

Friday, February 25, 2011

Can I get a Whoop-Whoop?? It's Giveaway Time!!

Hi, all!

Well, the time has arrived - for our very first Whoop Whoop Friday Giveaway!!  Remember last week I mentioned four good friends....  in the forest....  

                                                  ......worried about lions.....

and tigers...... and bears........OH MY!!

Well, there's nothing to worry about here - because we don't have lions, or tigers, or bears - - - - we've got........

Anyone interested in taking home all these fabulous goodies?  There's two charm packs, 13 fat quarters, four one-yard cuts of fabric, and a brand new, still-in-the-plastic copy of Quiltmaker!  Here's four different ways to enter - use one or all to get as many chances as you want!

1.  Link up to the linky party below showing us what you accomplished this week.  If you're new to the linky party, remember, it doesn't have to be a finish - just something you did a little happy dance about this week!  (You can find out more about Whoop Whoop Fridays by clicking the tab at the top of this blog.)  I'll leave the linky party open until Sunday night at midnight, CST so everyone has a chance to join in!

2.  Become a follower of this blog, then leave me a comment telling me you have, or to let me know you already are a follower!  

3.  If you don't have anything to link up this week, leave a comment on this blog telling what you'd like to work on so you have something to link up next week!

4.  Spread the word! Blog about this giveaway on your blog. Leave a comment with a link to your blogpost for another entry.

And those of you who linked up last week will get an extra entry, as promised!!

Winners will be chosen by Little Miss Random next Thursday, March 3rd and announced on next week's Whoop Whoop Friday post!


But before you rush off to do all that, here's what I accomplished this week.....

I made a back, quilted and bound this awesome quilt (flimsy made by my friend Connie!) for the quilt ministry.....

All those pinwheels are 3-D - only the long side of the triangle is sewn into the block!  This is just part of the quilt because it was too rainy to take a full shot outside today!

I also made a gift that I won't be able to show off until Monday!  I sure wish I could show you now....  ;-)


And now it's your chance to link up your accomplishments for the week - what made you do a happy dance?  Pump your fist in the air?  Cheer out loud?  Share it with us! We'll cheer with you!!  And hopefully next Friday, you'll have another reason to cheer - free fabric goodies!!

I can't wait to see what you all share!! 



  1. Whoop-whoop!!! I got the 9-Patches all cut up & ready to sew into a Disappearing 9-Patch!

    And I'm a follower already. :^)

  2. I just linked up ("Fabric Magnets!") :)

  3. I mentioned your giveaway in my post here:

  4. You know I am a faithful follower too. Never had time to link up last week. Haven't been sewing at all this week...just doesn't feel right with the tragedy and sadness in our country right now. So I hope you don't mind me linking up my last finish instead.

  5. I am a follower already. Sorry, but my picture ended up on your links twice. Not sure how to remove one of them.

  6. At the moment I'm finishing my quilt from the cherryhouse QAL

  7. I linked up 3 projects I finished this week.

  8. I blogged about your giveaway here:

  9. My Whoop-Whoop project is a pillow I made for a friend's daughter who LOVES pink and purple (can you tell?). I used Karrie Lyne's pattern. This was my first pillow.

  10. I'm a follower of your delightful blog!

  11. I unfortunately don't have a finish to link. I "almost" did however. I waited for a warmer day earlier this week to take my quilt sandwich out on the deck to pin it. The breeze was so bad that I had to take it up and go inside. This happened 3 times! On the 3rd time it started raining before it could get completely pinned. Then it iced and snowed. So the sandwich is still just waiting...hopefully one day soon and then I can quilt it!

  12. I am a follower of your blog. Thanks

  13. I don't have my own blog to connect to, but wanted you to know I'm participating in a quilt along of a Miss Rosie's quilt and completed 9 blocks so far this week.

