

Monday, October 7, 2019

Make-A-List Monday - Fall is Here!!! (Finally...)

Hi, all!

Hallelujah for cooler temperatures, even if they are accompanied by rainy weather (which we also needed!)  I actually put on a SWEATER today - hooray!!  It's fall break for my grandkids, and it looks like that's just what fall was waiting for, because we're supposed to have lovely cool temperatures all week.  About time!

Let's get started with a look at last week's list...

1.  Make progress on the annual quilts - just Emmy's and Lilli's this week, though.
I actually made progress on all three!  Emmy's drama llamas are set in their background fabric...

...and Lilli's top is assembled, and ready for trimming to square...

and I even made a back for Nathanael's quilt!

Now I can relax a little, knowing that I could finish all three in the week before Christmas if I needed to wait that long

2.  Make progress on the My Small World quilts.
Done!  I think I'm about halfway through the blocks for 10/15-11/14, so I'm ahead of the game (a good place to be!) You can see the blocks I've made over the past weeks on my Wednesday posts, but here are the ones I made this week...


...and Lilli's!

3.  Make progress on the Birch Bark quilt.
Done!  I finished sewing the third strip set, which is now ready to cut into pieces to be combined with the others I already have to make the second side of the king size quilt (try saying that three times fast!)

4.  Make progress on the Pine Hollow Patchwork Forest Quilt Along! (In the future, to be referred to as the Patchwork Forest Q/A to save my poor fingers!)
Done!  I made these 28 cute little tree blocks that comprised the first step of this fun quilt-along.

5.  Make some flannel receiving blankets for a local NICU.
Done - sort of.  I took time at church last Wednesday night to cut a bunch up, then pressed the hems in while a friend stitched the hems down.  It was a joint effort, and I think we finished four and got another four partially done.

6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Thankfully, it was a quiet week that gave us a chance to catch up!  No quilts given away this week.

In addition to all of the above, I started a new project for our church ministry group to work on - a special request...

...and I made some class samples for when I start teaching classes at my local Joann's!

This one's finished...

...and this one's still in progress, because...
 ...look who's come to stay for a few days!

My daughter and son-in-law are taking a well-deserved break at Disney World to celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary, and the grands are staying with us until Wednesday night.  Which will explain why I have a very short list this week!  My time will be taken up feeding this group of bottomless pits and keeping them in crafty supplies as they try to decorate the whole world!

That being said, I do have a few things I need to work on this week...

1.  Make progress on the My Small World quilts.  This week it's tiny orange peel blocks....

2.  Make progress on the Birch Bark quilt.

3.  Make progress on the special request quilt.

4.  Make progress on the Patchwork Forest Q/A when the next prompt comes out Wednesday morning.

5.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up this week.

I'm sure that other things will come up this week (they always do, don't they?) so I may not make as much progress as I hope to, but any progress is good, right?

So now, the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. Time with grandies, no matter what age, is the best of all. Colour the world brightly with love and laughter.

  2. Bravo on all of the work you've accomplished!!!
    Have a wonderful time with the grands!

  3. Hi Sarah! Oh those llamas! They look so delightful and I am certain that Lilli will just adore it. Isn't it nice knowing that you don't have to stress over these gifts. It's a pleasure sewing and quilting with no pressure. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. My progress on the quilting front will be very limited this week as I attempt to "close down" the gardens and plant some bulbs. The day-time temps will be in the 60's and sunny and dry, so the last minute yard can't be postponed any longer.

  5. Amazing progress on all those different projects!
    I'm sewing together my HST's for 144 four patch blocks :-)

  6. indeed...fall is here in MD as well...thank goodness! working on 2 UFOs, one machine pieced and the other hand quilted plus 2 blocks for guild...

  7. Wow! You made great progress on the kids' quilts! And now you have a week full of love, cuddles and chaos as they visit :) We're in downtown Nashville on the boat for a few days, so I'm waving at you from here!

  8. Your article about the entry of autumn attracts attention with its warm atmosphere and vivid descriptions of autumn moments. At this time of the year, nature changes and we begin to enjoy the comfort of home, warm drinks and, of course, self-care. Raising the issue of visiting the spa, we can say that this is really a great option for relaxation and pleasure, especially during the change of seasons. After a busy week and chilly autumn days, a visit to this spa can be a wonderful way to unwind and take care of yourself.


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!