

Friday, February 11, 2011

Can I get a Whoop-Whoop?? Off the Starting Blocks....

Hi, all!

Friday has rolled around, and it's time to whoop it up again!!  I hope you're ready to link up something fun this week!  But first, I've got something for you to look forward to - sometime in the very near future, we'll be having a giveaway for the people who link up to Can I Get A Whoop Whoop!  So get your nerve up, grab your camera, and start joining in!  Look on this week as a chance to get your feet wet.  Remember, it doesn't have to be a finish - as you'll see by what I'm linking up today, it can be anything you're happy to have accomplished during the week.  If it made you do your happy dance, or even just breathe a sigh of relief that it was done, link it up!!

So - this week I started working on a commission quilt inspired by this quilt - and managed to complete twenty-five blocks for the front of the quilt....

(The picture is small and intentionally blurry 
just in case someone's looking in who shouldn't be!)

I've got about fifteen more blocks to go, then I can start 
assembling the top of the quilt!


This afternoon I cleaned up my studio!

It very seldom looks like this, but I've got ladies coming over to my house 
on Saturday to sew and thought it might be nice for it to be clean for a change!!

And if you didn't see my blog earlier this week, I'm really happy to have finished this
pretty little pillow for my granddaughter for Valentine's Day....

(I just couldn't resist showing this one more time!)

So those are my "happy dance" accomplishments for the week!  

What have you been doing this week?

Link up and share what you've been doing - then go check out the other participants
and share some bloggy love!!



PS be sure to go over to Stray Stitches - Linda is having a great giveaway!!  Fabric!!!!


  1. Hi Sarah, the commission quilt is looking very
    good. I like your version of KarrieLyne's pillow. I haven't started mine yet maybe I'll get to it next week. I finished a couple of things this week but I think the pin cushion is the cutest. Have a great weekend!

  2. Great WHOOP WHOOP week for you! I love your sewing studio!!

    I don't have a lot of WHOOPing yet until this weekend, when I'll get more sewing accomplished!

    Have a great weekend Sarah!

  3. Hi Sarah -- Again, thank you for hosting your Linky Party. Your pillow is so adorable... I need to go check out Karrie Lyn'e pillow for inspiration too. I will be back after work for the Friday "date night" with all the other links.

  4. I wish I could EVER get my studio that clean...and I have people in there everyday...wanna come over? lol

  5. I'm not brave enough to take a picture of my sewing room...even when it's clean!

  6. Whoop whoop......I will take pics later and link them up.

  7. Your commissioned project is coming along very nicely...Your sewing room is great. I like the storage you have for fabric. I know it stays this clean all the time, right? Have fun with your friends.

  8. Thanks for giving us a place to link up. This the first week I accomplished something, well or that I at least had something to share :)

  9. I've linked up and put the button on my blog too. This is my first finish in a while and wanted to SHARE! Sew on!

  10. Sarah, I did comment on your friday finishes and the comment is not appearing. Sometimes when I come back to your page, there's no linky list. Am I losing my mind or is something going on?
    Anyway, you did great this week as usual. You have a truly enviable track record!!

  11. So secretly envy of your sewing day tomorrow--trying not to sin and be that way:)

  12. I LOVE your studio, your stash, and the photograph blocks. I'm going to have to learn how to do those one day. I can't wait to see the finished product.


  13. Your studio is sparkling! Have fun sewing today:)

    Thanks for linky party!


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!