

Monday, September 12, 2016

Make-A-List Monday - Busier Than A One-Armed Paper Hanger!

Hi, all!

Wow - a really fast weekend and we're back to Monday again!  This week is going to be super-busy - lots going on and not much time at home to work on things.  I'm trying to get a jump on blog posts tonight while watching "Fear The Walking Dead".  And I'll take advantage of the time I have and do what I can!  

First of all, though, let's see how last week's list went...

1.  Quilt the string quilt.
Done!  I'm so very happy with the way this quilt came out.  You can read more about it by clicking here.

2.  Piece the second t-shirt quilt top.
Done!  I love the background colors on this one!

3.  Mail the Stash Builder Box quilts to Amanda for distribution.
Done!  It's such a pleasure to quilt these tops, knowing that they will be going to children in need!

4.  Keep working on the secret project - finish some of the WIPS this week!
I did finish one, and purchased some necessary supplies to finish the others.  Just need to find more hours in the day!!

5.  Prep work for the quilt show at our local small-town festival, coming up soon!
Ready, I think!  I've printed out the necessary forms, and I think I've got all my ducks in a row....  Good thing - the quilt show is this coming Saturday!

 6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done!  This quilt went to a woman whose 16-year old daughter was killed in a car crash...

...and this quilt went to comfort a gentleman whose wife died recently.

These two quilts went with a teenager on a mission trip. She will be giving them to some of the people she ministers to this week...

This quilt went to a woman whose husband passed away in his sleep last week...

...and this quilt went to a local teacher who is battling cancer.

This quilt is now comforting a woman living in an assisted living facility while being treated for an ongoing condition.  Her son died unexpectedly last week.  

And this quilt went to a gentleman who has cancer throughout his body.

So quite a few quilts given away last week!  We need to replenish our stock of finished quilts pretty quick - as soon as we get our BlockRockIt working properly again.  Grace has been under the weather, but should be functioning properly again this week...

In addition to the items above, I also quilted three quilts this week - two for the quilt ministry and one of my own - and did the binding on all three...

...and in an effort to finish something quick in a few spare minutes, I made this little cutie!

I love useful and pretty things that can be made quickly!

So now let's see what's on tap for this week.  It's a strange week - I'll be spending so much time working on the quilt show before and on Saturday that I don't know how much sewing time I'll have, and we have a very large donation for the quilt ministry that I have to help pick up and get organized - all of which will affect what other things I can get done, including sleeping and eating!  But here's what I hope to do...

1.  Accept quilts for the quilt show this weekend.

2.  Work with the long-arm repairman to get Grace up and running again!

3.  Collect and process the fabric donation for the quilt ministry.

4.  Make backs for the two t-shirt quilt tops that are completed.

5.  Decide on a quilting design for one of the secret projects.

6.  Spray baste that quilt (if I choose straight line quilting) so it's ready for quilting.

7.  If time allows, quilt some tops for the quilt ministry.

8.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

More than enough to keep me busy, especially since I will have to be up at church at least four half-days this week, and have the grandkids two mornings this week!  Oh, do I need a clone - or some minions!!!

Do you think they're available for hire?  

And now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. Wishing you all the energy and fortitude you'll need to accomplish everything on your list this week!

  2. my goodness, you are busy! I really like the variety quilts suitable for men that your ministry provides. I feel swamped with merely a stash bee block, write a blog for my upcoming October Bee Queen block and quilt a charity quilt for my guild (on my domestic machine).

  3. I know I will be picking muscadines, okra and peppers. I hope to get some sewing and quilty stuff done this week. Also hope to make some more progress in my quilting room to get ready for the arrival of Lucey Mcgillicuddy. Happy Stitiching!

  4. This week, well I will be so very happy if I get to be home every day, and maybe finish off a bag I started weeks ago. Friends here this afternoon, a haircut this morning, and look at fabrics to make a bag for the embroidered panel Joyce finished for the front pocket. Your ministry quilts are wonderful, and must be so appreciated.And one little project for yourself,lovely.

  5. You are always so busy - happy you got a little play time for a cute little project of your own. Not sure how much sewing I will get it as I prep for the weekend fiber artist exhibit where I will be demo-ing hand quilting.

  6. You are as busy as I am. I'm just trying to keep my head above water, but, I've had 3 finishes this past week, and, more coming. Enjoy your quilt show.

  7. I am going to keep this week simple and just make two quilt blocks to finish my sewing bee for my quilt. They will both be cakes.

  8. I'm not sure you want minions....aren't they the ones who want to follow the evil-doers? If I remember the movie correctly, not very good things happen to the ones the minions worshiped. Be careful what you wish for. Perhaps clones might be a better choice.

  9. Wow you were very busy. Well done.
    Kathleen Mary

  10. That's quite a week Sarah! And another one coming up! Yes, I think you deserve some minions to help :-)
    I finished a tshirt quilt for a friend and now we're in the midst of shopping for new flooring for our entire house....oh my! I will start packing everything up soon to get it moved into our garage. This might kill me. Ha!

  11. Love all your projects. I've gotta look into the little basket. Might be just the thing for Christmas gifts...(with a gift card).
    I'm making a couple of potholders for a couple of my oldest friends... paper pieced jack o' lanterns in orange. I'll show them off after I give them next Monday, we're going to lunch together.
    Have a wonderful week.

  12. What thread do you use for quilting a t-shirt quilt? Does it need something stronger than aurifil?


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!