

Friday, September 28, 2012

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Back In The Saddle Again!!

Hi, all!

It's Friday again - and fall is starting to show it's colorful face in Middle Tennessee!  Today when I was out driving, I saw leaves starting to turn red, yellow and orange.  I don't know about you, but I love fall - I grew up in South Florida, where nothing changes and it's been one of my favorite times of the year ever since I moved "north-er"!

So what do I have to whoop about this week?  Well, I got to start quilting again - woohoo!!!  And I finished off these beauties this week...

All four of these lovelies are on their way to help comfort people going through serious medical issues right now.  And there are five more in the queue!  See what happens when I can't quilt for three weeks?  But it's nice to be back in the saddle again!


So now it's your turn!

What have you accomplished this week?

What are you whooping about?

Share - we want to whoop with you!!

The linky will stay open until Sunday night -
so there's lots of time to join in the party!!

Be there or be square!!



Monday, September 24, 2012

Make-A-List Monday - Quilting Again!!

Hi, all!

Monday again - they just keep rolling along, don't they?  I'm so glad to be able to quilt again - so the lists will change back to normal again.  Woohoo!!

Here's how I did on last week's list...

1.  Make a backing for a quilt for the ministry.
Done!  My friend Deborah came over and quilted this one...

2.  Put borders on a ministry quilt and make a backing.
Done, and actually quilted - but no pics yet...

3.  Finish Lilli's quilt top.
Done!  Isn't it pretty?

4.  Work on Emmy's stocking.
Done!  Here's last week's progress shot...

...and here's where it is today!

5.  Work on the ministry pattern book.
Didn't do any of this this week - I had too much fun with #6!

6.  Dump out my scraps and make some dump blocks!
Oh, these things are so addictive!

This is only the first seven - I now have sixteen made and I'm in the process of sashing them for a ministry quilt.  And I've already got another one of these in mind for another ministry quilt!

So that's how last week went.  Here's what's on the list for this week!

1.  Quilt five ministry quilts currently needed.

2.  Finish piecing the brown dump-n-sew quilt top.

3.  Piece a low-volume dump-n-sew top.

4.  Locate a child's top in the to-be-quilted tops and quilt it for a ministry need.

5.  Quilt the two dump-n-sew tops from above.

6.  Quilt one extra quilt for next fall's long-term ministry project.

Collecting quilts for New Orleans was such a success, we're going to start making and collecting quilts for our middle school students' mission trip to Rogersville, TN next fall.  They work in this very poor community, doing construction and working with children.  The quilts we give them will certainly be well-used!

So that's what I've been working on, and plan to work on next.  

Now the question is - - - what are you working on this week?



Friday, September 21, 2012

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Lots of Random...

Hi, all!

It's Friday again - can you believe it?  Time sure flies when you're having fun - and I've been having a wonderful time piecing this week - something I don't get to do a whole lot of when I'm able to quilt!!

So this is one thing I pieced this week - Lilli's quilt for Christmas....

I love this fabric, and Heather's pattern worked up really quick and easy!  I can't wait to quilt it up - still trying to decide exactly what pattern to use....

I also found out, this afternoon, that dump and sew blocks are horribly addictive (gee thanks, Beth!)  I worked these up in a couple of hours this afternoon and had to make myself stop long enough to eat supper and write this blog post!

Aren't they gorgeous?  I can't believe how much fun they are to make - I foresee a lot of these in my future!

And I'm really whooping over this - all the quilts we've collected to send to New Orleans at the end of the month, spread out like one giant quilty hug!!  I think the final count will be seventy - collected through Hands2Help, church summer camp, and quilts that our ministry ladies made throughout the spring and summer.  Isn't that amazing?

And now just a couple of random photos...

This little guy was sitting on my gate this morning - this is very close-up, because he's only about the size of my thumbnail!  But he sat very politely and let me take his picture...

And here's Miss Lilli - ice cream really makes her day!!  She's such a sweetie and I love that smile....

So that's what I'm whooping about this week!!

And now it's your turn!

What have you been working on this week?

What made you... a happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance along with you!!

The linky party will stay open until Sunday night.

Be there or be square!!



Monday, September 17, 2012

Make-A-List Monday - Making Progress!

Hi, all!

It's been a beautiful week here in Middle Tennessee - but we're getting lots of rain today!  That makes for great sewing weather, though - yipee!!

Here's how I did on last week's list...

1.  Keep working on the pattern book for the quilt ministry.
The work in progress is still a work in progress...

2.  Start sewing on the quilts for Lilli and Emmy.
Done!  I finished Emmy's top...

...and I made the snowball blocks for Lilli's quilt top.

3.  Make two quilt backs for the quilt ministry.
I made one back, but the other one is still pending.

4.  Put borders on a small quilt top for the ministry.
Didn't get to this one!

5.  Teach a couple of friends how to use Jolene!
One of my friends came over, and she learned how to use Jolene, quilting a top for the quilt ministry.

6.  Work on Emmy's cross-stitched Christmas stocking.
Done - or at least coming long!  Here's how it looked last Monday...

...and here's how it looks today!

Slow but steady wins the race, right?

