

Monday, August 8, 2016

Make-A-List Monday - Joining the Conversation!

Hi, all!

Wow, it's been an eventful week since last Monday!  If you didn't see this post by Rachel over at Stitched in Color, I highly recommend that you give it a read.  In light of so many recent changes in the quilting industry lately, it will certainly make you think!  I mentioned it in my Whoop Whoop Friday blogpost and received a lot of very thoughtful comments as a result.  I'm hoping to take those and also the comments on Rachel's post and study them carefully, looking to see what people like (and don't like!) about blogs and blogging.  So take a few minutes and join in the conversation!

But there's lots of other things going on here - like the stuff from last week's list!  Let's see how that went...

1.  Finish the second t-shirt commission quilt.
Woohoo!!!  Done Done Done!!!

2.  Meet with a customer about two more t-shirt quilts.
Done!  The T-shirts are stashed away, the plans are made, and the background fabrics are ordered.

3.  Work on a set of placemats (more commission work).
In progress!  These are ready for quilting, as the result of a lot of work today!

4.  Work on a rocker cushion and pillow (more commission work!)
Done and delivered!  I really love the way these turned out, and hopefully I can get a picture of them on the rocker they were made for soon!

I'm also really excited about the back of that pillow - being too lazy to drag out the sewing machine that does buttonholes, I had the idea to use a man's shirt (with placket) to make the back of the pillow!  It worked great, and took just a fraction of the time it would have taken to construct my own placket and stitch the buttonholes!

5.  Work on blocks to finish a quilt started by a ministry member who died recently.  This quilt will go back to her husband.
In progress!  I have finished some of the blocks needed, but this is an ongoing project as I fit it in between other projects...

6.  Brainstorm and test ideas for an upcoming (secret) project! 
So exciting!
There's a whole lot of brainstorming going on here - and let's just say I did some jumping up and down and squealing when I saw this in my driveway today...

7.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Fortunately, it was a quiet week with no quilt requests.  Good thing, too, because Grace (our BlockRockIt) decided to have an "internal sensor error" and had to be shipped back to The Grace Company for some R&R.  Keep her in your prayers, please?

So it was a good, productive week last week!  There's still lots to do, though, so let's see what's on tap for this week...

1.  Finish the placemats.

2.  Test a pattern for the secret project.

3.  Keep hunting for inspiration and ideas for that secret project!

4.  Finish the blocks for the ministry member's quilt.

5.  Start deconstructing t-shirts for the next two commission quilts.

6.  If time permits, quilt one last H2H quilt for Covered in Love!

7.  Review the comments on Rachel's blogpost.

8.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

Definitely more than enough to keep me busy!  Additionally, I've made a personal pledge to be better about leaving comments on blogs I visit and also to visit all the folks who link up for Whoop Whoop Friday, so that's keeping me super busy!  But it feels good to be back in conversation with so many of you - I've missed it!  I hope you'll join me in this effort...

So now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



Linking up with Let's Bee Social at Sew Fresh Quilts...


  1. I did read Rachel's blog post on blogs and some of the comments (too many to read them all) and I just have to say that quilt blogs are the way I keep up with the quilting universe. I don't do any other social media and have no desire to try. Blogs are still very important to many of us (maybe mostly seniors) so I hope blogs continue. There are still many good blogs out there so the silent followers have to speak up by commenting and letting the bloggers know it is still worth it. Thanks Sarah for all you do.

  2. Comments are what makes a blog so worthwhile, and although I find now with a lot on my list, I do not comment every day on every one, I do TRY hard to get those words out that are so appreciated. On Facebook, the "like" is a good alternative if you cannot find time to write some words, but real words from real cyber blog friends are the real thing.This week, finished a secret.. really I am thrilled as this is the first time I have finished a project so early, as it isn't needed for some months, so not a photo yet. But it is finished, totally, Onto the next one. A fab bag pattern that was on a Facebook page.And Sarah, you have had a very busy week, sewing, designing, finishing and blogging. Do fit in an hour or two for some R&R.

  3. I think I have to lie down to rest after reading what you accomplish week after week. My goal this week is to finish FMQing a quilt by Friday. I finished a quarter of it on Saturday so my goal isn't too unrealistic.


