

Monday, April 16, 2012

Make-A-List Monday #91! More Done Than I Thought...

Hi, all!

Monday's here again, and I was thinking I didn't get so much done on last week's list - then I ended up putting a quilt on the frame this afternoon and voila!  A good result!!  So let's take a look at last week's list....

1.  Make a "blues" quilt for a man with cancer.
Done!  This one will be delivered tomorrow...

2.  Make a bright quilt for a 12-year old with a rare disease.
Done!  Also to be delivered tomorrow...

3.  Quilt a top for a 16-year old with ovarian cancer.
Done!  This quilt is s-o-o-o-o soft...

And look at that backing - a great old piece of vintage
(36" wide) fabric - soft as butter!

4.  Quilt a top for a woman with cancer.
Almost done - quilted, and I'll bind it tomorrow morning
first thing!

5.  Quilt a top for a man with throat cancer.
I didn't have time to get to this one this week - 
but I hope to put it on the frame tomorrow.
One of my sewing sisters made a back for it
on Saturday so it's ready to go!

And I'd like you to meet some of my sewing sisters!!

Robin, cutting scraps, and Joyce, making a back...

Ann, ironing scraps...

...and Pam, Lori, Katy, Margaret, and Debora
working on various projects!!

So that's what I managed to get accomplished last week.  Much better than I thought I had done!!  And here's what's on the list for this week...

1.  Quilt the quilt for the man with throat cancer.

2.  Pull tops for three men's quilts, border if needed, and 
prepare backs for them.

3.  Pull a top for a woman's quilt, border if needed, and 
prepare back for it.

4.  Quilt a top for a woman recently widowed.

I'd love to get all these tops quilted this week but I'm not holding my breath.  If I get two of them quilted and the other four ready to quilt, I'll be a happy camper!!


One other thing I wanted to share with you - today I saw a church sign that really made me think.  It said...

Imagine what it would be like
if you woke up tomorrow 
and all you had
was what you thanked God for today.

What a wake-up call!  Really makes you think about cultivating an "attitude of gratitude", doesn't it?   Well, here's three things I'm really thankful for - this really makes me smile...  Push the play button and see if it doesn't make you smile too!!

So now - - - what are you working on this week?




  1. You are amazing! You get so much done! I love the video-your granddaughter is a lovely singer!

  2. WOnderful quilts and so nice to see the group of gals who assist. Great video with the thought of 'gratitude'. Thank you for sharing. Oh, this week I am simply relaxing, enjoying a few steps of quilting and sharing some sewing space with my SIL.

  3. Aaaaawwwwwww! That video is the cutest thing! Great job on your list this week - you run rings around me :*)

  4. You and your team are amazing, I have a feeling at night you dream of quilts.

  5. I have a skirt I want to finish, cut out a dress I am amking for a friend, and a Grandmother's Flower Gardne quilt I'm hand piecing.

  6. Attitude of gratitude sounds like a marvelous idea to me Sarah;)

  7. Fun to meet the other girls!

    This week I finish the quilt for Project Linus (in the evenings I hand stitch the binding). During the days I'm working on the H2H quilt... top done, now the part I dislike most, basting.

  8. All your quilts are so beautiful, Sarah! So nice to get help with the backings - it's one of the parts I dread. Hope you have a productive (and thankful!) week!

  9. Amazing! I like them all but I love the bright colored one!!! That sign would make me think too.... I better start thanking him for more!!


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!