Friday, February 4, 2011

Can I get a Whoop-Whoop?? A Couple of Ministry Quilts!!

Hi, all!

It's Friday again, and time to get your whoop-whoop on!!  I can't wait to see what everyone's been working on this week - big or small, it's always exciting to make progress!  So be sure to link up and tell all!

Here's what I worked on this week - a pair of quilts that started at our January sewing meeting, where 22 women got together to make blocks from a big box of shirting samples that I think dated from back in the early 1960's.  We made 46 blocks that morning, and everyone had a great time!  The next week, a friend came over and we worked on sashing 32 of those blocks to be put into quilts.

Here's the first quilt - named "The Shirt Off My Back"....

This quilt went to a teenager in our church with some ongoing medical issues.  We hoped to create a quilt that would grow with him - that he can take to college some day.  Notice the letters on the quilt?  I found an unstitched part of the piecing in mid-quilting - those appliqued letters (the recipient's initials!) cover up that boo-boo!  Oh, the things we do in desperation.....  ;-)

The second quilt is going to an older gentleman who is battling cancer.  One of his nurses is a member of our church and after hearing about his recent test results, requested a quilt for him.  She told us that this was a very sweet couple who had been going through a lot recently.  We took some of the blocks that had been sashed and paired them with a vintage copper cotton to create this quilt.  The backing is a moose print flannel to add some extra warmth, because the gentleman had been suffering chills during his chemo treatments.  I've named this quilt "King's Cross".....

And because this request was brought to us referring to the couple, we decided to send a quilt to the wife, also - sitting in a chair in a hospital room is a cold and lonely place, and we thought a quilt might help make her feel a little more comfort.  My friend Debbie, who did the long-arm quilting on Savannah's quilt, donated this beautiful quilt that she made.  I'm calling this one "Peace, Love and Harmony".....

So that's what I've been up to this week - finishing up some collaborative effort quilts!  Now I want to see what everyone else has been doing - so link up!!  And don't forget to share the bloggy love!!!

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Okay, everyone - here's an important note!!  
I just found out that the linky service is going to be charging
a monthly fee for the service.  It's not very much, and I don't mind
paying it, if people want to keep linking up.  

SO - this is the week to link up!  
Show me you're interested in this linky party!!  
If you've accomplished something this week you're proud of - 
and that doesn't mean you had to finish it
tell us about it!
Join in the fun!!
Get your very own whoop whoop!!




This linky list is now closed.


  1. Hi Sarah! You had a great week and with such a great cause. I have been up for a while now, hoping for snow, yep that's right. We have not had a "Snow Day" since Dec 1999. Thank you for hosting the Link Party and looking forward to coming home tonight to check out the projects.

  2. Sarah - I love all 3 of your quilts that you posted today. I really love the last one - so bright & cheery.

  3. Those shirt quilts turned out so nicely! What a great use of those scraps. The last quilt is a cheery one for sure. Great finishes!

  4. Thanks for hosting this. Your quilts look lovely.

  5. LOVE those quilts. I think my favorite of the quilts you showed today is the first one. Who knew you could do so much with samples of men's shirt material? That's amazing! Ministering to others with your quilts is amazing. You have touched the lives of many people.

  6. Great job with the quilts!! I don't have anything to share this week...hopefully next week!

  7. Love the quilts, looks like you have been busy!!

  8. You just keep on trucking, every week! You're an inspiration!!

  9. Just checking out Jodi's tips for comment settings....

  10. What a lovely trio of quilts and such a very nice thought. It reminded me of another birthday quilt I had given to a friend who then battled cancer. I know he did use it at home when he was chilled.

  11. I love the copper one! It's a color you don't often see in quilts. Thanks, Sarah:)

  12. Those are some beautiful charity quilts. I like the vintage copper color quilt also. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on the price of fabric!! Yikes! I agree that shopping online is so much cheaper. My Joann's is a dark and dreary place so I haven't been there in awhile. Maybe I'll give it another go. Keep up the wonderful work on the quilts!!


I love comments, but unfortunately spammers love my blog, so I have turned them off for anonymous commenters. Feel free to email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com if you have a question though!

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