

Monday, April 23, 2012

Make-A-List Monday - Thankful for Progress!

Hi, all!

How was your weekend?  I hope you had a good one - I sure did!  My wonderful hubby put a couple of new cabinets in our bathroom, so we now have much more counter space than we did before - it's so nice to have a place to put stuff!  And then he went to my daughter's house and fixed her toilet - what a guy!  He was a plumbing maniac this weekend!  I got a little bit of quilting done this weekend, though, to top off a pretty productive week.  Let's see how I did on my week from last Monday...

1.  Quilt the quilt for the man with throat cancer.
Done and delivered!  

2.  Pull tops for three men's quilts, border if needed, and 
prepare backs for them.
All three tops pulled, one quilted and delivered, one ready to go on the frame, one still needs borders and a back.

3.  Pull a top for a woman's quilt, border if needed, and 
prepare back for it.
Done and delivered!

4.  Quilt a top for a woman recently widowed.
Done and delivered!

And I have another woman's quilt on the frame - doing a little fancy quilting on it, which is taking longer, but it has been a learning experience, for sure!  I spent several hours Sunday afternoon trying out some new techniques....

So here's what's on the list for this week...

1.  Finish the woman's quilt that's on the frame.

2.  Quilt the blue and white man's quilt.

3.  Put borders on the Jacob's Ladder top, make a back, and quilt.

4.  Pull a couple of baby quilts for this week's newborns!

I'm headed to Paducah for the quilt show this weekend, so I think this is probably all I can get to this week.  And maybe not this much - but it's worth a shot!!

So - - - what are you working on this week???




  1. What lovely quilts on your line today! Oh, Paducah - enjoy yourself.The only monthly goal not done is the FMQ challenge - only because I don't have a lot of the supplies they use so may skip this one. So some fun, relaxing play for the week.

  2. Woohoo for productivity! Hope you have fun at the quilt show in Paducah - that show's definitely on my bucket list!

  3. Wow - what a week you've had! Love the quilt. And enjoy the show.

  4. Have fun in Paducah! Great finishes! Can't wait to see how much of your list you get done this week.

  5. Beautiful quilts. Have a wonderful time in Paducah. A friend of mine has a quilt in the show. Her name is Sharon Murphy and the quilt is called Radience. She created it with her friend, and it is stunning. If you see it, could you please take a photo and shoot it to me so I could share it with her.

  6. Great quilts hanging today. Love the bright batiks.

  7. One quilt is ready to trace out the applique, one quilt is on the design wall, hope to get it ready to put on the frame soon. I'll post pics once the blocks are together. Have a blast, relax and think of all of us who are with you in spirit!

  8. Beautiful quilts! Gee, too bad you and your handyman hubby don't live closer. We had a cupboard door come off its fancy hinge yesterday, and neither one of us can get it back on to stay. So I guess we just have "open shelving" for awhile!

  9. Awesome list! I dusted off my machine the other day and hope to have something done this week, but it may be too ambitious to actually 'list' it :) have a great week!

  10. I just found your blog through another. Your quilts are beautiful! You are inspiring to me. Thankyu.

  11. Enjoy the quilt show! I hope it exceeds your expectations!

  12. Beautiful quilts as always. I just looking at your lately projects.


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