Wednesday, August 31, 2011
What's Cookin' at The Sweatshop, Week #6
Hi, all!
Well, it's time for another update from The Sweatshop! I'm moving this feature to Wednesdays, because I always seem to be stretching to get it done on Tuesdays - I think this will work a little better! It's been a busy week here, and I should have lots more to show next week, but here's what we've been working on recently....
This quilt went to a gentleman who's going through a lot of medical issues right now - it's another Great American Jelly Roll Race quilt - and isn't that backing gorgeous? The top was pieced by Pam, a member of our quilt ministry.
This quilt is going to a woman who is undergoing surgery this week - I love the way the strips worked out on this quilt! And take a look at the great vintage fabric (36" wide!) that makes up the back...
Simple wavy quilting over the seam lines of this quilt made it a simple finish - but very effective, I think! The top was pieced by Cindy, a member of our quilt ministry.
This cute little flannel quilt is going to a newborn baby boy in our church. I've named it Night and Day because of the two different prints - one of suns and clouds, the other of nighttime stars. Sweet and simple!
This pretty quilt, pieced by Sharon Vrooman, is going to our Monday night prayer service for our pastor to hand out if he feels the need, along with this colorful quilt...
which was pieced by Sherrie, a member of our quilt ministry! It's her first quilt, and I love the way it turned out. We call it a Wonky Sudoku!!
Those are the quilts we delivered this week - we're also working on seven more quilts at the moment! Like I said, it's been a busy week! So there should be lots more to see next week....
We've also received some great donations this week, but I didn't have a chance to take pictures of them yet. I'll show you those next week!!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Make-A-List Monday #62! I Make Plans, and God Just Laughs!
Hi, all!
Well, we had a great weekend in Atlanta attending the Courageous movie premiere! I got to eat at Aunty Pitty Pat's Porch - absolutely awesome world famous fried chicken!! And Friday morning we went to IKEA - I got some great fabric and found some interesting things that might be usable for quilting. I'll be sharing those with you later this week. Neat stuff!
But now on to the list part of this post. How did I do on last week's list?
1. Get Lilli's quilt sandwiched and ready to start quilting.
(Good car handiwork while we drive to Atlanta!)
Done! Here's a sneak peek at the quilting...
I'm really loving hand quilting - what a surprise!
2. Piece a back for the first non-profit auction quilt.
Well, I didn't get it pieced, but I did pick up a piece of
Kona Coal for the back today, and a Michael Miller print
for the binding! Look how pretty!
3. Piece the top of the second non-profit auction quilt.
I didn't get to this, and if things don't change dramatically
with the quilt ministry needs, I may not get this one done...
4. Get at least one quilt for the quilt ministry on the frame
and quilt it!
Well, I didn't get it on the frame - I straight line quilted it -
but this one is finished!
![]() |
Don't you love that backing? |
And I got another flimsy quilted today - pics on the ministry update post (which I think I'm moving to Wednesdays!)
So what's up for this week?
1. Bind the latest quilted ministry quilt.
2. Quilt the third ministry quilt for the family that lost their wife and mother unexpectedly.
3. Quilt a ministry quilt for a husband and wife going through a difficult time.
4. Sandwich the quilt for the silent auction.
I think I'm going to hand quilt this one, too!
5. Make my bee block for August
(preferably before August is over!)
6. Make a sample top for 100 Quilts For Kids!
A ridiculously ambitious list - but I really need to get all this done this week! So I'll keep plugging away at it and hope to get most of it done.
And now - drumroll, please........
Saturday night we went over to our daughter's house for dinner...
Lilli met us at the door, and directed us to read her shirt....
which said.....
Big Sis!
Looks like I'm going to a Nana again, in early April!!
Hope your week is going as well as mine is so far! What are you working on this week?
Friday, August 26, 2011
Can I get a Whoop-Whoop?? 'Tis the Season...
Hi, all!
It's finally Friday! Woohoo!! As you read this, I'm in Atlanta laying siege to the IKEA store - or attending the premier of Courageous, if it's Friday night. But I did manage to get a little bit done this week....
I finished this flimsy, made by Kate Conklin's great "Scattered Showers" pattern. I had six fat quarters of Anthology fabrics that I picked up in Virginia, and some Kona Ash. I think it makes a nice pairing!
