

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

I May Have A Scrap Problem....Looking Ahead!


Hi, all!

You may recall that a few weeks ago I asked readers for suggestions for my 2021 tutorial series.  If you aren't familiar with it, each year in January I do a series of posts with tutorials for quick, simple quilts perfect for charity giving - all as a precursor to the Hands2Help Comfort Quilt Challenge.  There were lots of great suggestions, but the one that really caught my attention was a request for tutorials using scrappy strings.  Lord knows I have PLENTY of scrappy strings to play with!  

So I started keeping that in mind as I cruised around on Instagram, and here are just a few things I found that inspired me...

I really love Emily's pineapple blocks - and I wonder if you could make pineapple blocks that are a little more "wonky".  Something to play with!

This just makes my heart sing!  One of my favorite quilts ever used strips sewn together like this.  I can pretty much guarantee something along these lines will show up in the tutorial series!

Aren't these spider web blocks fun?  I love how she used color to create movement in the quilt.

And while there is much to love about this quilt (those cornerstones!) my favorite part is the Kona Chocolate sashing!  I am a big fan of using unexpected "neutrals" and there is such a wide selection in Kona cottons.  

Now I have two tasks - no wait, three.  Find more inspiration, write the tutorials, and come up with a name for the series!  Any suggestions for the name would be really useful.  Past series names have been "Sweet Sixteens", "Nifty Nines", "Stunning Stars", "Scrumptious Scraps", "Rockin' Rectangles", and "Charmed, I'm Sure".  I know the perfect name is out there just waiting but it is eluding me.  COVID brain, I think!  So chime in if you have a great (or even not-so-great) idea!

Hope you're having fun playing with your scraps these days!




  1. How about naming the series “It’s A String Thing!”?

  2. I love the idea of a string theme for 2021. Hmm, Strings That Sing!

  3. " Strips, Strings, and Snippets", love all the photos that are so inspirational.

  4. I love strings too! How about Stringing in the Rain? Or Strings Attached? Or even String Along With Me.

  5. I love string quilts. How about "Stringing Along"? We can sing along and sew along as we "string along". The things that pop in my head when it's late. LOL

  6. "Striking Strings"?

  7. I like the suggestions of Stringing Along or A String Thing. Both are short and to the point. I'm looking forward to January and hopefully a more 'normal' year.

  8. I’ve just recently found your blog and am excited about what I see and I’m looking forward to scrolling through older posts and tutorials. I love the idea of that second inspirational quilt.

  9. You can certainly do wonky pineapple blocks. I have several from when I was playing with the idea. Here is one on this post.

  10. “Stinging Along” or “Heart Strings” ?

  11. Sounds like a great idea--I like short and sweet like, String Songs . Whatever the name, the pleasure will be the same! lol

  12. I love the Strings Attached suggestion above! Another idea: String Stitching or Stand Out Strings. Looking forward to using my strings with you!

  13. i like the heart strings mentioned above!

  14. I'm currently working on a top started the year of your Sweet Sixteens tutorials. Since Heart Strings is already used as the name of a charity quilting group, I would suggest "Tied up with Strings" as a nod to the "Sound of Music." Who wouldn't love Julie Andrews showing up at their house (wearing a mask) with a brown paper package with a string quilt inside.

  15. Oh good, strings because my drawer of strings won't close even after 2 lab quilts of string blocks.

  16. As fabric is my therapy, how about String Therapy? Just saying. ;^)

  17. This has been on my mind all day. Obviously, it has been a very slow day. Here's another one in honor of the "Sound of Music. How about, "These are a few of my favorite strings"? I promise, no more comments until you're whooping on Friday.

  18. I'm all strung out
    Don't String me Along

  19. Love that dark brown sashing! I just got a big chunk of an older brown fabric with tiny holly leaves. It reads mostly brown, though, and now I'm thinking it would make some of my crumb blocks pop! Like M&Ms :)


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!