

Monday, September 19, 2016

Make-A-List Monday - Whew! And I'm Still Alive!

Hi, all!

Wow!  It's Monday again, and I'm happy to say that I survived last week - and not only survived it, but did it in style.  I hope I don't have another week that busy for a while!  Let's see how it all went....

1.  Accept quilts for the quilt show this weekend.
Done! We had a good turnout of both quilts and visitors, and even had some folks show up for a little hands-on block making!

2.  Work with the long-arm repairman to get Grace up and running again!
Done!  It took a bit of doing, but Grace (our BlockRockIt) seems to be feeling much better now!  Good thing, too - we've got lots of tops waiting to be quilted!

3.  Collect and process the fabric donation for the quilt ministry.
Done!  This was what the back of my car looked like, full of fabric and projects...

4.  Make backs for the two t-shirt quilt tops that are completed.
Done - and not only the backs, but I've actually quilted both of them and they have been delivered!

5.  Decide on a quilting design for one of the secret projects.
Done!  I ended up with simple straight line quilting in a fun design.

6.  Spray baste that quilt (if I choose straight line quilting) so it's ready for quilting.
Done!  And I not only spray basted it, but I finished the quilting and binding too!  I can't wait to show it to you!

7.  If time allows, quilt some tops for the quilt ministry.
I didn't get to this, opting instead to quilt the t-shirt quilts, because I have three more t-shirt quilts coming in this week and needed the space!

8.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done!  Lots of quilts this week...

This one went to a little 8 year old girl with a brain tumor...

...and this quilt went to a 5-year old girl with leukemia.

This quilt went to a woman who just had surgery for cancer and is facing a long recovery...

...and this quilt went to a woman recovering from pneumonia.

 This quilt went to a gentleman dealing with the end stages of cancer...

...this quilt went to a woman with cancer...

...and this quilt went to a woman dealing with a brain aneurysm.

Whew!  A very busy week - a lot accomplished, but I'm glad to see it in the rear view mirror.  So now let's see what's on tap for this week!

1.  Keep working on the secret projects 
(and post some sneak peeks!)

2.  Mail a commission job to Malaysia.

3.  Meet with a new client on a commission for three t-shirt quilts.

4.  Make a block for a friend's secret project.

5.  Start working on two baby quilts for October babies!

6.  Quilt a few quilts for the quilt ministry.

7.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

I know this list doesn't look much better than last week's list, but it certainly feels better to me!  For one thing, I'm getting to do some sewing and quilting, more than last week, and that's always a relief.  And I'll be finishing some things, which always helps my stress level.  I've got some fun projects rolling around in my head that should come to light this week - fun fun fun!!

And speaking of fun, take a look at this pic of my youngest granddaughter, Emmy.....

My daughter Nancy has started selling LulaRoe clothing, and Emmy was modeling some of the kids' fashions for her.  Look at that pose!  It's a shame she doesn't have any personality....

So that's what my week looks like.  And now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. I think Emmy is a superb model, that downwards look like they do, this might well work itself into something that actually pays her!!! Love those ministry quilts, what a gift to receive.Down here, this week, I cut out some trial blocks for a "drunkards path",block or two, found the grey Merino for 2 new tops for Hugh, did baking and posted it all away to Grandson at University,It arrived, he phoned and sent a txt, so thankful and grateful, he called them " Yummy Snacks", and I am so happy to be well again and able to do these small things.A cool morning, lit the fire, had a coffee and checked my friends' blogs .

  2. God bless you for all of the beautiful quilts you make and give to those who really need them!!! What a blessing you are!!!

  3. Congratulations on all those "dones"! My quilting bee made me a quilt when I became ill - it's still one of my favorite napping quilts. Your warmth is blessing many people! Seriously, I love my quilt and think of the wonderful ladies that made it for me every time I see it! Blessings to you!

  4. The T-shirt quilts look great! Someone will be happy with those memories.

  5. I am always humbled and moved when you show all the quilts made and given away. Thank you for showing them and telling where they are going. I keep plugging along and making comfort quilts, albeit much more slowly than your group. It is a privilege to create quilts to give comfort.

  6. You have been one productive quilt lady this past week! Wow! And it looks like another productive week to come. Your ministry quilts are lovely, and I'm sure they bless those who receive them. Enjoy your week! Wendy at

  7. Super list of 'done' and blessings on all those gifted quilts the their recepients.

  8. I think it is wonderful the quilt ministry you do. I am sure they bless many people. How large do you make them? Nancy

  9. I'm gonna have to take lessons from your accomplishments. I have good intentions but never quite seem to get there. Can you ship me a little of your stamina? I too will pray for the recipients.
    Blessing to you


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