Want to see part of why I didn't get everything on the list done?  Saturday we met for our monthly sewing meeting, and set out all the quilts that are going to New Orleans for a picture...

Many of these quilts came to us as part of Hands2Help!
...and then Saturday afternoon, we took our daughter and granddaughters to the zoo!!

So Saturday was a busy day all around!

And here's what's on the list for this week...

1.  Make a backing for a quilt for the ministry.

2.  Put borders on a ministry quilt and make a backing.

3.  Finish Lilli's quilt top.

4.  Work on Emmy's stocking.

5.  Work on the ministry pattern book.

6.  Dump out my scraps and make some dump blocks!

OK - that's enough for this week!  I'm hoping to get released from some of my restrictions so I can start quilting again next week - we'll see how it goes!  Keep your fingers crossed...

So now, the question is - - - what are you working on this week?



Friday, September 14, 2012

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Slowing Down v. 2.0

Hi, all!

It's Friday again - are you ready to get your whoop whoop on???

I haven't got any one major thing to whoop over this week (I am on restrictions, remember?) but I do have a few things I'm pleased with...

... after a hugely annoying major math fail (where is my math genius niece when I need her?) I managed to get my blocks cut the right size and started putting this quilt top together.  And hallelujah - it's all fitting together properly!!  I've still got a ways to go, but it's started!  This one will be for Emmy for Christmas.

Another work-in-progress, this will be Emmy's Christmas stocking at Nana's house.  If you look back on this post, you can see how far it's come since Monday. I'm really enjoying this process again - it's been a while since I did much cross-stitch!

And while cleaning up today, I let out a major whoop whoop - when I found a bag stuffed away in a cabinet full of the Kate Spain loot I found at Michaels last year!  I had put it "in a safe place" and promptly forgotten about it - so it was exciting to find all this great stuff today!!

And last of all, (but certainly not least!) I got to pick up my girl at school today.  We went to Menchie's for ice cream and toppings (guess which is the important part there!) and she agreed to pose for a picture.  Don't you just love the sneakers?

One more thing to whoop about that I had forgotten - I'm featured today over at Amy's Creative Side!  I'm so honored!!  Hop over and take a peek - and follow Amy if you don't already - she's got such a great blog!!


So that's what I'm whooping about this week!

And now it's your turn -

What's made you dance a happy dance this week -
or whoop out loud?

Share with us - we want to whoop
right along with you!!

The linky party will stay open until Sunday at midnight!



Monday, September 10, 2012

Make-A-List Monday - The Slowed Down Version...

Hi, all!

Another week begins, and it is absolutely beautiful here in Middle Tennessee!  The sun is shining, it's a great temperature outside, warm but not hot, and my yard got mowed this morning - no more jungle!!  Some things are just worth paying for..... ;-)

I didn't have a long list last week, but let's see how it went...

1.  Cut out Lilli's quilt for Christmas.
Done!  This is going to be fun to sew up...

... I love this fabric!

2.  Cut out Emmy's quilt for Christmas.
Done!  Love this fabric, too - Ric Rac Rabbit!

3.  Take a last load of quilts and fabric to church.
Done!  There's a lot more room in my sewing room now... again!

4.  Start working on the pattern book for the quilt ministry, and for kitting directions for the patterns.
Done!   Or, at least, started!  This will be a long term ongoing
project, but it's good to start it now while I can't be
doing any quilting - it keeps me occupied!!

Don't ask me why this pic is upside down - it's just been
one of those days!

So I did ok on last week's list - I wonder what kind of trouble I can get into this week?

1.  Keep working on the pattern book for the quilt ministry.

2.  Start sewing on the quilts for Lilli and Emmy.

3.  Make two quilt backs for the quilt ministry.

4.  Put borders on a small quilt top for the ministry.

5.  Teach a couple of friends how to use Jolene!

6.  Work on Emmy's cross-stitched Christmas stocking.

This is how I've gotten done so far - let's see how much more I have done next Monday!

So that's my list for the week - no quilting, just light sewing for those of you who tell me not to overdo!  

So now the question is - - - what are you working on this week?


Friday, September 7, 2012

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? In the Nick of Time...

Hi, all!

Friday is finally here - and it's time to get your whoop whoop on!!  Are you ready??


I was really whooping this week when I came home from the hospital on Wednesday to find this waiting for me...

Isn't that a gorgeous sight?  Four wonderful quilts donated to us by our Anonymous Donor - and just in time!  Already today I've had requests for two quilts - so this was a lovely, timely donation!!  Hopefully I'll have full pictures of these before they are given away, but if I go out and take them today, my hubby's liable to shoot me!  Restrictions, restrictions, restrictions....  but I'm being good!!

So that's what I'm whooping about this week!!  Many thanks to our Anonymous Donor!!


What are you whooping about this week?

Remember - it doesn't have to be a finish - 
so tell us your accomplishments for the week!

We want to whoop right along with you!!

The linky party will remain open until Sunday midnight...


 PS I don't know why the linky party is showing up twice, and I can't seem to fix it - but you only have to link up once!  ;-)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Still Ticking!!

Hi, all!

Just a quick post to let you know that my surgery went fine and I'm like that Timex watch - still ticking!!

See you on Friday for whoop whoops!!

