

Monday, December 26, 2016

Make-A-List Monday - Reviewing and Dreaming!

Hi, all!

Whew!  Christmas is over and life can now return to normal, right? Well, that's the aim, anyway.  I love to use this week between Christmas and New Year's to review the past year and look ahead to the next, and I'll probably be doing some posts to that effect this week.  But first, let's review last week's to-do list and see how it went!

1.  Quilt and bind the three commission quilts.
Done and delivered!  Which is why I'm free to work on some other things this week...

2.  Wrap up all the Christmas gifts.
Done!  And needless to say, they are all unwrapped now!!

I got really good pictures of Lilli and Nathanael opening their quilts...

...but unfortunately Emmy was just too mobile and I missed hers!  Maybe I can get one later this week...

3.  Plan a Christmas Eve brunch as we start a new family tradition!
Done!  A beautifully decorated table...

...and Southern Bennies that will slap your mouth silly!

Because I know someone will ask, a Southern Benny is Eggs Benedict, southern style - biscuits topped with bacon or country ham, slathered with sausage gravy and topped with farm eggs cooked sunny-side up or easy over.  Yum!!

4.  Keep working on designs for this year's pre-H2H event, Stunning Stars!
Folks, I am having so much fun with this!  I can't wait to show you the designs - lots of fun ways to make simple quilts with stars!

5.  Pull together info and bloggers for next year's Twelve Days of Christmas in July blog hop!
It's coming together - I've already got a great list of interested bloggers and I bet they're coming up with some fabulous ideas for 2017's hop!!

6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Fortunately, a pretty easy week - we gave away two quilts, but unfortunately I didn't get pictures of either one.  The first went to a woman in a nursing home, and the second went to a woman who went into the hospital for a simple procedure that turned into something life-threatening.

Hooray!  It was a moderately easy week but everything got finished and I'm not stressed out!  Here's what I'll be working on this week....

1.  Make a quilt for my daughter - a special design that she requested!

2.  Start a new "secret" project to celebrate the release of a new fabric for Free Spirit Fabrics!

3.  Straighten up the studio.

4.  Figure out why our quilting machine at church is acting up.

5.  Visit the new Memphis IKEA with my daughter!

6.  Continue working on the designs for Stunning Stars.

7.  Learn how to use my new Instant Pot...

8.  Re-load EQ7 on my laptop.

9.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

A busy week ahead!   Plus I want to take some time to review last year as part of the Best of 2016 link-up hosted by Meadow Mist Designs and do a little looking forward to 2017...  This is definitely enough to keep me out of trouble!!

So now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. you have gotten a lot done - and so much to be proud of! looking forward to your quilt drive in the upcoming year and I already have at least one put aside for it.

  2. 2017 looks to be a busy year again, and in July hope I can join in the hop. New Year's greetings to you and yours.

  3. So I am not the only one that has to learn how to use the "Instant Pot" I have had mine for 3 months and still haven't used it. Change is hard for me :-)

  4. I have a new Instant Pot and have watched a you tube video to get better acquainted with it. Now to actually cook something in it...need the first perfect recipe.

  5. I am so excited to hear about the stars! I feel buried at the moment with scraps and tops to be quilted.

  6. OMG those Southern Bennies look delicious. And I WAS going to ask about the name :) . . . but now I have to go and google Instant Pot because I don't know what that is! LOL

  7. I too need to clean my sewing room. I also want to write down all the new projects I have started in Nov/Dec. Then, I'll pick myself up from the floor! 8^{ But the main thing is to finish the FMQ on my OMG! Great pictures of grandchildren. ;^)

  8. Sarah~I would love to do the Christmas in July blog hop
    again if you still need bloggers!

  9. You have inspired all year long and continue to do so! I'm excited about the Stunning Stars. And I think I'm just going to have to make a list for what quilts to make this year. Projects are sort of floating around in my head but it might feel good to write them down and then see how much I get done. Happy and Peaceful end of the year to you!

  10. I enjoyed seeing your pictures on Instagram.

  11. I love the photos of the grandkids with their new quilts! I hope you can catch Emmy in action, too. It's just so wonderful to see how happy they are with their rectangular hug from Grandma :)

  12. I did not bring my sewing machine with me on our vacation. No sewing is driving me a little crazy. This weekend though, I plan to get some stuff done.

  13. tells it all.
    I am not doing much because of the heat without A/C in 80 degree Texas. :(
    I have plans and hope we get it fixed or the temps go down tomorrow.

  14. great job getting the list done and interesting new list!

  15. You are such a powerhouse! I admire all of the things that you accomplish each week and I look forward to your posts to inspire me! I love the table runner on your brunch table! Would you share some info about it? Happy New Year!


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