

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

I May Have A Scrap Problem... Some Inspiration!

Hi, all!

It's been a busy week in my hometown (any Garrison Keillor fans out there?) and so I haven't done much in the way of scrappy sewing.  I did cut up some scraps...

...a task which I had been neglecting for far too long! Unfortunately, this barely made a dent in the stack, but at least it's a start.  I also did a bunch of scrap cutting and sorting at church last week, which is probably why I didn't feel like doing a lot of it at home.  That's no excuse, I know!

So in the absence of any scrappy progress, how about some inspiration?  I did find some lovelies on Instagram this week...

Look at that fabulous star quilt!  This would definitely eat up some of those pesky scraps...

And isn't this neat?  A great way to set "made-fabric" blocks!

These three quilts were made for the survivors of the Christchurch bombings - aren't they wonderful?  Probably not technically scrappy, but they definitely made me start thinking of ways to recreate them as blocks!

This quilt probably isn't intended to be scrappy, but I can see the possibilities, can't you?  It's a beautiful thing, in any case!

Keep working with those scraps!  I'm going to try to quilt my table runner this week so I'll have something pretty to show off next week.  Wish me luck!




  1. beautiful scrappies...and yes, garrison keillor fan here! so miss prairie home companion!

  2. I really like the clean, crisp look of the green and white quilts!

  3. Thanks for sharing those inspiring quilt photos. The quilts are AWESOME!!!

  4. Goodness, what lovely inspiration! I really love that last one. I wonder if it uses the Quick Curve ruler? Gorgeous!

  5. Wow! You found some gorgeous quilts on Insta. Good luck with the scrap cutting.

  6. I LOVE GK! Miss the old show so much, the new one jut isn't that great, IMHO!!


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