Friday, August 14, 2020

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? The Gang's All Here!


Hi, all!

Can you believe Friday has made it here again?  Seems like these weeks are just flying by - but time does fly when you're having fun.  And I have been having some serious fun this week!  Friday means it's time to get our whoop whoop on, so let's get started!


You all probably know that I make a quilt each year for each of my grandkids and give it to them at Christmas time.  It's a fun way to commemorate their year - the quilt usually has something to remind them of what they were like, or what they liked, that year.  There's a label on the back that adds a few memories and remembrances so that someday their kids can look at them and know a little bit about what their parents were like as kids.   This whole process starts around mid-summer (hopefully) and this week I've been working on Lilli's quilt.

Lilli LOVES Harry Potter, and this year she requested a Harry Potter quilt.  Thankfully, Lorna at SewFreshQuilts did a HP quilt-along last year, and I knew that would be the perfect quilt for Lilli.  I had lots of bits and bobs of Kona solids, so I pulled the colors I needed and got started.  

I've shown several of the blocks in the past few weeks, but this week I managed to make Hogwarts Castle...


Professor McGonagall...

Severus Snape...

Then Hagrid joined the bunch...

And here's what I've completed to date!

Because Lilli wanted a quilt large enough for her queen-size bed, and I didn't like the fact that the large pattern was so long a whole row would be lost at the end of her bed, we eliminated a row (Dobby, Voldemort, and the train) and plan to put one of the blocks in that row - the Hogwarts crest - on the back.  I still need to make that block and the words "Harry Potter" to go across the top of the quilt, but I hope to get to that this weekend.  

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's alway more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Hedwig, WOW, that is magnificent. This will be the one to remember always.

  2. The linky party isn't set up correctly. The Harry Potter quilt is really coming along. Lilli is going to be thrilled with this quilt. Happy stitching!

  3. I forgot to thank you for using larger sized font, so easy to read, Thank you!!

  4. Such a fun tradition for you and your grandkiddos. I can't imagine getting them all done, but you do it with ease. She's going to love this quilt!

  5. I have seen that pattern before and figure there was a following for it! I remember one of my nephews being crazy for all Harry Potter as he was growing up

  6. That is going to be an awesome quilt!! Love seeing all the different characters and pieces coming together.

  7. This is going to be so awesome. I love those dark fabrics.

  8. You've made huge progress this week! It's looking great :)

  9. This is a very different quilt for you to make--I'm enjoying watching the progress!

  10. Congrats on getting all those blocks done, Sarah! I'm busy quilting on the longarm. Hoping to finish the current quilt by the time the weekend is coming to a close.

  11. Wow you are so speedy with your blocks. Well done!

  12. Your Harry Potter quilt is taking shape!

  13. You are doing a fabulous job on the HP quilt. I may have to do one for my grand. She's been rereading the books all summer. From what she says she isn't reading any other books. I image she's on her 3rd or 4 read of each book.

  14. How many grandchildren do you have? That is a super quilt you are working on now.

  15. She will definitely treasure that quilt! You are a great grandma.

  16. Amazing! Can’t wait to seen it when it finished! I am about to do your supernova quilt as a Christmas gift:) super excited, love your blog💜

  17. The castle block is amazing. It's going to be an heirloom quilt for sure.

  18. Your blocks look great. Can't wait to see the finished quilt.

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