

Monday, April 6, 2015

Make-A-List Monday - Change Is In The Air!

Hi, all!

I hope you all had a beautiful and joyous Easter!  It was a wonderful weekend here, filled with family as always...

Lilli's smile, missing a tooth...

Emmy's smile, with banana (what a monkey!)

And all three of my beautiful girls!
I also had my wonderful husband at home for a four-day weekend, which was lots of fun - we did some projects around the house that needed doing, although it infringed on my sewing time!  So let's see how last week's list went...

1.  Clean up the guest room so it's ready for the girls to stay when their parents go to get Nathanael.
Done!  Lilli helped me do this on Wednesday - she's a whiz at cleaning!!  And she enjoys it, too.  I don't know where she got that from!  Certainly not me...

2.  Set up a home office space for my hubby.
Mostly done!  I still need to hang a new light fixture...

 ,,,and sort through a few books...

 but I think we can say this is essentially done.  And I've still got a toddler nap area/spare bedroom!

3.  Write the book review blogpost.
Done! You can read it here and there's a giveaway, so you ought to check it out!

4.  Write the "Meet The Sponsors" H2H blogpost. (This one always takes a bit of time to pull together...)
Done!  You should check it out - lots of wonderful sponsors have stepped up to offer giveaway items for the folks who participate in Hands2Help this year!  And if you don't know about Hands2Help, click the Hands2Help Page tab at the top of this blog to read more about it!

5.  Cut out Emmy's bed quilt.
Mostly done. I've been so anxious to see if my plan would work that I've been cutting a few, then sewing them up - see?

6.  Finish two orphan block flimsies for the quilt ministry.
I didn't get to this one...

7.  Repair the antique crazy quilt for my friend.
...or this one, although I did purchase the things I needed to repair the quilt top.  

8.  Keep up with all ministry needs that arise.
In a trend we've noticed before, we had no requests for quilts between Palm Sunday and Easter!  I don't know why, but it seems to happen every year.  It gives us a short breather, at least!

One thing I did this week was to finally get on Instagram!  You can find me as @fabricaddictquilts, and I'd love it if you'd follow me so I can follow you! I've been posting progress shots of what I'm working on (and a lot of pics of my girls) but it's a fun way to see what everyone's working on!  So if you're on there let me know!

I also went today to visit a new-to-me quilt shop, run by a great blog friend - FabricsNQuilts, owned by Shannon Ownby!

That's Shannon on the left...
Her shop is about two hours away in Jamestown, TN.  It was an interesting drive - way out in the country!  En route, I saw deer, a multitude of taxidermy shops (including one called Tanning & Taxidermy, which gave me pause until I realized they meant tanning animal hides, not "sun-tanning"!), longhorn steers, and a beautiful section of I-40 lined with blooming redbud trees!  I'll share more about her shop in an upcoming post, but if you're going to the AQS show in Paducah at the end of this month, be sure to look for Shannon under the big white bubble!  She has some great stuff in her shop and she's bringing a lot of it with her....

OK - I didn't get everything done last week.  Oh well, best laid plans and all that... Let's see what's planned for this week!

1.  Finish piecing Emmy's quilt top.

2.  Put up two new light fixtures - 
Bill's office and my sewing room.

3.  Start repairs on the crazy quilt.

4.  Learn the grandgirls' new schedule
 (Emmy is now in preschool!)  
because I'll have to cart them around while their
parents are in China!

5.  Choose pattern and fabric for a gift quilt.

6.  Quilt a child's quilt for the ministry.

7.  Keep up with all quilt ministry needs that arise.

I'm going to keep it short and sweet this week, so I can concentrate on finishing Emmy's quilt top.  It's an interesting exercise - I took a paper-piecing template that wasn't large enough for what I wanted to do, enlarged it, and found out that I still can't get the hang of paper piecing.  So I created templates for each of the pieces, then pieced them in the normal fashion. It seems to be working - hooray!

And just for fun, here's some more pics!  Last Friday was Emmy's third birthday, and I made her a cute little twirly skirt.  I couldn't get her to try it on, but I did hold it up to her and my husband took a picture...

And then on Sunday, we celebrated her birthday with the family, and it was cake and birthday singing time!  Here's Emmy singing along and blowing out her candle...

So now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. you have been so busy! I always have more projects going then I should also - right now I am working on four of my projects pretty much every day

  2. Good luck with all your to-do's this week - you always have such an ambitious list! I love Emmy's pennant quilt in progress, and I can see how using templates would be so much easier than paper piecing those blocks. It's going to be a cute quilt when it's done!

  3. Emmy's quilt is great! What a fun idea! Send Lilli my way. I could really use someone that likes to clean. We are sadly lacking in that area here. :)

  4. That was so precious... singing along, really you just can't help yourself.
    Love her quilt-to-be. The flags flying this way and that make it really joyous. (A good choice for a big sister. She'll enjoy this as an adult, too.)
    I'd love to know what I'll work on this week... Wish I could tell you. I'm behind on stuff.
    Listen, anytime you need something paper pieced, just ask. You could send me the pattern if I don't have it. I'd be happy to do it for you.

  5. Love the pictures of the girls!

    I think some people are born with the cleaning gene (Norm was, me not so much, maybe Lilli?). :)

  6. It was so great to see you! And not just because of sweet treats! What a fun Easter at your house! monkey with a banana made me smile :)

  7. You may not have finished everything on last week's list but you really DID a lot. I hope this week is going well.

    We've had two weeks of crazy family stuff so I am way behind on blogging (reading and posting) and almost NO sewing. I still have two H2H quilts to bind and another to make.

  8. the banner, or pennant quilt is so much fun I want to make one!!
    It was fun to see the rooms being readied for guests and use. I'm so messy it would be terrific to have anyone help me clear up...

    I don't see the link for your party... LeeAnna


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!