a sunburst, so I fiddled with where to work it in.  On paper, I sketched it in at the top corner, but really didn't like the way it made the design look - a little too stretched.

I'm glad there was a sun on my quilt -
There was not much available for these pics!

Then I tried the design in the center top, and that worked.  But it still left a lot of blank space at the top, so back came the swirlies!  This time they hopefully represent wind and clouds - at least that was my intention - but they give the quilt a beautiful texture.  Of course, by the time I was done, I was making swirlies in my sleep!!

Back detail

The back of the quilt is rather plain, compared to most of my quilts.  I just couldn't come up with a design that I liked in coordination with the front!  I did find a great mandala print fabric that coordinated with the colors, and amazingly coordinated with the reverse image of the quilting, too!  Panels with Bible verses written on them were appliqued down the center of the quilt as an added touch.

So here, in all it's glory, is Not Your Grandmother's Flower Garden......

My little photography assistant has her garden boots on!!

(And on a happy note, the recipient of this quilt had a very good result from her surgery, and the tests came back showing that her cancer had not returned as feared.  God is good, all the time!!!)

Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my entry in the Bloggers Quilt Festival!  I hope you take time to visit many more of the wonderful entries there - so much beautiful work to see!!



PS - if you are looking for the winners of my birthday giveaway, check here!

And the Winners Are.....

Hi, all!

I know everyone's on pins and needles to see who won my birthday giveaway, but first of all, let me thank you all for making my week so enjoyable!  I had 325 comments, and I tried to reply to each of you if there was an e-mail address (I may have missed a few, though, so if you didn't hear back from me, I'm sorry!)  I now have 222 followers - amazing!  Less than a year ago, I felt incredibly lucky that I had ten followers!  I've made a bunch of new friends and found lots of great new blogs!  So thanks again - I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you better this year!

One thing that I love about blogging is that I get to "meet" people from all over the world - and our winners reflect that!  Little Miss Random (I still can't get her to sit still long enough to take her picture!) has picked the winners, and they are....

For the Bliss charm pack, mommywantstoread, who blogs at Mommy Wants To Read, a fairly new blog with book reviews.  Be sure to check it out!  She lives in New Jersey, in the US. (By the way, her birthday was October 26th, so I guess this is just a slightly late birthday present!)

For the 12 Days of Christmas charm pack, verobirdie, who blogs at Au Fil du Jardin.  You should see her Kokeshi quilt - so beautifully appliqued!  She lives in the South of France...

And the Moda Sweet Treat goes to micki, who blogs at Irish Muses.  In and amongst her quilts, she posts beautiful pictures of the Irish countryside - it makes me want to go back for another visit.  She lives in County Donegal, Ireland.  She's also hosting an AccuQuilt GO! Cutter giveaway, with the drawing on November 5th.  Go enter, quick!!!

Thanks again for making my birthday such fun!  Have a great day and weekend - and be sure to check out the Bloggers Quilt Festival over at Amy's Creative Side!  I'm entering a quilt, along with hundreds of other quilters - lots of pretty eye candy to see!!



Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's almost Friday - have you entered my giveaway yet?

Hi, all!

Thursday has rolled around, and it's only one day till my birthday - and the day that two lucky commenters are going to get some giveaway goodies!!  If this is the first time you've stopped by this week, go back to my Sunday blogpost and read the rules, then go through this week's posts and make comments to earn entries!  I'll run Little Miss Random tomorrow morning early and post the winners before I post my Bloggers Quilt Festival post.  I'll also send you a personal e-mail if you win!  (PLEASE NOTE:  If a "no-reply" comment is drawn, I will try to locate an e-mail address for you, or post a comment on your blog if I can, and your name will be posted on my "winners" blogpost - but if I don't hear back from you by Saturday morning, I will draw a new winner for your prize.  So sorry - I want to give everyone a fair chance but if I have no way to reach you, the prize will go somewhere else!  So if you don't have an e-mail address associated with your comment, please leave me one now!!)

By the way, I topped 200 followers this week (thank you so-o-o-o much!!) so I'm adding in 
another little Moda goodie for a third commenter just to celebrate...

Two mini honeybuns, one each
of Spring Magic and Patisserie
This little cutie will make up two Sweet Treat Bags, instructions included!  

I'm still struggling with my to-do list - it's much harder with my sewing room still in disarray.  But since you've been so patient with me and left such sweet comments this week, I want to show you a few pics of what I've done to the room so far.....

