

Friday, July 22, 2011

Can I get a Whoop-Whoop?? Busy Week With Not Much To Show....

Hi, all!

Well, it's Friday again - I hope you are all surviving this epic heat wave (at least in the States) well - maybe it means you've been able to stay inside and sew!  I've had a busy week, but haven't been able to sew too much - just finished the binding on these two beautiful quilts that were pieced by Sharon over at Vrooman's Quilts!

The Newspaper Quilt
(it's black and white and red all over!)

A paper-pieced beauty -
"Flower Garden"

Detail of one of the paper pieced blocks...
Sharon does such beautiful work, it's a pleasure to finish off one of her flimsies!!   These will find homes with people in need of comfort through our quilt ministry - you'll see them again when they are gifted.

On other fronts, I've been working on the final admin stuff related to the Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge - 

I suddenly realized the final due date is in just 10 days, with giveaways to be confirmed, etc.  These ladies have worked so hard on their quilts - they deserve to be recognized on time!!  You can see some of their beautiful quilts on the Flickr group now, but I hope you'll come back on Sunday, July 31st to see all the quilts linked in!

So that's my whoop whoop (albeit small) entry for the week.  What have you been working on?  Big, small, finished or not, link up and go visit the other links and leave some encouragement for your fellow crafters!  It'll make both of you feel great!!!  And remember, you can link up through Saturday at midnight......




  1. Those two quilt are very lovely she did a great job. Oh yeah and congrats on the giveaway redraw at Lily's Quilts. Lucky you! That right there deserves and extra whoop whoop!

  2. Hi--congrats! I just saw you won at Lily Quilts! You'll love Aurifil thread, it's wonderful!

  3. You and Sharon make a good team -- love that Newspaper quilt! Whoop Whoop!

  4. Beautiful quilts. Really like the black and white with red.

  5. I love the black, white and red quilt. I know whoever receives it will love it too. The other one is also very pretty. congrad on your win.

  6. Love your Newspaper quilt! What a perfect name for it. The quilting is beautiful on it on both of them. Flower Garden is gorgeous!

  7. Nice job on your bindings! Both quilts beautiful and its nice that you can share the work to get them completed to go to someone who will love and apprciate them.

  8. Lucky duck you won thread!!! Yipee for you girl!!

    Still love that newspaper quilt the best:)

  9. Getting the binding on these two lovely quilts is a great finish!


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!