

Monday, November 27, 2017

Make-A-List Monday - Back to the Fun Stuff!

Hi, all!

Thanksgiving is behind us, and the first of December is coming fast, and we all know what that means!  Time to buckle down and get that Christmas sewing finished!  I didn't make a list last week (but my house was very clean and I was very relaxed on Thanksgiving!) so there's nothing much to recap - the only things I worked on were things I couldn't share.  

Oh wait - I do have one thing I can share!  Today when I was at Target, I found this awesome placemat...

...which immediately screamed "PILLOW!" to me!  That baby hopped right in my cart and came home, took a few minutes to find some partners (a 14" pillow form and some red pompom trim).... and then I came to my senses.  I set it aside to take apart tonight, and started working on a commission quilt.  But tomorrow!  This will turn into a pillow first thing in the morning.  THEN I'll work on the commission quilt.... 😇

So - here's this week's list of things I need to get done...

1.  Finish piecing the commission quilt.

2.  Quilt and bind the commission quilt.

3.  Create the dolphin appliqué for Lilli's annual quilt.

4.  Start quilting the kids' annual quilts.

5.  Decorate the house for Christmas.

6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

So not a long list, but I think it's plenty to keep me out of trouble.  This weekend the Christmas parties start, and I've got two here at my house, so I definitely need to get the decorations set out.  It's always fun, and I've got it down to an art - I just need to grab the tubs out of the attic and take them to the rooms they go in!

So now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. finishing up my yard work for over a week now while the nice weather holds out - do not always have it near 70 this time of year for so long - finally done and now I can start to think about Christmas but I do not put pressure on myself to make things for Christmas - I never start early enough and all I can do to get a couple small Xmas decorations made unless I really think about it a year in advance

  2. What a great find! Your list is inspiring... and I am staring at my Christmas tree which has been up since yesterday waiting for the ornaments. First thing tomorrow morning!

  3. Well, I'm working on making a mess in my quilt room. Does that count? The mess is helping me make some fun little diversions that may become gifts. Looking forward to seeing the pillow!

  4. I hear you!! My commission quilts are keeping me from sewing my own stuff so I'll have the handmade gifts I like to give at Christmas. Where does the time go?! Decorating has started and will be done in fits and starts. Too bad we don't have Target here...the pillow will be awesome.

  5. You're right, that placemat is perfect for a pillow! We're in Disney World this week, so the only thing I'm making is dinner reservations and memories :)

  6. I've had two finishes this week and it feels really good - a tote bag and a baby quilt. I guess I should start thinking about decorating for Christmas, too.......

  7. I visited my local Linus Project group this week and now have several ideas and projects to work on for kids!


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!