

Monday, March 19, 2018

Make-A-List Monday - Sewing through the Storms!

Hi, all!

Monday is here once again - and with it, some of our typical Tennessee spring weather!  Thunderstorms today, dropping temperatures tomorrow - never a dull moment around here!  But funky weather means more sewing time, so it's all good!  Let's see how last week's list went...

1.  Keep cutting up scraps and working on my March scrap project.
Done!  Well, the scraps aren't all cut up yet, but I've started working on a scrappy quilt with some of what I've cut...

My table kind of ran over with chain piecing today!  2026 2.5" squares that will soon become a really big quilt!

2.  Write and photograph a tutorial for the pillowcase dresses.
Done!  The tutorial for this cute little dress can be found here!

3.  Make the t-shirt quilt blocks.
Done!  They are interfaced and cut - but unfortunately this project is on hold because the main background fabric I ordered hasn't arrived - it's on back-order (boo!)

3.  Sandwich and quilt the special occasion quilt.
Done!  I love this quilt!!

4.  Administrative work on Hands2Help!  More about that in a minute...
Done!  We've had over 150 people sign up so far (but it's not too late if you still want to join in!) and I've added them all to an email list.  That's a good start!

5.  Cut out a new baby quilt (once the fabric arrives!)
The top is not only cut out, it's put together!  

6.  Start deconstructing an old quilt top to be remade for a friend.
I haven't started this one yet, ran out of time this week.

7.  Clean up my studio a bit.  (I just saw films of a hoarder's house that burned down nearby and I am convicted that I need to clean up some of those stacks!)
I forgot to take a picture of it, but I relocated eight plastic shoeboxes out of my window and cleaned up a stack of bags and stuff from the floor below the windowsill!

8.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done!  An easy week this week, only two quilts given away.
This quilt went to a gentleman going through chemo...

...and this quilt went to a young father who has just found out he has stage four brain cancer.

So with the exception of one thing, I managed to get everything done on my list for last week.  And here's what's on the schedule for this week...

1.  Make a back for the baby quilt and quilt it.

2.  Keep cutting scraps and working on the March scrap project.

3.  Start deconstructing that old quilt top.

4.  Mail the H2H sign-up giveaway swag!

5.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

I'm keeping this list short, because I've also got to work on that dreaded spring project - income tax!  I've put it off as long as I can, but it's time to get it off my plate.  I've also got to take the dogs to the vet for their annual shots, so it's going to be a busy week!

Enough about me - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. That superb quilt for the young Dad, I hope it gives him comfort and the knowledge that others care so much. Chained pieces, they sure do run away, there are so many, you have a huge head start.

  2. Ah, yes, the logical consequences of cutting and petting all those scraps...being inspired to sew them back up into something!! I'm doing the same thing. I cut and sorted my dark neutral strings and now I'm making a top out of them. Wasn't my plan, but hey, go with the flow, right? :)

  3. I started on my hands to help quilt. I will be traveling for the next two weeks, but I am going to get as much done before I go, and it will be finished after I get back. I am using 5 inch pieces in a patchwork design, so it will go together quickly.

  4. I'm finishing up a second little baby quilt and then looking to use up some other scraps before getting back to a bigger project.
    I love seeing all the stuff you get done :-)

  5. Beautiful nice to look at what you can do with your own scraps and two hands!!!!

  6. You always do so much! I'm trying to get an outfit made for the great grand. I'm not happy with the pattern and how they did it. I should know better than to invest money in pdf patterns. I'm from the old fashioned kind of sewing, and I was a Home Ec. major so I notice so many things they leave out.
    Then I was sick all night so it's even more stressful trying to get done. LOL

  7. Working on a four patch for H2H. It's up on the design wall and I started it from scratch when you announced the start. I am so pleased with how easy it is going together. Take a look.

  8. Love the string quilt. Hate that the young father is there at that point. =(


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!