  14. I am a follower and adore your quilts!

  15. I linked up my latest sewing: baby clothes for my granddaughter.

  16. I blogged about the giveaway at

  17. I am a faithful follower!

  18. This week I worked on quilting a Pokemon quilt for a guild mate of mine as well as a sewing together a scrappy pinwheel/16 patch quilt top. I hope to add the borders by the end of the weekend as well as get a good start on my Sweet Spot for the le petite challenge. I added my link above. I am #12 and I have been a follower for awhile now. :)

  19. This week I havent' wrote about it on my blog yet. But I have 4 BAP blocks done, a LC block, sewing HST for Raven stars, picking fabrics for Gayles quilt along, working on the back for the red n white quilt, replaced a border for the snowman quilt.....I know there is more, but I would have to go to the sewing room to see. to see what I am working on, usually post once a week.

  20. I blogged about the giveaway - but I wanted to keep it secret...hoping to win, ya know! =) Here's the link:

  21. I am a new follower to your blog and love it!

  22. I linked up my tape measure purse this week!

  23. Love that pinwheel quilt! My linked up Whoop Whoop projects today are the finished whirlygig quilt AND a black and white quilt top. Woo-hoo, I feel so productive!

  24. I mentioned your awesome giveaway in my post today:

  25. I'm a follower - and you've been in my blog reader for awhile! Looking forward to seeing the "gift"!

  26. I have been enjoying following your blog for awhile now but this is the first time I have done the linky thingy! Have a great weekend!

  27. Ignore my email. It's working now. The pinwheel quilt looks lovely. I blogged about your givaway with my new quilt. Thanks for doing this.



  30. That 3D pinwheel quilt is very pretty indeed. Did you quilt it on the frame? How did you handle the pinwheel flaps then? That must have been difficult. Good work this week!! Whoop!Whoop!

  31. Whoop! I'm a follower and that's all I can say this week. Week one of foot up and iced after bunion surgery. I'm going to work on taking some stitching out and make scraps into useable pieces and then maybe foot willing get to have some 15 minutes of play.

  32. I am working on a tube quilt, having a hard time getting back to it.

  33. I just linked up a new top I finished and I am a follower.

  34. I am already a dedicated follower of your wonderful blog!

  35. Nothing to show for this week, but I am rearranging my sewing room and hope to have it all finished this week. Thanks for the opportunity to win!=)

  36. I am a follower already. What a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.

  37. I am already a follower of your blog.

  38. I have blogged about your wonderful giveaway.

  39. I've linked up to "WHOOP WHOOP FRIDAYS."

  40. I have been a follower for a minute. :o)

  41. My sewing goal for this week is to make valences for my kitchen windows with some of my Wizard of Oz fabric... only if I get the kitchen painted, so I better get to it! :o)

  42. I am a follower, I enjoy seeing how much you accomplish in such a short amount of time!

  43. I am currently hand quilting the borders of a queen size monster quilt. Two done, two to go! It is slow going, but I enjoy quilting by hand.

  44. I'm a follower and lover of your blog!! And, I'd love to win your goodies :) ...rita

  45. I've also blogged about your linky party, eventhough there's probably not many reading my new blog just yet:

  46. Yes, I'm a faithful follower...

    Cute pinwheel quilt! I love it. Did you have to do anything special to the pinwheels before you quilted it?

  47. Hi Sarah! I am a follower already!

    Love, Love, Love how that pinwheel quilt turned out!

  48. I don't have anything to link up this week. But I want to put my name in the hat to win some delicious goodies! Sew on!

  49. I started following this blog this week. I haven't finished any quilting this week or I would definitely link up! I plan on working on a couple blocks for my Row Robin this weekend.

  50. Yes, I have blogged about your wonderful Whoop, Whoop Fridays! I love this. We get to see things everyone is working on and finished projects too and get to know new friends. What more could you ask for, oh yeah, a chance to win more fabric! Ah, now that's satisfaction! Have a wonderful weekend and get lots of sewing done!