I also started a simple Christmas quilt, using up some of my monster stash of Christmas fabrics (I think they reproduce when I'm not looking!) This pattern was on Moda Bake Shop last week - called "Road to Tennessee". I've got 1/4 of it done, shown above. Both of these quilts will be part of a silent auction to benefit Lantern Lane Farms, a non-profit run by some friends of ours who provide counseling services. I have to have both done by September 11th - eek! Better get a move on!!
It's finally Friday! Woohoo!! As you read this, I'm in Atlanta laying siege to the IKEA store - or attending the premier of Courageous, if it's Friday night. But I did manage to get a little bit done this week....
I finished this flimsy, made by Kate Conklin's great "Scattered Showers" pattern. I had six fat quarters of Anthology fabrics that I picked up in Virginia, and some Kona Ash. I think it makes a nice pairing!
I also started a simple Christmas quilt, using up some of my monster stash of Christmas fabrics (I think they reproduce when I'm not looking!) This pattern was on Moda Bake Shop last week - called "Road to Tennessee". I've got 1/4 of it done, shown above. Both of these quilts will be part of a silent auction to benefit Lantern Lane Farms, a non-profit run by some friends of ours who provide counseling services. I have to have both done by September 11th - eek! Better get a move on!!
And just because they're cute, I wanted to share these pics with you - - -
Lilli discovered her great-great-grandmother's stereopticon (for those of you who don't know, it's an old-time Viewmaster!) and has been having a ball looking at all the old pictures. She tells me everything she sees in them, and only lets me look after she's finished with one! It's so nice to see her appreciate old things, as well as my iPod!
So that's my whoop whoop for the week! What have you been working on? Do share with the rest of us so we can cheer you on!! Remember, you have until Saturday at midnight to link up....
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
What's Cookin' at The Sweatshop, Week #5
Hi, all!
Well, I completely missed The Sweatshop's report last week - so sorry! I'll try to get back in the swing of regular posting soon....
So what have we been working on for the past two weeks?
This pretty quilt, which I think should be called "Almost Amish", went to a homebound lady that one of our ministry quilters helps out during the week. She loves red, and this quilt has such pretty pops of red on the front, and a totally red back. It made her day!! The top was pieced and donated by the lovely Sharon, and I added borders and quilted it.
This quilt, also pieced by Sharon, found a home this week with a blog friend of quilt ministry member Kelley. Her friend was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and Kelley thought a quilt would brighten up her day a little. I love the little note Kelley's friend sent to her...
Your AMAZING church sent me an amazing quilt!! I am in awe- of 1- they can sew!! LOL and 2- how completely and utterly generous that was!!
I don't know how I will ever pay it forward when this is all over! Thank YOU SO VERY MUCH for the support and love!!!!!
Your AMAZING church sent me an amazing quilt!! I am in awe- of 1- they can sew!! LOL and 2- how completely and utterly generous that was!!
I don't know how I will ever pay it forward when this is all over! Thank YOU SO VERY MUCH for the support and love!!!!!
I've still got a stack of quilts to get on the frame - I just hope my Juki cooperates!! I'm a little afraid to give it a try, but I need to bite the bullet and do it - we've had five new requests for quilts just this week!
So next week, hopefully I'll be able to say that Tillie was her usual wonderful self on the quilting frame, and we've got lots more quilts all ready to go to their new homes!!
One more thing before I go - be sure to check out Kate's blog, Swim Bike Quilt, for information about this year's 100 Quilts For Kids charity challenge. It's a great cause, and the quilts go to the charity of your choice in your area!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Make-A-List Monday #61! Trying to Get In The Groove...
Hi, all!
Summer's drawing to a close - the county fair is over - and it's a little cooler in the mornings now! Hooray!! I always seem to get more done in the fall, don't you? It just seems more like quilt weather.....
Let's see how I did on last week's list....
1. Quilt and bind Water World.
Done! This one is ready to go to its new home...
2. Sandwich Lilli's quilt and start hand-quilting.
I haven't gotten to this one yet - but I plan to, first thing
Tuesday morning!
3. Start a quilt to be donated to a local non-profit's auction.
Done! I've got one top finished, and a second one started.
No pictures, because I may need them for my Friday post!
4. Order a bolt of solid white for the quilt ministry.
Done! I love my local quilt shop owner, Marita!!
She's a great supporter of our quilt ministry....
And now, for next week - - - what's on the list?
1. Get Lilli's quilt sandwiched and ready to start quilting.
(Good car handiwork while we drive to Atlanta!)
