

Friday, March 11, 2011

Can I get a Whoop-Whoop?? Spring is Bustin' Out...

Hi, all!

Are you ready to whoop it up?  I'm excited to see what everyone has done this week!!  

A quick reminder - the linky party stays open until midnight on SATURDAY night, CST, so you can link up after Friday if you don't get your act together in time!  (Sometimes I wish I had that option!!)

And now, here are my offerings for the week...

I finished this quilt for the quilt ministry - it's going to a lady who just went through surgery for breast cancer.

I pieced this sports-themed top for a little boy with leukemia.  Hopefully it will be quilted this weekend...

I quilted this beauty, made by my friend Tracy, this morning.  It will be placed in the hands of a gentleman who has been given only 4-6 weeks to live sometime in the next couple of days.

And I spent some time with this cutie pie, who loves discovering the little flowers growing in the yard and sharing  them with me!  

So now - it's your turn to share!!  What have you been up to this week? Remember - it doesn't have to be a "finish" - just something you enjoyed working on is fine!



PS - here are some giveaways to check out - Carolyn over at The Vegetarian Hunter has a new pattern and is celebrating!    and Julie over at Jaybird Quilts is hooking up with Cathy at Wondrous Woven Fabrics with a great giveaway - a kit to make a baby Hugs and Kisses quilt!  and Kaelin over at The Plaid Scottie is celebrating her blogiversary with an awesome fabric giveaway!!


  1. Sorry, I don't know how I managed to link twice. Hopefully you can delete one!

    Whoop-whoop!! I'm so happy I accomplished something this week ~ thanks for letting us share.


  2. You had a successful week!! Great job!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!

  3. You had a great week of completions! How fun to share the little flowers with someone so cute!!

  4. Wow, have you been one busy woman. Love the quilts but I really love the picture of that cutie with the flower. How precious!!

  5. Nice finishes for the week! Lilli is adorable, and a good reminder to stop and smell the flowers!

  6. Whoop!Whoop! for you again! Not only did you get a lot done but they're all so beautiful too. Not really meaning to compete, BUT, I'm hoping to give you a run for your money next week! ;)

  7. Sweet finishes as always. Such a a cutie!!

    Since I am thinking of making one too, what size did you make your plus quilt squares?

  8. Finally! I finished one little flower last night and one earlier in the week... got that posted already. Didn't do any handquilting this week. But will have to next week. :)

  9. the quilts you're giving away are so great! I'm sure they are treasured!

  10. Looks like you ahd a very good week. Your quilts always look so beautiful.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Okay, I admit the quilts are nice--and so is the little cutie--but the best thing is that you have real, live flowers in your yard. (Wonder when that will happen here at 6200 feet in the Estancia Valley--probably not for a while!)

  13. Hi Sarah -- I can't decide which one I like better, so Whoop to all - including your "Cutie Pie"! Thanks for hosting!

  14. Looks like a very good week for you, I LOVE the sports theme one and the little gardener you have, so adorable! Thanks for keeping the linky thing open until Sat and for hosting!!


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!