  4. That pillow back idea with the man's shirt is genius!!!

  5. I'll have to admit not reading every post of every blogger in my blogroll, but I do scan that first paragraph of each post to get a gist of the topic of the day. Never read "stash report" posts and hardly ever look at weekly linky parties (just too many of them going on) but I love to read about folks actual quilting process and tutorials for interesting blocks - example in point: your using that shirt front for the pillow back - super idea!

  6. I don't have any projects "under the needle" right now, but I do have UFOs that need worked on.
    I am in canning mode, trying to keep lots of figs from going to waste. Now that I have learned to make lower sugar jam, I am making for both my house and for Mom. (diabetes issues for us both)

  7. I just 'found' quilting about 2 years ago so I'm still learning and blogs have been a huge benefit. I try to sit down at least twice a week to read through my favorites. I'm one of the hobbyist bloggers Rachael speaks of - I use my blog to record all my makes. I'm so thankful to all the folks out there who put the time and effort into blogs with tutorials - I've learned so much in a relatively short time. And of course you know first hand I'm not shy about asking questions! Your help on my very first tshirt quilt made it a success!! Keep writing and I'll be here reading and commenting :-D

  8. I don't know how you find the time dear girl. I am still immersed in commission work too. I long for a day to just play in a bag of scraps.

  9. Ahh, don't tell us about a secret and then keep us hangin'...haha! My family knows I get uptight about secrets since I don't have the patience to wait. Will go play with my scraps instead, I guess. Thanks to your blog, I'm looking forward to working on a Stash Builders kit this week. Love the placket idea; will work that into a couch pillow I need to make some day soon.

  10. I read Rachel's post, found her blog from the links on your blog, also found a few others that I like. I read but am not good about commenting, will try to do better.

  11. I did go read her post, but I did not think about reading the comments. Good idea! You are one of the bloggers I did read while I was away. Your energy always amazes me. I want to be like you when I grow up! HA HA.

    After my father-in-law died, I was taking care of him, I felt empty and lost. Bloggers and quilting filled that space. I have been knocked off the bandwagon by family stuff and I am now just finding my way back. I have missed it. I found myself adrift again and realized I need to read my blogs and get back to sewing. I don't have near as much time as I used to, but there is time in my day for a little sewing. I am doing the best I can to get back to my blog.

    Thank you for remaining constant. I know your life is very busy also, but you seem to do what I want to do. I have two granddaughters that I watch for part of the week, and a new one on the way. I see how you can fit in sewing, blogging, grand kids, your quilt ministry, personal stuff, on and on. Thank you!!

  12. Love the plaid pillow and chair seat. And I can't hardly believe how clever your shirt placket backing is! You are an inspiration :-)

  13. P.S. I enjoyed reading Rachel's article as well as the Q mag article she referred to. Interesting changes and their observations seem spot on. My own blog has been mostly a way to not be anonymous to other bloggers and to keep track of what I'm doing. I don't think I'm too entertaining and get only a few comments but it does seem to get read at least. I have hoped to get more prolific with my quilting and more to blog about but I seem to be having too much fun doing a little bit of everything to accomplish a lot of anything :-)

  14. You are awesome with tee shirt quilts! I made one once and swore never again. Your pillow placket idea is genius. So clever and such a time saver, and the shirting fabric is perfect with the rest of the pillow fabrics.

  15. I was following Rachel already, and her post is certainly thought provoking. There are a lot of comments on that article and I thought I had already commented on it but couldn't find it, so I commented today. Putting thread into fabric is therapy, so is using a glue gun, and I just have to talk about all the things I create.

  16. I checked out Rachel's post. Interesting. I'm not going anywhere. I love the blogs. Also, I love your rocker cushion and pillow. Clever, clever on the pillow back.

  17. I checked out Rachel's post. Interesting. I'm not going anywhere. I love the blogs. Also, I love your rocker cushion and pillow. Clever, clever on the pillow back.

  18. You had a very productive week. Your idea of using a mens shirt with placket for the back of the pillow was brilliant!

  19. KEEP BLOGGING!!!! This is my only 'social media'.


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!