

Monday, April 13, 2015

Make-A-List Monday - The IGDFMYFAGR Version!

Hi, all!

Well, I'm calling this week's post the IGDFMLFAGR version - that means the "I Got Distracted From My List For A Good Reason" version!  You'll see why in a minute...

So here's how last week's list went...

1.  Finish piecing Emmy's quilt top.
Done!  And not only did I finish piecing it, I quilted and finished it!  I'll be posting about it on Friday, but here's a teaser picture...

2.  Put up two new light fixtures - 
Bill's office and my sewing room.
Done!  Why in the world did I wait so long to do this?  I wanted to leave the vintage light fixtures up, but the one in my studio gave off very little light - this one is so much brighter I can even work in there at night without going blind!

3.  Start repairs on the crazy quilt.
I didn't get to this one...

4.  Learn the grandgirls' new schedule
 (Emmy is now in preschool!)  
because I'll have to cart them around while their
parents are in China!

5.  Choose pattern and fabric for a gift quilt.
More about this below, but yes, I did this!

6.  Quilt a child's quilt for the ministry.
I didn't get to this...

7.  Keep up with all quilt ministry needs that arise.
Done!  It's a long list this week...

This quilt went to a woman with terminal cancer who was put on hospice care this week...

This quilt went to a new baby boy, the grandson of our longtime church secretary...

This quilt went to an elderly woman in the hospital...

This quilt, pieced by Deb using AmandaJean's Long Division quilt pattern, went to a farmer diagnosed with kidney cancer...

This quilt, pieced by Olga (you can see her peeking out over the top of the quilt!) is going to her father, who has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer...

...and this quilt, Deb and Eddie's version of my Interlocking Stars pattern, went to a woman who, while serving as caregiver to a woman who had a lung transplant, was herself diagnosed with breast cancer.

We also decided to send five quilts to Quilts of Compassion, who put out a call for quilts for the victims of the Illinois tornados this week.  We had extra quilts on hand, so we voted to send some to them!

And here's the reason I didn't get to everything on my list this week!  

I was asked to test drive a new pattern written by Christina Cameli of A Few Scraps - and this is the lovely result!  You all are going to love this pattern - I'll feature the quilt and do a post on it when she releases the pattern - and maybe even do a giveaway of a copy!  But in the meantime, I'm finishing this one up to give as a gift.  

So that's how the week went. The pattern testing was an unexpected task, but always a pleasure, and since she needed the feedback before releasing the pattern, I moved it up to the top of the list.

And here's what's on the table for this week...

1.  Finish the gift quilt.

2.  Check with a local fabric shop to see if I can hang out in their space while Emmy is in preschool for the next two weeks (more about this below!)

3.  Prepare projects I can take with me to work on while Emmy is in preschool.

4.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that arise.

It's a very short list this week, because my daughter and her husband leave Thursday morning (yes, THIS Thursday!) to go to China and pick up Nathanael, and that means I take on full-time Nana duties until May 1st!  It will be a lot of fun, but it will also seriously cut into my sewing time.  Lilli has to be at school at 7:15 AM, then Emmy has to be at school at 11:30 - and her school is 40 minutes from my house.  They both get out of school at 2:30, so it doesn't make much sense to come home and then go back.  I'm hoping one of the quilt shops near her school will let me hang out there and do some work - keep your fingers crossed for me!  Maybe I can get that antique crazy quilt repaired in the next two weeks.....

So now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. Phew! Looks like you're speeding ahead with lots of projects on the go these days!!! It's been a while since I've popped in, but it's lovely to see all is going well :) How lovely to be on full-time Nanny duties of the rest of the month! That will be so special for you and the girls - enjoy!!! x

  2. You have seriously been busy!! Hoping you find a 'sit-n-sew" spot for your wait time.

  3. Your church does amazing work with the quilt ministry is very inspiring!
    It won't be long before your new grandson is in hugging distance!

    i loved Christina's FMQ sampler and yours turned out great! Can't wait to see what you did for the quilting.

    Sarah, a quilt shop would most likely Love to let you hang out there and i bet you make some new sewing friends too!

  4. I am working on too many things right now - 6 projects at least a little here and there. a whole month - I guess they give the new parents time to bond with the child before they leave China - I do not know the process but that sounds like a good thing if it is that reason.

  5. Whew! You make me tired just thinking about all you do! Your projects all look great and I sure hope you find a new hang-out for the next few weeks. Have a great week. :-)

  6. Congrats on getting closer to meeting your new grandson in person.

  7. Exciting times! I hope everything goes smoothly and you get to meet your new grandson in person soon!

  8. It's so exciting that Nathanael will soon be physically part of the family -- I know he has been part of your hearts for a long time. Looking forward to seeing the test pattern; it looks complicated.

  9. Good luck with your list, your grandma duties, and all your scheduling challenges! But it's all good, Nathanael will soon be home.

  10. Exciting times for your family and what fun you will have with your granddaughters. Good luck getting the space at your LQS.

  11. Love the colors you chose for your test drive! Can't wait to see the full picture of it!

  12. Woohoo! A new grandson is on the way (tomorrow)!

  13. I just love reading your blog. Thanks for sharing. Love your test quilt. I think I'm going to have to get that pattern!

  14. I really like the new pattern and your test quilt is gorgeous.

    So by my calculation, depending on when their first flight left yesterday, they might now be in CHINA! When do they get or tomorrow? I'm hanging on the edge of my seat as I sure you are waiting to see the first new family pics.


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!