Hi, all!
Monday, Monday... the start of a new week and a new list of tasks! I had a busy week last week but didn't even look at my list after I wrote it, so I have no idea if I met any of those goals... so let's find out!
1. Make a plan and write estimates for two new customer quilts.
Done! The customer liked the idea and the price, so I'm good to go this week. Here's a pic of what I have planned...
The white areas will be for t-shirts and memory fabrics.
2. Finish the castle block for the Harry Potter quilt.
I not only finished the castle block, I finished all of the blocks!

3. Start cutting out the dinosaur quilt blocks.
Cut out, kitted up and ready to go on vacation!

4. Spend some one-on-one time with Emmy and Nathanael. (School starts Thursday!)
Done! They are so much fun, and growing up so fast!
5. Assemble a new a birdbath and install it in the planter.
Done! Isn't it pretty? (And just look at that stinker of a squirrel!)

6. Start working on one of the customer quilts.
Not started, because I didn't get the go-ahead from my customer in time. So there's something for this week!
7. Do yoga or tai chi exercises at least three times this week.
Completely forgot about this one. That's what happens when I don't look at my list!
But wait - - - that's not all I did this week! This morning I went to our old house and met a contractor, who put in the columns at the right and left of the juliet balcony. Apparently prospective buyers were freaked out by the fact that it just hung up there, despite the fact that it's been on there for over 50 years!
I also weeded the front flower beds and put out fresh mulch...
...and put some pretty (silk) flowers in the planters on either side of the front door (because I can't kill silk!). A brand new welcome mat sure does brighten up the entrance!

I also weeded and re-mulched the planter by the walkway to the front door. I think it all looks much better now!

And that explains the title of today's post - we are wishing and hoping for just-the-right person to come and see our house and love it! We've had lots of showings, and we're hoping that the addition of the staged photos will generate some new interest and maybe some second looks from people who are interested. Keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer!
OK, so now it's time for a new list. Here's what I'm hoping to get to this week...
1. Deconstruct clothing items for the two customer quilts.
2. Start building the blocks for those quilts.
3. Set up additional lighting in the quilt room.
4. Deal with the stack of scrappy leftovers that are cluttering up the sewing table!
5. Plant some autumn bulbs in the front planter at the new house.
6. Put the Harry Potter blocks together into a quilt top.
7. Make a list of necessary (sewing) items for vacation (so I don't forget something important - like the power cord for my sewing machine!)
Certainly enough to keep me out of trouble, and who knows what else I'll get done? Stuff always comes up, doesn't it?
So now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?