

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

I May Have A Scrap Problem... A Little Ray of Sunshine!

Hi, all!

Well, I got a wild hair earlier this week when I was writing my Monday blogpost, and decided to make a mini quilt in honor/memory of this strange strange time in our world.  I dragged out my scrap boxes and found a stack of denim squares...

...but of course I couldn't leave it at that!  So I whacked...

...and reassembled.  Then I turned it and whacked it again!

Well, if something worked twice, why not whack again?  
The 1 1/2" squares came in to play, too, and I ended up with...

This!  I taped it up in the window so I could get that "stained glass" effect, and I love the way it looks!  Of course, it still has a ways to go...

...because in Nashville, all denim has bling!  I'll keep working on it this week and see how it ends up - check back in Monday to see the results!

And now, how about some inspiration?  I've seen some lovely things on Instagram this week... these sweet and scrappy hearts...

...and now about these?  This is a stunning pattern I need to work out for myself!

And although it's not designed to be a heart, this one reminds me of that also.  This quilt is made with selvages, I think!  Isn't it wonderful?

But this quilt really spoke to me this week.  I love the story behind the hymn this quote comes from.  The author's wife and daughters were lost at sea, and he penned this after their deaths.  The lesson that we can rise above our current situation rings so true in these days!  So stay in, stay safe, stay healthy.




  1. Yes, we need to be positive, like those words. Slash and burn, so the saying goes down here when clearing a wild paddock of scrub. Love those greys.

  2. Your denim quilt turned out lovely! Looking forward to seeing the finish next Monday.

  3. I absolutely LOVE denim quilts and your mini-in-the-making is no exception... And now I want to go give your technique a try!!!

  4. Just love that whacked piece...what a super idea...I can visualize doing that for a crazy quilt block background, too--nice grays...Stay safe now ~ ~ ~ waving in the rain
    (AGAIN) Julierose

  5. I really like how your mini is developing! Can't wait to see the final product on Monday!

  6. Hi Sarah, I love your mini in the making! You're so brave to keep slashing and it's turned into something beautiful :-)

  7. You've got such a great creative streak going :-) Lovely finds on IG as well. That is a wonderful quilt to enjoy the words from that song. And so fitting right now. I have a friend, now in heaven, who would say during her cancer fight that it might not be so well with her body but because of the Lord's constant faithfulness, it was well with her soul.

  8. That whacking turned out pretty cool!

  9. I like the idea of making a quilt for these times, but I haven't gotten beyond thinking the possibility. I like your denim plus bling.

  10. Wow...what a difference whacking's awesome.

  11. You are so ruthless with your slash and sew methods!!! I am impressed!

  12. Thanks for sharing, Sarah! It's inspiring to read what you're doing. And I love that word quilt reminder you reposted.

  13. I like those whacked triangle shapes! My guild is honoring an ill member by making T blocks. Her first name starts with T. I'm going to make mine as scrappy as possible to use up some 2.5" squares :)

  14. Love the denim block. Looking forward to seeing what you do with it!
    Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  15. I'm loving your Whack Job! Looking forward to seeing it finished.


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!