

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

I May Have A Scrap Problem... Some Mental Health Sewing!

Hi, all!

It's been a busy week here, punctuated this morning with some pretty serious weeding in the front planters...

I wish I had taken a "before" picture, but basically everything that's brown was green!  And to prove it....'s a picture of the 42 gallon contractor trash bag I mostly filled up with the efforts of my labors!  Tomorrow I'll spread out mulch on the dirt and start on the next one.

But in the afternoon, I decided to take a little time to do some "mental health" sewing!  You know what that is - sewing that you do that isn't something you "should" be working on, but something that stirs your imagination or satisfies a creative itch.

And here's what I made - a large block that will be made into a pillow cover to match my Moongate quilt!  I used the leftover pieced strips  from cutting the Moongate strip sets to make four log cabin blocks, then joined them together to create this piece.  I am really loving the way it turned out!  Next step will be quilting and then turning it into a pillow cover.  

And that pile of Moongate scraps that has been sitting on my sewing table is now a part of history!  And soon it will be gracing the bed in the guest room...

So what have you been sewing from your scraps this week?




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  3. Is the block a log cabin with cut up pieced strips and white? It looks hard to figure out.

  4. Oh my, looks like you've been spammed! Sorry to see that. I'm redoing some planting in front of our house, too. It'd hard work but very rewarding! And what a fun block with those scraps, too. Have fun mulching!

  5. Love it! And you remind me that once upon a time I was going to make a pillow a month, LOL. Obviously that didn't happen, but just maybe that will be a goal for 2021!

  6. A coordinating pillow for your Moongate quilt is a GREAT way to use up those scraps, Sarah!!

  7. Oh, what a good feeling to get the garden whipped back into shape! The new pillow cover is going to be perfect!

  8. Love your scrappy Log Cabin blocks. Pillow covers are a lot easier to store than scraps :)

  9. I'm so glad you leapt on that inspiration from last week and made this block! It will be a great pillow to match your quilt :)

  10. Love the look of your scrappy log cabin! What a great way to use up scraps!

  11. I love when I have enough leftover fabric for a matching pillow. So fun to sew just to sew. I am brewing up a design for a scrappy wallhanging project. Wish me luck!

  12. Good weeding job! I hate that part of landscaping! Kudos!
    Really like your pillow top. Isn’t it fun to just make something just because?


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!