

Friday, December 14, 2012

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Reveal Time!!

Hi, all!

Well, as the Kohl's commercial reminded me this evening there are only twelve shopping sewing days left until Christmas!  Eek!!  But I'm very happy to be able to whoop about two finishes that have been delivered to their new homes....

Here's the first - a really pretty modern quilt based on a design in the most recent Quilty magazine, I think.  It was really easy but I was surely glad I had a design wall!  I had to do some figuring to make it larger - the one in the magazine is only 47" square and this one is 60" square, so it's not an exact copy but it's close.  Minimal straight line quilting finished it off.  This quilt is now living with my husband's boss and his wife!

And this gorgeous quilt is based on this picture of what I believe was a mini-quilt.  It involved a lot of math and finger-crossing that it would work, but I'm so pleased with the result!   It's got lots of my carefully hoarded Grunge fabrics in it, plus some pretty batiks and lots of Kona cotton, in Bone, if I remember correctly.

The color's truer in the first picture, but you can see the miles and miles of straight line quilting in this quilt here.  All of the Kona is straight-line quilted in 1/4 inch lines.  It gives it such great texture - I kept petting it right up until the time I put it in the gift bag!  This quilt was gifted to my husband's assistant, who is pretty amazing - and I know she'll give it a great home!!

So those are my quilt-y whoop whoops this week!  Today I'll be spending the day with this little charmer...

who turns five on Sunday!  Oh, and she had her own whoop whoop today - look what she made!

In case you can't tell, that's a s'more made with two different colors of felt (beige and dark brown) and a cotton ball!  No coaching from me, she came up with this all on her own - cut it out and put it together and handed it to me!  That's my girl!!

Anyway, Lilli and I will be spending the day together today, going to see a movie and a few other special things, while this little mess...

... is having her cochlear implant surgery!  Please say a quick prayer for a successful implant and quick healing, and for calm parents........


So that's what I'm whooping about this week!

Now it's your turn - what's making you happy today?

Share with us so we can whoop right along with you!

The party will remain open until Sunday night...

Be there or be square!!




  1. Whoop! Whoop!

    Gorgeous quilts! You are a very generous quilter to give two away to your spouse's work peeps. I only did the one for my hubby's boss and I was talking myself into actually giving it to him the whole entire time I was making it!

  2. Beautiful finishes! I love the first quilt, great colours!
    Hope you can have a fun day and the little one's surgery goes well :)

  3. Fantastic quilts - enjoy your Lilli day and many prayers and blessings.

  4. You're giving them AWAY?! You are not only a gifted designer and quilter, but also a woman with a large and loving heart!
    Blessings to your littlest pipsqueak for a safe and successful surgery.

  5. You should be Whoop Whooping it up. The quilts are beautiful. What wonderful gifts you have made and given. Prayers going your way.

  6. Prayers are their for a successful surgery and keeping everyone calm.

  7. I too am praying for a successful surgery and keeping everyone calm. And I really like your fresh modern quilt. The yellow with the gray is so appealing to me!

  8. Your little Lili is so clever! She must have inherited your genes!
    Your quilts are beautiful!!
    Prayers for the little one and the nervous parents!

  9. Stunning work this week Sarah!! I love the yellow top one with the triangles tumbling down! I love the grunge/batiks one for the colors and the diamond shape:)

    A friend of mine has a little girl that has had the cochlear surgery. Hope all goes well for your granddaughter and her parents.

    Happy Birthday to Lilli!!!

  10. Beautiful quilts! Prayers for the little one!

  11. Nothing for me to Whoop about this week, but WOW! That quilt for your hubby's assistant is fantabulous! :D

  12. oh!! And a cochlear implant! What a marvelous Christmas present. :D Sure hope everything goes as it should.

  13. Wow, your quilts are beautiful. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way.

  14. Wow Sarah! I love your finishes!!!
    They will be thrilled to receive such gorgeous gifts - I know I would! Such a lot of quilting on the kona :*) Will be praying for successful surgery & calm, peaceful parents & grandparents!

  15. WOW, wonderful quilty gifts for your husbands co-workers. They will love your generosity. Sending prayers with healing thoughts for Emmy, and a calm, smooth sailing day for parents.
    Happy Birthday Lilli!

  16. I love the colors in both quilts -- very inspiring. Have a good day with your little charmer!

  17. Your quilts are gorgeous. And happy thoughts for the little one in surgery.

  18. Praying for a speedy recovery for that sweet baby and calm for everyone else! Merry Christmas!!

  19. Prayers for prayers! I remember when my second son had a double hernia operation near Christmas time, and he was only 9 months old. We were messed up.

    Beautiful quilts - thanks for the linky party.

  20. The quilts turned out beautiful.
    They should truly love them. I'm so busy right now I can't even stop to take pictures. Will keep your family in my prayers. Children bounce back far quicker than the parents do and I hope the surgery is a success.

  21. Both of those quilts are beautiful! The quilting on the one for your husbands assistant is phenom!

  22. I love the quilts!!! So much fun! Let us know how everything turned out with her surgery...praying for your family.

  23. Beautiful finishes! I hope Emmy's surgery went well and her recovery is smooth.

  24. How did the surgery go? All good I'm hoping. That Lilli is going to be a heartbreaker!

    I love the quilt you gave your husband's assistant. Stunning!

  25. Wow, I can't believe Lilli's already turning 5 - she's growing up so quickly! Your two quilts look great - I especially love the modern one. Hope all went well with Emmy's surgery and that everyone's recuperating.

  26. Prayers going up for her during and after surgery. Hugs to you all!

  27. Love both--especially the modern quilt! I hope the surgery went well!

  28. I sure hope the surgery goes well for the little one and the implant is a sucess! My best freiend's husband is going through that right now.


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!