This is where I started - a pass-through room at the top of the stairs.  My husband's drum room/office is through the door on the left in the top picture.  The windowed door goes out onto a very small balcony with a ceiling only about 3 inches over my head.  (Needless to say, it doesn't get used very much!)  The den is through the door you can see by the wicker chair in the second picture.  The third picture shows the room from the balcony door.

Well, after going through all the books and weeding them out (they were getting seriously out of control!) I moved four of the bookcases and the rocking chair out of the room.  Then I moved my fabric shelves and table supports in...

Shifted the bookcase out of the corner and brought in my worktable....

The view from behind my worktable...

and here, from my comfy chair!

My comfy chair, with beautiful pillow
made by my friend, KarrieLyne!

I've made a few additions to the room - as you can see in these pictures, I've brought some of the fabric in, and put one of the bookcases from downstairs on top of the two 9-hole bookcases.  I may put the other bookcase up there, too - there's room above it - but I'll have to have some help from my hubby to get it up there!

Just part of the stash......

It's so nice to have shelves for my books and magazines...

Rolling drawers will hold small
color-sorted scraps for easy access.

Most of the artwork will be replaced with some quilted wall hangings I've collected over the years, but I haven't managed to get a hammer upstairs to put up the hangers yet!

I have had several questions about my storage units, so here's the skinny - I buy my storage units from Target.  They are a standard size and come in several colors and wood tones (as you can see from the pics, since I have two different wood tones!).  You can buy inserts for the cubbies if you want to store your scraps in them, either wire or fabric, for a fairly reasonable price.  My worktable is made of a hollow-core door from Home Depot, and is set on four narrow bookcases (also from Target). It wasn't quite as tall as I wanted it to be - I'm tall and prefer to do my cutting at a high counter, like my kitchen counter, so I used four photo storage boxes from my local craft store on top of the narrow bookcases to raise it to the height I like.  It works great for cutting, ironing with my table-top ironing board, and piecing or quilting.   It's easy to manipulate a quilt over it while quilting because it's so large.  Because it's so high, I had to put a ledge for my sewing machine foot control underneath, but I had an old tool chest that belonged to my granddad that just fit.   And it's actually wide enough for two people to work at it, one on either side.  The table top is covered with stone-look vinyl self-stick tiles left over from a home improvement project!  So the long and short of it is, you don't have to spend a fortune to have a functional workspace (although I'd love to give it a try!)

Here's some pics of Lilli giving it the seal of approval....

Showing her mom how she can sew at the new table....

And checking out that little ledge underneath!
OK, that's enough of that - I won't show any more pictures until it's finished, and then just a short and sweet view!  It has been a real process, and I've still got a bunch of cleaning up to do where I've moved stuff around, but at least I can sew up there now!

So this will be your last chance to enter the giveaway - remember, if it's your first time here this week, go back to the Sunday blogpost and read the rules, then leave comments for entries!  (By the way, I've really enjoyed reading your comments this week and feel like I've made some new friends - and I've definitely found some interesting new blogs!) Tomorrow's my birthday, and I'm going to wake up early to celebrate with all of you by sharing some goodies!!  Don't miss out!!



Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Toddlerless Tuesday #9! Wicked weather in Tennessee.....

Hi, all!

Well, it's Toddlerless Tuesday again - and it started off wild!  I woke up this morning to 40 MPH wind gusts - the hickory trees had been losing their nuts all night, and the sound of them bouncing off the tin roof was like gunshots all night!  My poor dog took to hiding under the deck in the pre-dawn hours (and the deck is only about 16 inches off the ground, at the highest part!) to avoid being "hailed" with hickory nuts. So I spent most of the morning sewing and listening to weather reports of tornado warnings....  

But I did get a few things done.  I finished the quilting in the center of my Sail On quilt (finally!) and all that's left to quilt is the border.  I'm trying to figure out a way to FMQ sailboats in the solid border - I guess I need to get doodling!  I also quilted a flannel baby quilt (we've been having a lot of babies in our church lately!) and I need to sew the binding on (as soon as Glee is over, I promise!)  Then after picking Lilli up from preschool, we took a nap on the bed while watching Spongebob Squarepants (what IS the appeal of that show?), then we made spaghetti to eat when her parents came to pick her up!  You haven't lived until you've made spaghetti with a 3-year old!

Well, you all know (if you've been reading the posts this week!) that my birthday is Friday.... and yesterday I got a package in the mail!  I opened it and was so surprised to find......

