

Monday, October 31, 2022

Make-A-List Monday - So Much To Do, So Little Time!!


Hi, all!

I hope you've had a great week and weekend!  It was my birthday weekend so we celebrated all day on Saturday - and then my husband came down with a cold which, it turns out, is covid.  Quite a disappointing end to the weekend, but he's not deathly ill, so hopefully it will be a quick bout.  He still has his sense of humor, and we text each other a lot from different parts of the house!

Meanwhile, I did get to some of the things on my list from last week!  Let's check and see, shall we?

1.  Find red fabrics for Emmy's quilt.
Done, although I didn't take a picture (drat!)

2.  Make the center medallion for Emmy's quilt.
Done!  And I did get a pic of this...

3.  Start making the 25-patch blocks for Lilli's quilt.
Well underway!!  This is the last picture I took of the blocks, but I've made more and put together five rows of seven blocks each.  I've got two more rows to make, then I'll assemble the rows and have a finished top!

4.  Make a back for Nathanael's quilt.
I didn't get to this one this week, but I have the fabric on hand so it shouldn't take very long!

5.  Set up the front porch for Halloween!
Done! Because we have covid in the house, I've given Jake (my skeleton) a big bowl of candy to share with the neighborhood kids. So far, they're doing well and not taking too much each time!

Bree has had a mixed week as far as behavior in the studio goes.  Mid-week last week, she got so "used to it" that she grabbed her favorite towel and settled down for a nap.  

But Saturday we were gone off and on most of the day, and she got a little bonkers.  Sunday when I was sewing, she stole so. much. fabric. that I took away her studio privileges for the day.  Today she did much the same.  It's a delicate balancing act with an active dog - you have to give her enough activity to keep her mind occupied, and then she'll rest when you want to do your own thing.  

And here's my list for the upcoming week!

1.  Keep the dog active and occupied!

2.  Finish the blocks for Lilli's annual quilt.

3.  Cut the remaining pieces for Emmy's quilt.

4.  Start assembling Emmy's quilt.

5.  Finish assembling Lilli's quilt.

6.  Make a back for Nathanael's quilt.

7.  Bring in Jake from the front porch after his Halloween duties!

Plenty to keep me busy!  And I need to make some serious headway on these projects because I took on a very special commission that needs to be finished before Christmas (against my usual commissions deadline of October 1st).  So much to do, so little time!!

And now I really want to know - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. Sarah oh no, covid hit here too. I am down and hubby is not! Just have the cough, cold be much worse. Love see the dog stories and adjustments!
    So far Lilli's quilt is my favorite, but that can change!

  2. Hope hubby is getting better! I like your Center Medallion. My Birthday was yesterday - Halloween - so belated Happy Birthday! I have thought about getting a small puppy dog but always think about the time it takes to train them. So - no doggie! LOL Hugs

  3. Oh boy, the trials of the puppy stage! I hope Bree learns her boundaries soon LOL The Harry Potter quilt is coming along nicely as is Lilli's. I'm working on my Swoon Sixteen project, all blocks are complete...on to sashing!

  4. That nasty C word is messing with people again! Hope it goes easily for your DH and that you don't get it! Nice progress on the quilts...Lilli will just have to learn!

  5. Yikes! I sure hope your husband makes a quick recovery and the C word doesn't linger. You made some great progress this week. I've picked up a BOM that I want to finish soon and I'm starting more cross stitch than I need to SHEESH!

  6. I want to ask you, and not seem rude...but you are making a quilt every year for each of your grandchildren, no? Is this for when you are gone and they have them to remember? Because I've made 2 or 3 quilts for each of my grandkids, and they and their parents have indicated that is more than enough. Each household has like 6-10 quilts already and that seems to be enough lol. I guess your family really likes to be cozy!!

    1. Hi, Anne! You are a no-reply blogger, so I'm replying here. I do make a quilt each year for each grandchild (3 of them) and yes, my daughter wishes I would stop! I make them mainly so they remember what THEY were like when they were little, and so their kids will know - I put a label on the back of each that describe their likes, dislikes, funny things they did, etc. from that year. This year I will be gifting those storage bags that you suck the air out of so they can store them under their beds to help with the overflow of cozy at their house!

  7. Unfortunately, my list is more housework related, some outdoor chores, some cross stitch and hopefully sewing together a maple leaf block and quilting my Christmas quilt from last year.
    You got a lot done! I love your projects and the receivers of those quilts will be thrilled. I hope your husband recovers with no side effects! Have a great week!


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!