

Monday, March 21, 2016

Make-A-List Monday - New Week, New Beginnings!

Hi, all!

A new week is like a new beginning, isn't it?  You can start over and see what wonderful things can be done in the next seven days.  I can't wait to get started - but first, let's look back and see how last week's list progressed...

1.  Use this stack of pretty, spring-y fabrics to test drive a quilt pattern for a friend.
Done!  Unfortunately, I can't show you this one until the pattern is released...

2.  More string blocks from that green tub!
Done - but only three more.  I just flat ran out of time... but now I have thirteen of these beauties!

3.  Make a quilt from some lawn samples for a baby that may be coming early.
Done!  I just love this quilt - it's so soft and cuddly!!  I definitely want to work with lawn fabrics again sometime!

4.  Blogposts for I May Have A Scrap Problem, Whoop Whoop Friday and Hands2Help!
Done, hallelujah!  It was a busy week, but the blogposts must go out. If you missed anything, you can see the scrap post by clicking here, Whoop Whoop Friday by clicking here, and this weekend's Hands2Help post by clicking here!

5.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up!
Done!  We gave away several quilts this week...

This quilt went to a woman whose aunt died this week..

...and this quilt went to the same woman's fiance.

This quilt went to a gentleman recently diagnosed with cancer; he is starting chemo and radiation this week.

This quilt went to a gentleman with a ruptured colon; he is in the hospital, under sedation.

This quilt went to a brand new baby girl in our church family!

And these quilts (all 18 of them!) went to our local General Hospital, to be distributed to the underprivileged newborns that pass through their halls!

So a pretty busy week, all in all, and thanks to a clear afternoon, I did manage to get the whole list done!  Here's what's on tap for this week...

1.  Work on two commission twin-size bed quilts.

2.  Make a dress for Emmy for her 4th birthday!

3.  Must. Do. Taxes.  (boo!!)

4.  Must. Change. Oil.  (really!)

5.  Make more string blocks.

6.  Inspiration post for I May Have a Scrap Problem.

7.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

I'm hoping to work through all of this and add some things to my completions for the week, but I'm trying to be realistic - with the Easter weekend coming up, my hubby will be home more and we may end up doing something fun instead!

So now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. I've worked with Lawn fabrid before and it is a different feel. All lovely quilts and what a generous gift of quilts. You folks are just a blessing.

  2. Sarah,
    Another batch of lovely quilts! I'm working on a quilt for a friend who is moving, but I think I'll be able to make some time for one color string blocks. I really like your green string blocks.

  3. Donations of 4 boxes of scraps & fabrics this week need to wash 2 boxes then distribute to church members to iron. Beginning a "heart pillow" project for "Race for the Cure" this July. Took for 3 weeks in December and I have been behind on my bucket list.

  4. I'm rushing to make one more scrap quilt before I switch gears to two commissioned baby quilts. I love Monday's here, it's like a mini quilt show, I always see something I love.

  5. Wow! You are so ambitious and talented. The quilts are all beautiful.

  6. Oh my! You are an inspiration! I know lists help, but I can't seem to cross anything completely off my list. Maybe I should start small with #1: brush my teeth - check!

  7. Still puttering away at my heart wall hanging. And thinking of how I'm going to do a ton of sewing (I hope) at the retreat I signed up for as a daycamper. Wayyyyy outta my comfort zone.

  8. Recently found your blog and I love it. Question: What will you do with the green blocks? Also what do you use to sew your strips on. We use telephone book pages or end rolls of paper we can get free from the newspaper publishing company. Paula in KY

  9. Recently found your blog and I love it. Question: What will you do with the green blocks? Also what do you use to sew your strips on. We use telephone book pages or end rolls of paper we can get free from the newspaper publishing company. Paula in KY


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!