Do you see that beautiful pillow?  
Well, I first saw it here - - - on KarrieLyne's blog, Freckled Whimsy.  
She posted a great "process pledge" blogpost about it, showing how she made it.  
I even showed it to my husband and told him how gorgeous it was - 
and then it turned up at my doorstep!!  
If you live anywhere in the Middle Tennessee area, you probably heard me - 
I was more than a little bit excited.....  ;-)   

If you've never seen Karrie's blog, you really should check it out - I think I first came across it with her Tuesday Tidbits - where I finally learned, after 45 years of sewing, how to properly use a seam ripper!  Epiphany!!   Karrie has had several quilt designs posted on Moda Bake Shop - awesome and easy designs that you will really enjoy making.   She's also hosted a a quilting bee and a quilt-along - and I can't wait to see what she'll be up to next!  This is what I love about blogging - Karrie and I have never met, but we both count each other as good friends!

Well, that's how my Tuesday went - and just in case this is the first time you've come by this week, here's a reminder to check out my Sunday blogpost for information about my 
birthday giveaway! 
Be sure to leave a comment on each of my posts this week for entries, 
plus there's info about how to get some extra entries on Sunday's post.



Monday, October 25, 2010

Make-A-List Monday #18! Join the giveaway, too!

Hi, all!
I hope you’re having a great week!  If this is your first time here since last week, here’s a heads up - my birthday is Friday and I’m giving away fabric to celebrate!  Check out my Sunday blogpost for how to enter!  I’m looking forward to getting a lot done this week, but first, 

Here’s what happened with last week’s list...
1.  Finish piecing the front and back of a disappearing 9-patch variation quilt to be given to a woman with cancer through the quilt ministry.  


6.  Quilt the disappearing 9-patch quilt from item 1.  Done!  The recipient for this quilt was put back in the hospital early in the week, so this moved up to the top of the list - meaning it got done earlier than expected!  This is such a cheery quilt - I love the pattern, too - easy peasy!  You can read more about it here if you want...

2.  Applique a t-shirt for a friend's 2-year old daughter.  On hold until I hear from my friend about colors!
3.  Work on repurposing my library area into a sewing studio.  Partially done - this has been a big task, but it’s starting to come together..... These are early pictures, before I started moving everything back in.  I'll post more pictures later this week!
The old sewing area, mid-swap....

And the new sewing area, pre-table and fabric!
4.  Hit the post office and mail off my bee blocks and prizes from the Fall Into Fall giveaway.  Done - although it took two trips - I remembered the prizes the first trip, but forgot the bee blocks!
5.  Prepare for Wednesday night's quilt sampler class for new quilters at church!  Done!  I had three ladies show up to work on the sampler quilt, and one more came in halfway through, then went to Joann’s after class to get her fabric so she can start next week!

7.  Pick out something special for my bloggy friends (what's it for? Here's a hint - hobbits!  Give me your best guess!)  Done!  If you haven't already, check out yesterday’s blog post about my upcoming giveaway!  Leave a comment today (both here and there) and join in the fun!!
Now, for this week - - -
1.  Applique the t-shirt for my friend’s little girl!
2.  Quilt and bind a baby girl flannel quilt for the quilt ministry. 

3.  Finish quilting my Sail On quilt.

4.  Piece a back for a memory quilt custom job.
5.  Pull fabrics for a man’s quilt for the quilt ministry.

6.  Put together at least three kits to hand out for the quilt ministry.

7.  Finish pulling together my sewing studio!

I think that’s enough to keep me busy this week!  

So - what are you working on this week?  Remember to enter my birthday giveaway (you can see the details here)!!  

One last word - if you are a no-reply blogger, please remember to either change your settings or leave your e-mail address in your comment!  Bobyn, Lisa, and Mystica,  you are all set at no-reply and didn't leave an e-mail, so if you see this, be sure to leave me your e-mail today!  I'd hate for anyone to miss out because I couldn't reach them.....

Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's my party........

Hi, all!      

You may remember that earlier this week I made reference to hobbits in my blog post here - - - I think most of you missed it, although one person said that she couldn’t imagine what hobbits had to do with anything...   so........

When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would shortly be celebrating his eleventy-first birthday with a party of special magnificence, there was much talk and excitement in Hobbiton.....  Bilbo Baggins called it a party, but it was really a variety of entertainments rolled into one.  Practically everybody living near was invited.  A very few were overlooked by accident, but as they turned up all the same, that did not matter.....  Bilbo met the guests (and additions) at the new white gate in person.  He gave away presents to all and sundry...  Hobbits give presents to other people on their own birthdays.  Not very expensive ones as a rule... but it was not a bad system.  ...Every hobbit in those parts had a fair chance of at least one present at least once a week. But they never got tired of them.”

