

Monday, May 10, 2021

Make-A-List Monday - It IS May, Isn't It?


Hi, all!

Has the weather in your part of the world gone nuts like it has here?  This morning it was 43 degrees, windy, rainy and cold!!! And it's MAY!  Seriously??? I am ready for some pretty warm sunny weather.  I had every intention of working in the front planters this morning, but not when it's cold and icky outside.  So if you've got pretty weather where you are, can you please send some our way?

I had a busy week last week, so let's see how the list went...

1.  Quilt at least four more graduation quilts.
Done!  I put binding on the three quilts on the left, quilted and bound the three on the right in this picture...

...quilted and bound these two...

...and quilted and bound this one today, for a total of six I quilted and nine total finished!

We're getting nice big pile of quilts!  I think we're close to being done. Hallelujah!

2.  Work on the hourglass blocks for my Me Sew Happy quilt.
Needless to say, with all that quilting going on, I didn't get to this one.

3.  Finish re-organizing the kitchen.
Done!  I set up a baking cabinet and drawer so that all the supplies are at hand and easily accessible.

4.  Work on the front planters.
I did some of this, finishing the weeding in the far bed, and pulling out some plants that would be trampled when they finally come to take out the old bushes.  Unfortunately, I wanted to do more but the weather has not been cooperative! 

Not a bad week, even though I didn't get to everything I wanted to.  But since the graduation quilts are finished, I'll have more time to work on other things this week!  So here's what I have planned...

1.  Work on the front planters.

2.  Put binding on the last two graduation quilts.

3.  Work out the final details on my design for the 12 Days of Christmas in July quilt-along quilt.

4.  Assemble the blocks I made on vacation into a quilt top.

5.   Straighten up the studio and clean up the remains of this spring's projects!

6.  Put together one (or maybe two!) non-blogger update posts for H2H.  I've had so many emails with beautiful pictures, it may take two posts just to get them all in!

A full week - just straightening up the studio could take all week!  But plenty to keep me out of trouble, for sure! 

So now, I really want to know - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. We've had frost warnings every night since Friday, and they will continue thru Wednesday night. Supposedly, it's supposed to warm up on Sunday. We had to turn the heater back on.

  2. How wonderful! I love to see all of the quilts you have worked on lately! Wow!

  3. great job on the quilts. May I ask where did you buy those snap lid cereal containers???

  4. Wow! We've been blessed with beautiful weather so I'll definitely try to send some your way! Those graduation quilts are certainly going to be a blessing to the graduates! What a lovely tradition!


Comments make me smile!! If you want a PDF of a pattern, PLEASE leave your email address in your comment, or email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!