

Friday, March 20, 2020

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? It's The Little Things...

Hi, all!

Crazy days, right?  But we can certainly find things to whoop about if we look hard enough, I'm sure!  And since it's Friday, that means it's time - so let's get started!


This week has been an experiment in cooking for me - not my favorite thing to do, especially not day after day after day (we eat out A LOT!).  But I've been trying some new recipes... homemade ramen, with soft boiled eggs made in my Instant Pot!  This turned out really yummy and will definitely become a regular menu item!

We've also been trying new products, such as these low carb tortillas.  Surprisingly, I find these as good as the full carb version, and they are an awesome substitute for bread at lunchtime or with soup, for example.

I've also been doing a good bit of sewing this week, using up some orphan blocks I've had stashed away for way too long...

...these five quilts - four baby quilts and a lap size quilt...

...and this beauty, which I finished yesterday.  I can't believe someone got rid of these blocks, but their loss is someone's gain, as all six of these quilts will become comfort quilts donated to someone in need through Hands2Help 2020, which starts SUNDAY!  Can you believe it?

And as a reward for getting so much done this week, here's the project I'm starting - an appliquéd Christmas wreath that has been sitting in my stash for seven or eight years!  I hope to get this wreath laid out and appliquéd on this weekend.  Then I'll go back to comfort quilts again...

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!




  1. You have been busy, lovely quilts, and this basket one is pretty! Good use of orphan and unloved blocks!

  2. I'm sure there will be lots of finishes in the coming weeks or more. Love the applique fabric.

  3. i hear ya about the cooking...i became a dedicated home cook after heart surgery...a real pain but has to be done...very little takeout anymore...

  4. finally I hadn't been able to get mr. linky to work for me lately but it did this time - I'm glad I stocked up but I don't like to cook all the time so I feel your pain

  5. It's harder than I thought it would be to social distance and stay home when you have to! Don't even get me started on least favorite thing to do! I think there will be a lot of people who finally get to their orphan blocks these days!!

  6. I hope you will continue to have take out to support those local restaurants, they need our support now more than ever.

  7. I love all the good you are creating! Good luck with the meal prep. Oh the things we are learning.

  8. We love ramen and yours looks yummy! Wish I had an insta pot! Love the basket person's trash is another's treasures!

  9. You have accomplished so much! I need to start on some applique soon.

  10. Don't forget to support your local take out restaurants, or they won't be here when this is over.

  11. Girl, you are ALWAYS busy!! Guess it's good since we are homebound for a while! We eat out a lot also on the weekends, so this will be different for us. Your noodles look good. And being egg noodles, I'm thinking they may be low carb/keto which I'm trying to follow. While I am not a fan of whole wheat, I do love the Mission (regular) carb control tortillas. And, they have so much fiber in them. I've been working on my project for the QQQ blog hop and have it finished, and cut out a block for Fat Quarter Shop quilt along, that I will probably put together today. Also done a little bit of cleaning. Thankfully hubby is working from home - and he usually does the cooking (by choice he has become a pretty good chef!!) so I don't have to worry about that for now! All this at home time should help us catch up (LOL!!) on our stitching. Just trying to stay in and stay healthy, but will probably venture out to the grocery store today and maybe take out from one of our closed restaurants! I've been meaning to ask you, if quilts we make and donate to our guild charities count toward the Hands2Help? We do a lot for Children's Hospital and now a Boys and Girl ranch for children. Stay safe and healthy, my friend.


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!