Guess what?  It’s my birthday this Friday - - - and although it’s not my eleventy-first, and I’m not a hobbit, I think it’s still a great idea to give away gifts on your birthday!  Unfortunately, I can’t give one to each and every one of you, but I do have two “gifts” I think you might enjoy....
For one winner, a charm pack of Bliss....

And for another winner, a charm pack of
12 Days of Christmas!

I also noticed today that I am at 176 followers - so if I go over 200 followers this week, I'll throw in another little bit of Moda sweetness to celebrate, and pick a third winner!
So how do you show up for my party, you ask?  Simply make a comment on any or all of my blog posts between now and Friday morning at 6:00 AM CST.   If you want some additional chances, you can do any or all of the following and make a comment (on one blogpost only!) for each one you do.
Become a follower, or let me know you already are a follower!

Blog about this giveaway on your blog.  Link it to this blogpost, please!

If you've made a fabric donation to our quilt ministry, 
remind me and you'll get another entry!

    So let's say I post on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.  You can have four entries if you make comments on each of those posts, plus you can make one comment for being or becoming a follower, one comment showing you blogged about the giveaway, and one comment if you’ve made a fabric donation to our quilt ministry.  You could potentially have seven entries if you do everything!
    Friday morning, I’ll total up all the comments for all the blogposts, Sunday through Thursday, and use little Miss Random to pick two (or three!) winners.  Please be sure that I can reach you by e-mail - I’d hate for you to miss out on a prize because you were set to no-reply!  If you don’t know how to fix it, just type out your e-mail address in your comment (e.g. salliesue {at} clearwire {dot} net) so I can contact you!
    I hope you come celebrate with me!!!

    Hey, everyone - check this out - there's another AccuQuilt GO! Cutter Giveaway over at Micki's blog, Irish Muses!  Go throw your name in the hat for one of those great cutters!! 

    Friday, October 22, 2010

    Sew&Tell Friday - Five Ministry Quilts!

    Hi, all!

    It's Friday again, and I have had a good week - I have five quilts to show you!  I was really surprised that I had that many - it's been a busy week, even though others had a hand in making the baby quilts...

    I showed you a preview of the first quilt on Monday when I recapped last week's to-do list.  But here's your formal introduction to the completed quilt, Welcome Home!

    You may already be aware that back in May, the Nashville area went through a weekend of incredible weather, record-setting rainfalls, and unprecedented flooding.  Many families were flooded out of their houses, with water levels in some rising above eight feet.  Federal disaster aid was quickly forthcoming, but some folks did not qualify.  Our church became aware of one such family, and went out to see if they could help them clean up and refurbish their house.  When they arrived, they found the house to be neither livable nor fixable, so the decision was made to build the family a new house.  You can see the story of this process here - it really is neat to see how everything comes together!  

    This is the second house our church has built.  However, when the first house was built we didn't have an active quilt ministry at our church.  This time we do, so the quilt ministry made this quilt to give to the family as a housewarming gift.  The pattern is Vickie Eapen's Flight of Geese (you can see more of Vickie's quilts on her blog, Spun Sugar Quilts).  I love it because the blocks look like little houses.....

    The back of the quilt has an appliqued house, complete with birdbath, puppy and doghouse.  It's surrounded by siggy blocks that were inscribed by some of the people who worked on the house.   Our hope is that this will serve as a constant reminder to this family of God's love for them as demonstrated by the many many people who helped build their new home!  The family will receive the keys to their new house and this quilt during our church service on Sunday, October 24th.

    Our hope is that this will serve as a constant reminder to this family of God's love for them as demonstrated by the many many people who helped build their new home!  The family will receive the keys to their new house and this quilt during our church service on Sunday, October 24th.

    Now on to the second quilt!  This quilt was made for a lady in our church battling cancer.  She went on the list for a quilt about a week ago, but took a turn for the worse, so her quilt was bumped up to the top of the list.  Take a look at "Garden Stroll".....

    I love this fabric - it's Moda's May Pole.  I won four charm packs from Hollyhock Quilts, and two of them were May Pole, so I decided to give this Moda Bake Shop tutorial a tweek and a whirl!  I made the sashing and borders six inches wide to bring the quilt to the size I wanted....

    The back of the quilt is a piece of fabric I found at Goodwill - a beautiful paisley that pulls most of the colors from the charm pack.  The off-center square has Bible verses and song lyrics written on it.

    It's quilted all in swirls - I think I've forgotten how to do anything else, after Not Your Grandmother's Flower Garden!  I'll need to do some practicing of other types of FMQ to get out of the swirlie rut....  ;-)

    And now, last but not least, (for the quilts, anyway!) we delivered three more flannel baby quilts to church this week....

