

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Toddlerless Tuesday #1

Hi, all!

As I said in my earlier post today, Lilli started preschool today (just 2 days a week) and I felt an oncoming case of "empty nest syndrome"!  So, to stave it off, I decided to start posting a Toddlerless Tuesday post to let you know what I did with my extra five hours - because that will make me put down whatever good book I'm reading and do something constructive!

When I walked outside early this morning to go pick up Lilli, it was amazingly cool - and you've got to understand, that's something we've been missing here in middle Tennessee for at least 30 days, and maybe longer!  So when I got back from taking Lilli to preschool, I grabbed the flimsies and backs that I had ready and took them out to the clothesline for a shot of spray basting.  I put together the quilt sandwiches for a flannel baby quilt and the sudoku quilt that a friend of mine pieced for the quilt ministry.

I managed to get the baby quilt quilted, using a large random stippling!  The binding is on, and I'll be sitting here after I finish this post, doing the hand sewing to finish the binding.  By the way, this is made using Beth's great pattern that she posted on Love Laugh Quilt - it's super easy and really useful for using up flannel stash!!

I had hoped to start quilting on the sudoku quilt, but ran into a brain glitch trying to figure out what color thread to use, and what pattern to quilt it with.  I've got that figured out now, so I think I can get it done between tomorrow's naptime and Thursday's preschool time!

So - - - - I'm happy with what I got accomplished today - I'd say it was a successful Toddlerless Tuesday!  Thanks for keeping me accountable.......




  1. Way to go Sarah! Looks just lovely.

  2. Cute baby quilt! Sounds like you got a lot done on your first Toddlerless Tuesday. You know, ever since you posted that picture, I always imagine Lilli wearing those kleenex box shoes! :)

  3. What a productive day - well done! Hope she settled ok :-)

  4. Wasn't it nice not to walk into a sauna first thing in the morning?
    Did Lilli enjoy preschool?

  5. love the baby quilt - something comforting about making baby quilts. And doesn't five hours go soooo quickly!

  6. Isn't it nice to have quilting to fall back on when your baby leaves even for a few hours. I did the same thing when DD headed off to kindergarten. Your quilting looks lovely. Good use of time.

  7. Congratulations on your win over at Red Pepper! Woo hoo!


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!