

Friday, September 24, 2021

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Well Begun Is Half Done...

 Hi, all!

Well, it's official - it's now less than 100 days until the end of 2021!  After today, there are only fourteen more Fridays left in the year.  Hard to believe, isn't it?  This year seems to have flown by - but there's still time to get our whoop whoop on!  So let's get started...


You may have read earlier that I am participating in the WIPs-B-Gone 2021 100 day challenge hosted by Leanne (@devotedquilter) on Instagram.  Well, here's my pile of WIPs that I'm hoping to bust through by New Year's Eve...

Right now, there are twelve items on my list of WIPs (although I may add some more as we go along) and Thursday, the first day of the challenge, I finished two of them!

This is Nathanael's annual quilt for 2021, along with a bonus pillowcase I made from the leftovers of the quilt backing.

And here's Emmalyn's annual quilt, along with a bonus pillowcase also made from her quilt backing!  

And before you start thinking "over-achiever!" please know that I spent last week getting my ducks in a row - being sure I had backing material for all the quilt tops I hope to finish, making and pressing the backing so it was ready to go on the quilt frame as soon as the challenge started.  These two were the quickest and easiest to do, so I knocked them out first.  Because, after all, "Well begun is half done"! 

I feel like I've made a good start on the challenge...

So... can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!




  1. That's how I finish up UFQ's also, start with the most completed and keep going. It's so gratifying to have some finishes! The quilts for the grandchildren are lovely, happy stitching!

  2. Love that phrase "well begun is half done"! Also love the beautiful quilts you made for two of your grandchildren!

  3. You can get two Whoop-Whoop. May the rest of the list goes just as well. Enjoy! ;^)

  4. It sure is a good beginning! Nice work, indeed.

  5. Lovely quilts and pillowcases for the grandchildren.
    Sure it is a great begin.

  6. Wow, a dozen quilts is ambitious, but you made a great start. I'm sure your grand kids will love these!

  7. Aah your quilts for the grandbabies look great. Super cute. Happy quilting

  8. I'm with Mari -- a dozen quilts seems like a huge number to finish by Jan 1! But I bet you succeed! You're already 1/6th done! Both quilts are great. I really like how graphic the half square triangle one is. Great job.

  9. Incredible start to the challenge, Sarah!! Nathanial and Emmy's quilts turned out great!


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!