    A sweet little boy's quilt, made by a member of
    our Wednesday night sewing group...

    If you think this looks familiar, you're right -
    I forgot to take a picture of the one I took this morning!
    So this is a place saver till I get a shot of it....

    Deborah's first quilt!!

    And now, last but definitely not least, I am stating for the record that I have the best husband in the world!  Look at what he brought me yesterday.....

    This man knows my love languages!  Flowers and Chocolate!!

    Well, if you've made it this far, thanks for sticking with me until the end of this ridiculously long post!  I appreciate you more than you know!!!

    I'll be linking up to Amy's Sew & Tell Friday - be sure to hop over there and see what wonderful things everyone's finished this week!

    Have a great weekend!!


    Thursday, October 21, 2010

    99 Things About Me!

    Hi, all!

    The sky at our place last night -
    contrails in the sky lit by the moon...

    My friend Helen over at Patchy Work of Mini Grey posted this fun list earlier in the week as part of her Blogtoberfest (a challenge to herself to post every day in October) - take a look at it and learn a little bit about me, and maybe about yourself!  Copy the list and mark it about yourself - Things you've already done in bold. Things you want to do in italics. Things you haven't done and don't want to, leave in plain font. Post it on your blog to give everyone a little glimpse of who you are and who you’d like to be!  Let me know in the comments if you have played along!
    1. started your own blog 
    2. slept under the stars
    3. played in a band
    4.  visited Hawaii
    5. watched a meteor shower
    6. given more than you can afford to charity
    7. been to Disneyland/World
    8. climbed a mountain
    9. held a praying mantis
    10. sang a solo 
    11. bungee jumped (no bloody way, to echo my friend Helen!)
    12. visited Paris
    13. watched a lightning storm at sea
    14. taught yourself an art from scratch
    15. adopted a child
    16. had food poisoning
    17. walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
    18. grown your own vegetables
    19. seen the Mona Lisa in France 
    20. slept on an overnight train
    21. had a pillow fight 
    22. hitch hiked 
    23. taken a sick day when you’re not ill
    24. built a snow fort
    25. held a lamb
    26. gone skinny dipping
    27. run a marathon (hubby has, and that’s as close as I care to get!)
    28. ridden a gondola in Venice
    29. seen a total eclipse
    30. watched a sunrise or sunset
    31. hit a home run
    32. been on a cruise
    33. seen Niagara Falls in person
    34. visited the birthplace of your ancestors
    35. seen an Amish community
    36. taught yourself a new language 
    37. had enough money to be truly satisfied
    38. seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
    39. gone rock climbing
    40. seen Michelangelo's David in person
    41. sung karaoke 
    42. seen Old Faithful Geyser erupt
    43. bought a stranger a meal in a restaurant
    44. visited Africa
    45. walked on a beach by moonlight
    46. been transported in an ambulance 
    47. had your portrait painted
    48. gone deep sea fishing 
    49. seen the Sistene Chapel in person
    50. been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris 
    51. gone scuba diving or snorkeling 
    52. kissed in the rain
    53. played in the mud
    54. gone to a drive-in theatre
    55. been in a movie 
    56. visited the Great Wall of China
    57. started a business 
    58. taken a martial arts class
    59. visited Russia
    60. served at a soup kitchen
    61. sold Girl Guide cookies
    62. gone whale watching
    63. gotten flowers for no reason
    64. donated blood
    65. gone sky diving
    66. visited a Nazi concentration camp 
    67. bounced a check
    68. flown in a helicopter
    69. saved a favorite childhood toy
    70. visited the Lincoln Memorial 
    71. eaten caviar
    72. pieced a quilt 
    73. stood in Times Square
    74. toured the Everglades
    75. been fired from a job
    76. seen the Changing of the Guard in London
    77. broken a bone
    78. been on a speeding motorcycle
    79. seen the Grand Canyon in person
    80. published a book
    81. visited the Vatican
    82. bought a brand new car
    83. walked in Jerusalem
    84. had your picture in the newspaper
    85. read the entire Bible
    86. visited the White House
    87. killed and prepared an animal for eating
    88. had chickenpox
    89. saved someone’s life
    90. sat on a jury
    91. met someone famous 
    92. joined a book club
    93. lost a loved one 
    94. had a baby
    95. seen the Alamo in person 
    96. swum in the Great Salt Lake 
    97. been involved in a law suit
    98. owned a cell phone 
    99. been stung by a bee

    Your turn.

