

Friday, October 21, 2011

Can I get a Whoop-Whoop?? Lazy Week....

Hi, all!

How did Friday get here so fast?  It seems like my week has just disappeared - probably because I've been a bit lazy!  But after wracking my brain, I did come up with a few finishes (or at least near finishes!) to post about!!  So here are my little finishes for the week....

I call this a small finish because I received this pieced top from Sharon this week, and all I had to do was quilt it!  Such a beautiful quilt - it was so windy today that I had a hard time getting a good picture, but it did give me an inspiration for the quilt's name - Geese On The Wind!  This quilt is for the quilt ministry - I'll be sharing more about it on Wednesday next week.

I also made this mini's - a placemat and two mug rugs - as samples for an open house we'll be having in November to introduce some new folks to quilting - although we're calling it "crafting"!  I need to make some more, but this is what I've done so far.  It's so much fun to just play with scraps - I love doing these!  I was definitely inspired by P. over at The Way I Sew It - she made so many pretty mini's this month!  If you haven't seen them, be sure to check them out!

Oh, and here's a great example of what happens if you don't keep your work area clean.....

No, that's not a shadow - somehow I managed to pick up an extra piece of fabric between the backing and the batting, and didn't notice it until I was pressing the binding down!  Guess I'll name this one Oops!!

So that's what I've been working on this week - I can see that I'm going to need to buckle down tomorrow and get some stuff done!  Oh well, I work best under pressure!!

So, now it's your turn!

What have you been working on this week?

Link up and share - 

We all want to see 


Give you a Whoop Whoop!!!




  1. That is an "oops!" I've managed to quilt stray bits of fabric to the backs of a couple of quilts, but never between the backing and batting!

  2. Your 'oops' is actually a good teaching tool! and you aren't the only one to do it. Yes, P has lots of lovely mini's - I'm thinking of going 'small' nest year - back to some monthly minis and just baby quilts and more small cross stitch pieces. Look forward to Weds update.

  3. Cute place mat and mug rugs!

    Don't you love it when you can get a good laugh while sewing even if you botch something up i n the process:P

  4. Love the geese quilt! And your minis are beautiful! So glad to have been a little inspiration. One of my "oops" moments was when I managed to put the backing of one of my minis wrong side out. I was halfway done quilting it and debated about letting it go as is. But I ultimately unpicked the stitching and started over the right way. Good thing it was only a small project!

  5. Thanks for sharing your "oops" - I love reading honest bloggers! You've inspired me to watch out for that a little better, haha. I've definitely done that before at some point! Also, the placemat is gorgeous, those fabrics work so well together.

  6. You get more done on a lazy week than I do in one that's devoted to quilting! LOL Happy weekend to you!

  7. You get more done in a lazy week than I do in a good month. :)

    Take another week off, you need it!

  8. Love that first quilt! Your little oops quilt will remind you you're human. I get reminded of it ALL the TIME!!! ;)

  9. Oh wow. Your quilt is awesome! You did a great job quilting the top. :o)

  10. This week has flown for me too & I feel like I have accomplished very little. I even missed last week's Whoop! Trying to find my groove...

    Love the quilt & the minis!

  11. I love the quilt and the pic of it - very nice.

    I have never done mini's - I will check out that site.

  12. The quilt Sharon made is so lovely! Great name. I've done that with pieces getting into my quilt without me knowing. But it gives it more character.

  13. Not bad for a lazy week! Beautiful quilt and your minis are awesome!

  14. ok, i'm laughing a little bit at your oops quilt. that's pretty funny! (sorry...not in a mean way...)

    i LOVE the geese quilt. your photo is just lovely, too.

    thanks for linking up to finish it up Friday!

  15. If this is what you accomplish when you're feeling lazy, I can't imagine what you get done in a productive week!! LoL That quilt is just beautiful... Great job!


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