

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Hands2Help 2019 - Meet Guest Blogger Sharon!

Hi, all!

Happy Easter!  I hope you have all had a beautiful day - I plan to spend it with family, hunting eggs and eating lots of fabulous food. It's always a big day for us!

It's also time for us to meet another guest blogger in this year's Hands2Help Challenge!  Sharon, who blogs over at Vrooman's Quilts, is a fabulous scrap quilter, a wonderful supporter of the Challenge since it began, and to top it all off, she has the greatest address EVER!  I want to live on Quilt Lane too!  If you've never visited her blog, you really should - she's a constant source of inspiration and wow, does she keep her scraps neatly organized!  You'll be amazed!  So now, I'm turning the blog over to her....


I would like to thank Sarah for inviting me to host a spot for Hands2Help.  I have actively participated in this project since it's beginning  and Sarah has done a fantastic job in making this grow each year.  Now she has shared so many wonderful quilts using up your scraps each year for this and this year was no exception with dedication to rectangles.  BUT.....

I want to dedicate my post to the lonely square.  We are always looking for fast blocks that are easy to make, use up the scraps/stash on hand, and (the key) easy to quilt math.  I find so many quilter who are afraid of quilt math.  Using a square makes this so much easier - and they can make some beautiful quilts.

The Postage Stamp is a great way to use up a lot of squares.  You can have fun with color mix, sashing, and various settings.

You can take advantage of large and specialty prints and make them stand out by the type of sashing you use.

How about we flip just one corner?  It can be a precise size or you can try some using up some of those 'odd' tid bits.  Have fun playing with layouts or the classic Bow Tie.  

You can flip two corners as well.  Opposite corners  for X's and O's, Stretch Stars, or fun mosiac.  Corners on one side make easy stars - use same size flips or fun stretchy ones with those odd tid-bits.

You can flip three corners to create some pretty flowers.

Of course the Snowball Block with four flip corners.  How you chose to create the 'ball' with size flips and how you chose to set them into a pattern - they all make wonderfull quilts.

There are many other ways to play with a square - be creative.  You will find they make lovely quilts and will help you feel more at ease in using your 'quilt math'. 

There are a lot of patterns on-line for 'nickel and dime' quilts (charms and layer cakes), but you can cut your own stash and scraps.  My favorite book is the "BIG Book of Nickel Quilts" by Pat Speth.  I actually own all the BIG books as they are great resources.

I have a tutorial on my blog  today  (I had the wrong month marked on my calendar for my post - so early - but done) to make the Double Square Block by making the 'tulip' unit.  You can find it HERE.

Sewingly Yours,


So many fabulous ideas!  I particularly love the dark ring quilt, and may have to put that on my bucket list - it looks like a good scrap buster, doesn't it?

Have you been waiting for just the right inspiration to dip your toe in the water?  Now's the time!  You can still sign up by clicking the button for the Hands2Help 2019 page right under my blog header, scrolling halfway down the post and filling out the entry form.  (Be sure to click Submit at the end to complete your entry!)  After all, the more, the merrier!




  1. Great post, so many wonderful ideas!

  2. I agree, Great post and so many ideas for scrappy blocks/quilts.

  3. looks like I need to dig out my Big Book of Nickel Quilts I haven't looked at it for awhile and have some charm square stacks stacking up unused!

  4. Nice reminder that the classic blocks have endured for a reason!

  5. I have other Nickel Quilt books. You are right, Sharon. Great resources! Thanks for sharing SEW many wonderful idea of quilts to be made with a quilter's basic unit. The square.

  6. Thanks for all the eye candy and ideas, Sharon!

  7. Wonderful inspiration, thank you Sharon and Sarah.

  8. Sharon, thanks for all these wonderful ideas. Sometimes I get caught up wanting to make wild designs but the simple square is timeless and versatile :-)

  9. This is a wonderful summation of squares. I have been quilting for years and never think to do a square based quilt, the ideas you have presented are making my head spin, thank you very much, I think.

  10. Thank you for sharing your ideas about using squares. I never tire of looking at quilts made with lots of colorful squares.

  11. Great post Sharon and thanks for the tutorial!


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!