

Monday, May 20, 2019

Make-A-List Monday - It's Crunch Time!

Hi, all!

Monday has come again - and not just any Monday, but the one that begins the last week of the Hands2Help Challenge!  That means I will be spending a lot of time at the computer this week rather than at my sewing machine - but it's all worth it!

So let's see how last week's list went...

1.  Make a back for, and guilt the collaborative quilt.
Done!  I really like this one...

2.  Test a pattern for a friend.
Done!  This quilt is huge - but so quick and easy! Pattern is by Christina Cameli and should be available soon...

3. Make a back for the hopscotch quilt.
Done! (At the very last minute!)

4.  Start working on sorting that tub of scraps!
Done!  Turned out this tub was full of flannels - which I'm not currently sewing with - so I folded them up and managed to get the contents into a smaller tub.  I'll call that a win!

5.  Cut out another gift quilt.
Well, I didn't get it cut out, but I did get the fabric all pressed and ready for cutting!

6.  Hands2Help administrative work.
Well, it's in progress - and I think that's the best I'll be able to say for the next two weeks.  I'm trying to keep on top of it this week so that the final count will be quick and easy!

7.  More yard work? Who knows?
I suppose this counts as yard work - I cleaned up the front porch, moved a set of chairs around from the deck, and added a rug.  Emmy gave it her seal of approval, as she insisted we sit in the chairs and watch the cars go by for about half an hour Saturday afternoon!

6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
I don't think we gave away any quilts this week.  Thankful for a quiet week!

So last week went well, and I got a lot accomplished.  I don't think this week will see as much sewing, though.  Last week also saw us switching over to try a keto diet, which also meant a lot of research, grocery shopping and cooking - because it ain't easy to eat out and stay on keto!  But even though it's only been a week, we both feel better, we've both lost weight (twelve pounds for me!) and my blood pressure was excellent this morning!  So it's worth all the added effort.  Plus it will make it easier when we go on vacation with our kids in June, since they've been doing keto for about six months now.

And here's what I'm planning to work on this week..

1.  Total up all of the Hands2Help quilts and 
divvy up the giveaway goodies!

2.  Organize those giveaway goodies so my friends 
can help me get them ready for mailing.

3.  Deliver the repaired vintage quilt.

4.  A little more yard work!

5.  If there's time for sewing, put the hopscotch quilt on the frame.

6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

I'm hoping there will be time to sew, but I'm not holding my breath!     But it's a great time of year with H2H drawing to a close, and I'm excited to see so many beautiful quilts as they are linked up!  You can also see them by checking out this post - there's lots of inspiration there, and lots of love by amazingly generous quilters!

So now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?


I hope you have big plans for this Memorial Day weekend - but be sure and remember to play safely!




  1. Good luck with your crazy week!!

  2. love your listings! i am a list maker as well and it really does work at getting things done...

  3. Best of luck working through your list, Sarah!!

  4. Uh.....don't do too much guilting of that collaborative quilt! You don't want to shame the poor thing! Hee hee...

  5. Nice job coordinating everything H2Help!
    The porch is so inviting--I think your granddaughter was right to get you to sit there with her!

  6. I think anything you get done on weeks like this is all good. May have to try a more keto approach - need to get the next 10 off when I return from taking care of my auntie!

  7. Sarah you are so great! You take this on each year and it appears to go so smoothly. It is all because of you. I have four more that are tops, hope to have them done by Sunday. They will be going with the others to Jacks Basket.


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!