

Monday, March 25, 2013

Make A List Monday - Swamped But Loving It!

Hi, all!

Well, the title of this post says it all - with the start of the Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge, I'm drowning in emails that need to be responded to and still searching for sponsors for the challenge, but it's so wonderful to see the response so far! There's still plenty of time to sign up to qualify for the sign-up giveaway (you can join in any time, but if you do before Saturday midnight, there's a nice giveaway you might win!)  You can read more about the challenge here.

I've almost been afraid to look at my list from last week, so let's check it out together (maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised!)....

1. Get the Hands2Help Challenge up and running!
Done!  There's still a good bit of administrative work to do, 
but it's running!

2.  Mail giveaway loot and shop sales items.
Done!  I hope everyone's received their goodies...

3.  Quilt and bind man's quilt for ministry.

4.  Finishing piecing ministry quilt for baby boy.
5.  Quilt the baby boy ministry quilt.
I didn't get to this particular quilt but I did quilt this baby boy quilt for the ministry...

... and these two women's quilts for the ministry!

6.  Finish up the quilter's apron pattern.
Didn't get to this one...

7.  Make a lanyard (or two!) for the shop.
...or this one!

8.  Make Easter dresses for the granddaughters!
Almost finished!  Take a look...

...Lilli's dress...

...and Emmy's! 
Just a little bit of handwork to do to finish these!

9.  List new items in the shop.
Done!  I made these pincushions in the car while riding to Lancaster...

...and I also finished these key chains!

And I don't feel so bad about my work last week, because I also took time to make this cutie for Emmy's birthday...

Isn't she adorable?  Emmy liked her, too!

So all in all, not too bad even though I didn't get to everything I wanted to.  Let's see what's on the agenda for this week...

1.  Finish the girls' Easter dresses.

2.  Finish the administrative work on the Hands2Help Challenge.

3.  Finish the quilter's apron pattern.

4.  Make those lanyards!

5.  Piece the baby boy quilt and quilt it.

6.  Handle any needs that arise for the quilt ministry.

7.  Draw detailed plans for my new worktable in the studio. (Hubby just can't see my vision from my description!)

I'm sure there's more I need to do, but I sure can't think of anything else right now!  So this will have to do.


And now, I want to put in a plug for a friend of mine.  Pam made this absolutely gorgeous king-size quilt for her father, finishing it after many years of work.  But while she was finishing it, her father moved into a nursing home and now can no longer use such a large quilt.  Not wanting her labor of love to go to waste, Pam decided to raffle it off to benefit the charity Blood:Water Mission. The proceeds from her raffle will go to build a well in a small village in Africa.  She's hoping to raise $7,000 and she's over halfway there!  You can read more about it here.

And she hand quilted this gorgeous thing in the Baptist fan pattern.  I've seen it in person and it's an amazing quilt (and I want it BAD!), so I can't believe I'm encouraging all of you to click on the "Donate Now" button on the right side bar.  You get one entry for every $10 you donate.    Pam will be drawing a winner on Easter Sunday (March 31st) so move quick!!  And I'll promise to keep my fingers crossed for you if you'll cross yours for me!


So now the question is - - - what are you working on this week?




  1. Beautiful quilt, but I believe it was made by Bonnie Hunter and donated for auction. Sounds like a great cause.

  2. Another busy week for you! Love the Easter dresses. Must be an American thing, having a new dress for Easter as its not something we do here in Oz! Besides which Easter is usually in our Autumn (not that we've had much change in our weather yet but I'm forever hopeful of some cool rainy weather soon!) so a summer dress wouldn't work!

  3. Actually, Teri, Pam wrote Bonnie about the quilt and Bonnie generously posted about it on her blog. You can read her post here:

  4. Now, I find the comment button. Sorry about that.
    Whew, you are a busy lady. Making lists are very helpful.

  5. I am having a technology challenged moment today. What do I click on to sign up for the Hands2Help?


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!