

Friday, September 14, 2012

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Slowing Down v. 2.0

Hi, all!

It's Friday again - are you ready to get your whoop whoop on???

I haven't got any one major thing to whoop over this week (I am on restrictions, remember?) but I do have a few things I'm pleased with...

... after a hugely annoying major math fail (where is my math genius niece when I need her?) I managed to get my blocks cut the right size and started putting this quilt top together.  And hallelujah - it's all fitting together properly!!  I've still got a ways to go, but it's started!  This one will be for Emmy for Christmas.

Another work-in-progress, this will be Emmy's Christmas stocking at Nana's house.  If you look back on this post, you can see how far it's come since Monday. I'm really enjoying this process again - it's been a while since I did much cross-stitch!

And while cleaning up today, I let out a major whoop whoop - when I found a bag stuffed away in a cabinet full of the Kate Spain loot I found at Michaels last year!  I had put it "in a safe place" and promptly forgotten about it - so it was exciting to find all this great stuff today!!

And last of all, (but certainly not least!) I got to pick up my girl at school today.  We went to Menchie's for ice cream and toppings (guess which is the important part there!) and she agreed to pose for a picture.  Don't you just love the sneakers?

One more thing to whoop about that I had forgotten - I'm featured today over at Amy's Creative Side!  I'm so honored!!  Hop over and take a peek - and follow Amy if you don't already - she's got such a great blog!!


So that's what I'm whooping about this week!

And now it's your turn -

What's made you dance a happy dance this week -
or whoop out loud?

Share with us - we want to whoop
right along with you!!

The linky party will stay open until Sunday at midnight!




  1. Oh Sarah, I love her happy smile and her curly hair! She is really so cute! And your rabbits quilt will turn out great, I'm sure. Happy to hear that you're fine, just keep up your "restrictions" for a while ;o)

  2. Those sneakers are adorable and that quilt you've started seems like just the ticket for a happy Christmas present!

  3. Sarah, She couldn't be any cuter! I'm diligently working on my Speck too - I'm at the sashing stage now! I started my crafty life with cross stitch - haven't done much lately though.

  4. Slow and easy is the way to go while on the mend. Cross stitch is so soothing and you have a lovely project going. I have a lot of minis to finish up over the weekend.

  5. That rabbit quilt is ADORABLE!!! This weeks whoop was getting a new rotary cutter (after breaking THREE in one week)... currently in the mood to cut so i am cutting and kitting.

  6. Whoop Whoop Sarah!! I am loving that bunny - adorable!! And so is your little granddaughter :) Great Kate Spain loot. I looked at Michaels recently, but it was all gone :(

  7. What a beautiful little girl! And her rabbit quilt will be almost as beautiful :*) Great job Nana!!!

  8. Your cross stitching stocking is adorable! AND Lilli cute as always!

  9. Congrats on your feature! So glad you are being good and working within your restrictions. Still humming right along though, I see. The cross stitch is super cute, as is Lilli, as ever!

  10. Great feature story! And it looks like you have had a great week given you are on the mend! I seem to have messed up my links photo, but my real whoop for the week is my daughter turning 18 - we are in Olympia moving her to college.

  11. You sound happy. Lilli is sure growing up and gorgeous as ever. She looks like she's just a joy to have around. I'm happy for you!


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!