

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Hands2Help Comfort Quilt Challenge 2020 is Under Way!!! And A Winner!

Hi, all!

Well, Hands2Help 2020 is off to a rip-roaring start!  We've already had 172 people sign up in the first week - AMAZING!  Now, if you're just now seeing this, it's not too late to sign up, and there's still lots of giveaway goodies to be had at the end of the Challenge - so in the theory of "better late than never", hop over here, read about the Challenge, then if it appeals to you, sign up and join in the fun!

For those of you who have already signed up, as promised, there's a giveaway..... without any further waiting, let's pick a winner!  I've enlisted Little Miss Random to help out...

...and the winner is Lorraine Barrett!

Congratulations, Lorraine!  I'll get your package out in the mail to you this week!!  (hopefully...)

Many, many thanks to all of you who helped promote the Challenge - spreading the word has definitely contributed to the record number of people who have already signed up!  Let's keep spreading the word on social media by using the hashtags #h2h2020 and/or #hands2help2020 and also by tagging your quilt with the charity you will be sending it to - @quiltsofcompassion, #quiltyhugs, #caregiversquiltinitiative, #mercyfulquilts, @quiltsforcure or @littlelambsfoundationforkids.  I'd appreciate it if you'd tag me too (@fabricaddictquilts) so I don't miss any of your posts!


And now, I thought I'd answer some Frequently Asked Questions!  It seems like every year we get the same batch of questions so this seemed like a natural fit.  Of course, you should never hesitate to ask a question if you have one, as I learn more with each one!  So here goes!

This looks like fun - but I'm not experienced (or good) enough to make a quilt...
Honestly - what better way to get experience than to make charity quilts?  There is no greater joy in the world than to see the look on someone's face when they receive a quilt of their very own - and I can testify that they aren't looking at the quality of the piecing or quilting, but they are looking at the love and warmth contained in that quilt.  Don't pass up a chance for that feeling by downplaying your skills!  And since practice makes perfect, the more quilts you make, the better you get....

I don't have a blog of my own.  Can I still participate?
Absolutely!  The only time you need a way to link up is for the progress check-ins (4/26 and 5/17) and the final link-up on 5/31, and that can be done from Instagram or Flickr.  If you're not on either of those social media platforms, you can email me pictures of your quilts and I will link them up for you!  So see, no excuses!

What size quilts are needed?
I try to find charities each year that request a variety of sizes, so that there's a little bit of something for everyone.  This year, you can find the specific requests on the Hands2Help 2020 page at the top of my blog, listed under each charity's information.  

Can I donate more than one quilt, or to more than one charity?
Oh my, yes!  The more the merrier!  Many of our participants over the years have chosen to donate one quilt to each of the charities, or multiple quilts to just one.  It's completely up to you!  We keep track of the number of quilts donated (just for fun) so be sure to list a total count of the number you donated in the final link-up post on May 31st.

Does the quilt have to be made by just one person, or can a group make and send a quilt?
I think this is such a fun way to make a quilt - with friends!  In 2017, Staci over at The Confused Quilter did a "cross-country" bee quilt with some of her quilting buddies and donated their creation to International Institute St. Louis.  You can read more about it here.  And say, you like to piece but can't quilt - pair up with a friend to complete a quilt!  Julie from Pink Doxies did a guest post in 2016 about working with friends to make quilts for the Challenge that's well worth reading - she also talks about challenging yourself even if you don't think your work is "good enough" for charity quilting.  

I'm ready to mail my quilts. Where do I find the addresses for the charities?
Due to privacy reasons, I don't post the addresses on the blog.  I will be sending them out in a group email in the next week or so - as soon as I get all the email addresses into the computer - but because it is a large group, your email provider may bump the email into the spam folder.  Be sure to check your spam folder for my email address (salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com) and mark it as "not spam" so you receive any emails I send!  And you can always request the addresses at any time, directly from me at that address.

I love that other H2H participants are donating prizes for the event. How can I help?
We have always been blessed by H2H participants who want to help give all our participants a small "thank you" for joining in.  And it's been wonderful that because of those folks and our generous corporate sponsors, we've been able to give a little "thank you" to each of the participants every year since the first year!  If you want to help out too, you can email me at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com.  After all, happy mail is the best, right?

I know about a great small charity - would you consider them for an upcoming H2H Challenge?
Absolutely!  I'm always looking for lesser-known charities, both to help them collect more quilts, and to give them some publicity so that more people become aware of them.  It also inspires others to start their own charity quilting groups, which is a GOOD thing!!  We usually have two to three (or six!) charities each year to choose from, so it's helpful to have assistance locating those that are in need of what we can offer.  Just email me with your recommendation and any contact info you have!

Can I donate locally?  
Yes!  I get this question frequently, for various reasons. Some folks can't afford the postage to mail quilts, but still want to participate.  Others know of a great need in their local area, or have a very specific charity they want to support.  The biggest idea behind Hands2Help is the "help" part - using our skills to benefit others!  Of course, I love it if we can use those skills to benefit this year's charities, but if you need or prefer to donate locally, that's fine.


I think I've hit on the most commonly asked questions from the past years, but if you've got another one, list it in the comments and I'll add it to the list and answer it there!  

I'm so excited about this year's Challenge - and I have a feeling you all are too!  I've already had some people requesting the mailing addresses for the charities (but don't let that put you off - many folks start their quilts right after the previous year's Challenge ends!)   Be sure to check in next Sunday as we hear from our first guest blogger - it's always wonderful to learn more about each other, our quilting experiences and to share skills!




  1. I just did a blog post about my H2H quilt in progress. Off to lay some thread on that thing!!

  2. Yay, official start! I've been trying to make one a month since it ended last year to have a big pile this year. I got behind on the quilting part, but they'll be done in time for the deadline! Thanks for hosting and congrats to Lorraine!

  3. I was stunned when I opened my email this morning! Wow! What a fun surprise!! Thank you so much, Sarah! This is just another fun way to spur the old creativity and get busy on more H2H quilts! I'm excited to see what I can accomplish before the end of this year's challenge. . . and can't wait to see what others are doing. Onward and upward! ;-) and thanks again!! Such a fun surprise!

  4. BTW I am a bit techno-ignorant. I tried replying on my phone so if you get two Whoo-Hoo posts from me....ah well. ;-)

  5. Congrats to the Lorraine! Off to a good start!


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!