

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Why?" Wednesday..... NaBloPoMo Day 3....

∞ ∞ ∞  Why?  ∞ ∞ ∞

Hi, all!

Well, I've only got one word for today - "Why?"  And that's because that's what I heard ALL day long!!

"Why are there so many nuts, Nana?"  "Because the squirrels eat them..."

"Why do the squirrels eat them, Nana?"  "Because there are so many of them...."  (it made sense to me!)

"Why is there a dead squirrel in the road, Nana?"  "Because he was playing in the road..."

"Why is there a dead possum in the road, Nana?"  "Because he's too slow..."  (have you ever seen a possum cross the road?  S-l-o-w-e-r  t-h-a-n  m-o-l-a-s-s-e-s......)

So I'm going to church tonight to meet with my sewing sisters for a little adult conversation!  We're working through Amy's Simple Sampler - and I've got seven ladies now who didn't think they could quilt - but now think they just might be able to do this!  Woohoo!!




  1. LOL..I so do NOT miss those days where it is filled with a bunch of why's! I do it to my daughter now sometimes. She gets so mad...bwahahaha!! Paybacks. ;)

  2. I like your answers to the "Why" questions. Hope you enjoyed your quilting session.

  3. It's good to teach them early about what happens when critters play in the road! Hopefully the little one will remember that, and keep herself out of the street too!

    ~ Meagan

  4. Kids always have so many "Why" questions. It is fun hearing them all!


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