

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hands2Help - Featuring Guest Blogger Amanda Jean Nyberg

Hi, all!

It's Sunday again - and time to welcome another guest blogger to the Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge!  Today we welcome Amanda Jean Nyberg of Crazy Mom Quilts - a fabulous blog that never fails to inspire me and pad my quilting bucket list!  And not only does she have a great blog, but she has co-authored a book called Sunday Morning Quilts, full of great designs and quilting tips.  Be sure to check it out - after you read her great tutorial below!  So now, without further ado, here's Amanda Jean!


Hello, I'm Amanda Jean from Crazy Mom Quilts. I'm happy to be a guest here on Sarah's blog. I love to see what Sarah and the members of her quilt ministry do to help others that are hurting and in need. I'm always blown away by the beautiful quilts that they crank out week after week. It's truly inspiring!

Today I'm happy to share a little tutorial today for my 
Sixteen Tons quilt. I hope that you use this pattern to make a (or several) quilt(s) for the Hands2Help Quilt Challenge, or for the charity of your choice. Or both!  Let's get started....
To make this quilt you will need:
various scraps-none smaller than 2.5" square
1 1/2 yards background fabric (I think I only used 1 1/4 yards, so I rounded up for you already)
52" x 63" batting
1/2 yard for binding
2 3/4 yards for backing
From your scraps, cut several 2.5" squares and sew them together in 4 rows of 4 to make a 16 patch block. Press seams in opposite directions so they will nest together when sewn. Or, you could strip piece these blocks using 2.5" strips (great way to use leftover binding strips) rather than cutting each square individually. The unfinished block should measure 8.5" square. Square up if necessary.
Make 20 blocks.
From the background fabric, cut the pieces in the following order to ensure maximum fabric usage:
Cut 4 squares 12 5/8", and cut in half on the diagonal twice to make quarter square triangles. These will be used for the setting triangles on all 4 sides. (there will be two extra setting triangles)
Cut 2 squares 6 5/8", and cut in half on the diagonal once, to make half square triangles. These will be used for the corners.
Cut 12 squares 8.5". These will be used as the setting blocks.
On a design wall or the floor, arrange your blocks on point in a pleasing arrangement. Take a digital photo to check for color clumping or anything that bugs you in the layout. Rearrange blocks if necessary.
Once you are happy with the layout, add the setting blocks to the outside edges of the quilt as shown. (The quarter square triangles.)
Then add the 4 corners as shown. (The half square triangles)
Finally, add in the setting blocks as shown.
Sew the blocks together, working in diagonal rows. Press the seams toward the background fabric.
Once all the blocks are sewn into rows, sew the rows together. Press seams to one side.
Square up your quilt top. It should measure 46" x 57".

Then quilt and bind as desired!


Okay, now I'm off to go pull fabrics for one of these great quilts!  I mean, seriously, how cute is that?  And it uses up little scraps - woohoo!!  Thanks, Amanda Jean, for making my bucket list a little longer!!

And remember, if you're just now stumbling across the Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge, there's still time to join in the fun!  You can read more about it by clicking on the tab at the top of my blog page, or by clicking on the Hands2Help tag at the end of this post.  

Be sure to join us next week when Lisa Roddy of Shiner's View will be our guest blogger!




  1. Fun pattern - can see the 2.5" as fussy I Spy - even themes for each 16-patch. You could even have your setting triangle one color and the inner solid different. So many possibilities.

  2. I like this quilt idea thanks for the great suggestion.

  3. It's decided. This is the pattern I'm using. Time to get crackin'. You see, there are advantages to procrastinating. :)

  4. Excellent. Easy, peasy. Good thing I have Sit'n'Sew tonight! I have a jelly roll that needs a new home (perfect 2.5 inches) or should I use that charm pack pile? Darn. Time to choose.

  5. Fun quilt, and a pretty use of scraps too! As a variation, I think it'd look nice too with the darker setting triangles on the outside and white between the 16-patches, like the one photo on the design wall before the solid squares are added. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Looks like a fun quilt, a good way to use those 2 1/2" squares we cut and save from our scraps!

  7. I've been watching Amanda make this over on her blog, happy to have the measurements. Great quilt, thanks for sharing!


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!