  51. I don't have anything to link up this week, but I have few little girls birthday gift to do up next week, plus I'm hoping to get a new bag started for myself :)

  52. I am now a follower. What a fun way to celebrate Friday!

  53. I'm a Follower, and thanks for the kick in the pants to do this!

  54. And I commented on your Whoop Whoop! Fridays, with a link, so others can join in.

  55. I linked up and follow along with you!

  56. I don't have a blog -- yet I did finish the first 8 blocks of the Bloggers Block-a-Palooza quilt along -- AND -- my first ever upload to flickr. Plan to finish blocks 9 and 10 by Monday. Thanks for this giveaway.

  57. I mentioned the giveaway in my linked post:

  58. I just linked up and I also follow your blog.

  59. I'm a follower. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

  60. I'm a follower and that might be all I've got this week:)

  61. Hello,
    I am new to the blog-world and don't have one yet. This week I finally decided to just do it! I am creating my very own string tulips from the cover of "Georgia Quilts". Of course I have never created an applique or string quilt before so this is all new.

    Suprisingly, I have 6 blocks done so far and I am totaly delighted with the look! Thanks for the giveaway and I look forward to see what others are creating!

  62. Hi...thanks for the tip about seam ripping last week on my blog...I've been using it this week!

    Do you have any hints for triangles? I felt like sometimes I would get six pieces of fabric all on top of each other and the machine didn't go over them very well. Do I need to think more about which way I'm pressing them?

  63. I would love to be working on my granddaughter's quilt (she will be here Monday) but my grandmother has been in the hospital (we almost lost her) and I have to leave Sunday to travel 8 hours to meet my new granddaughter. Plus I have put in about 65 hours at work this week. Poor baby's quilt needs at least another 8 hours. UGH!!! I hate it when life gets in the way.

  64. Forgot, I linked up and spread the word about your giveaway.

  65. I linked up and I've been a follower for a while, love the Whoop, Whoop, Friday!!

  66. I am a follower. Don't have a blog. This give away is awesome!!

  67. Great giveaway - I'm a follower!

  68. I have at least 3 different projects on my table, but haven't had time to work on them in the past week...hopefully for the next linky!

  69. I have been a follower for a while!

  70. This week I am finishing a quilt I made for a family friend who is turning 90. It is made from scraps of fabric she passed on to me and scraps from projects I have made.

  71. I'm a faithful follower!!! I stitched a window curtain from an old bedspread. Planning to dye the colour of it to give it a new look

  72. Hi Sarah!!! I am so glad I found your blog. I know you are a frequent visitor over at my blog and I just hadn't gotten back to yours :) I am now following and will be back often :)

  73. I missed the time to link up but I do have something super exciting to Whop Whop about!! My MBS tutorial came out yesterday and I am so stinking excited about it!! It is here.

  74. Hi Sarah, I am a follower. This is a fantastic idea you have happening, love checking out everyone's Show & Tell too!

  75. I am now a follower. :) Looks like a nice blog, I look forward to reading it.

  76. For next week I would like to work on hand quilting my husband's quilt. I don't think I can get it finished, but I can probably get some of it done. :) If I don't distract myself with other things that is. So I will try to finish at least one more of my quilted circle designs on there. :)

  77. And I have blogged about it. :)

  78. I'm a new follower of your blog! :)

  79. I am hoping I can get all the pieces cut out for my first quilt. I have about half the coins cut out for a coin quilt. And then I'm hoping to actually get some sewing in this week. :)

  80. I'm a follower. Thanks for a chance to win.

  81. I am now a follower. I have a Whoop whoop to share, but the Mr. Linky was closed.

  82. What a nice giveaway- I love the children's fabrics particularly. I have become one of your followers and will add your name to the blog list too.
    I do not have anything quilty to add to your list but I did make some basement curtains this past weekend.
    Thanks for having such a lovely giveaway.
    Regards from a Western Canadian quilter,

  83. too late to link this I'll be working on my oldest UFO civil war legacy quilt

  84. I couldn't link up as the link was closed, but I finished a crazy patch pincushion that had lots of embellishments on it.

  85. I am a follower of your blog!


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!