

Monday, July 9, 2018

Make-A-List Monday - A Little Change of Pace!

Hi, all!

Well, the fireworks are finally over with (my dogs are VERY grateful!) and thankfully, the heat has broken a little bit!  We had a very pleasant weekend, although that does sound silly when it was close to 90 degrees - but after "feels-like" temps of well over 105, 90 was beautiful!  I had to squeeze in sewing time last week, because my husband took off a few days for the holiday, but I did get some things done - so let's take a look at last week's list...

1.  Quilt the second 12DCIJ quilt-along quilt.
Done!  I wrote up a post about this one, too - you can see it here.  The fabric requirements and suggested tools are there, along with a coupon offer on Bloc-Loc rulers!  The coupon is only good until 7/15 though, so go check it out!  The quilt-along and blog hop start this Saturday, 7/14 - LOTS of good stuff headed your way!

2.  Quilt a top for a friend.
Done!  Just under the wire - I finished this one this afternoon!

3.  Keep working on my June Scrap Attack project.
I don't think I even touched the tub this week.  Shameful!

4.  Work on some additional pieces for my friend's shop.
Done!  I made this table runner, and five more elephants!

5.  Finish writing the quilt-along tutorial.
The tutorial is finally written - now I just need to turn it into eleven blogposts!!!

6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done!  We gave away three quilts this week.  This quilt went to a woman with lung cancer...

...and this one went to a woman with stage 4 cancer who will be undergoing surgery soon.

And this quilt went to an older lady who definitely has a green thumb, loving to work in her garden all the time.  She had major back surgery and is in rehab going through therapy right now.

So all in all, a good week.  I didn't get to everything I wanted to do, but I did get to the most important stuff!  And here's what's on my plate for this week...

1.  Put together a t-shirt quilt for a friend.

2.  Write the 12 Days of Christmas in July quilt-along tutorial posts.

3.  Paint the hall.

4.  Work on the scraps in tub B!

5.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

A short list this week, but that painting job is a biggie - and so is the t-shirt quilt, AND the blog posts!  Plus my daughter needs some extra help with the littles this week, because she's playing single mom while her husband is out of town.  

And now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. I love the calming colors of the table runner. And the elephants—too cute!

  2. I always smile at your lust of mission quilts. I need yo make a list. Enjoy the grands!!!(I know you will)

  3. Love the table runner and the little dogs are so cute.
    I don't have dogs but have heard over the 4th saying how stressed out their dogs were I always wonder if you would put your dog in a room with music playing or the tv on if that would help.

  4. You definitely need a list to keep on track this week!

  5. If I was in government, anywhere, I would ban fireworks. How many families buy them and the children go without necessary food or other things. Maybe one civic function.When I was a child, there was a bonfire and crackers held in the what we called the horse paddock at our small primary school. Sparklers galore is my vivid memory. Lovely ministry quilts.

  6. love those pups in their sweaters! I have been crocheting dish cloths, getting a few things ready for a craft show this fall

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Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!