2. Piece a back for the first non-profit auction quilt.
3. Piece the top of the second non-profit auction quilt.
4. Get at least one quilt for the quilt ministry on the frame
and quilt it!
Since I'm going to be out of town for part of the week, I'd better stop there. I've got so much I need to do, but this may be as much as I can get done by next Monday!
And just a reminder about the 100 Quilts For Kids challenge,
coming up soon beginning September 15th! You can
read more about it here - I hope you'll join in and
participate!! It's a great cause!!
So - - - what are you working on this week?
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Surfin' Sunday - with something a little different!
Hi, all!
I want to do something a little different this week for Surfin' Sunday - because I get to do something a little different this week! On Friday night, I get to go to a movie premiere - a very special movie called "Courageous".
You may remember reading a little bit about this movie here before - it's been a large part of my husband's work life for the past two years or so. And it's wonderful to see it about to come to life for everyone else!! The movie opens in theaters on September 30th - I highly recommend that you go see it with your family. It's awesome!
Here's a clip from the movie....
And here's a video of Casting Crowns singing the movie's theme song....
You can discover more about the movie on the Courageous website. I hope you'll also take time to go see the movie!! You won't regret it!!
I want to do something a little different this week for Surfin' Sunday - because I get to do something a little different this week! On Friday night, I get to go to a movie premiere - a very special movie called "Courageous".
You may remember reading a little bit about this movie here before - it's been a large part of my husband's work life for the past two years or so. And it's wonderful to see it about to come to life for everyone else!! The movie opens in theaters on September 30th - I highly recommend that you go see it with your family. It's awesome!
Here's a clip from the movie....
And here's a video of Casting Crowns singing the movie's theme song....
You can discover more about the movie on the Courageous website. I hope you'll also take time to go see the movie!! You won't regret it!!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Can I get a Whoop-Whoop?? A Little Tennessee Sunshine....
Hi, all!
Where did the week go? The weather has been beautiful here - warm but not oppressively hot - which is a really nice change! Lilli came over today and we went outside to take pics of my finish for the day, but we also got in some swinging....
She's getting so tall! It's amazing how quickly kids grow.....
A friend of mine, Cassie, came by today and we both worked on separate quilt projects - lots got done and a good time was had by all! It's so much more fun to sew with friends.....
And here's my finish for the week - this quilt is named "Water World"...
My day ended with dinner with Lilli, her parents, and my wonderful hubby at Cracker Barrel. And of course, the obligatory rocking chairs on the porch!
A perfect day!! I hope yours was just as good!!
So now it's your turn -
What have you been working on this week?
It doesn't have to be a finish -
it can be a start or a middle or an end!
Share! We want to cheer you on!!
You've got until Saturday midnight to link up...
Monday, August 15, 2011
Make-A-List Monday #60! Despite All Odds....
Hi, all!
Well, it's Monday night - I've been working on the Hands2Help giveaways today, and haven't had a chance to do my list-making until now! But there's still time......
First let's see how I did on last week's list...
So I did all right on last week's list. Now to see what's on the list for this week....
Well, it's Monday night - I've been working on the Hands2Help giveaways today, and haven't had a chance to do my list-making until now! But there's still time......
First let's see how I did on last week's list...
1. Finish piecing the top for the son.
Done! And not only the top, but the back, too!
Water World - The front.... |
...and the back! |
2. Finish quilting the top for the young man in the motorcycle accident.
Done! I love the way this one came out...
3. Bind the top after finishing it.
4. Fix the Juki, or have the repairman come out.
Done - I hope!! See previous posts for the saga...
5. Try to get Lilli's quilt back done!
(Maybe if I'm a little more humble, it'll get done....)
And finally - DONE!!
Tada!!! |
So I did all right on last week's list. Now to see what's on the list for this week....
1. Quilt and bind Water World.
2. Sandwich Lilli's quilt and start hand-quilting.
3. Start a quilt to be donated to a local non-profit's auction.
4. Order a bolt of solid white for the quilt ministry.
Hopefully I'll get much more than this done this week, but I'm trying to be realistic in my goals!
And because someone complained that they hadn't seen Lilli on my blog in a while, here's a picture of Lilli with her Poppa - she wants him to play guitar for her!
So now - what are you working on this week?
PS - if you want to see who won the Hands2Help giveaways,
go here.
And The Winners Are......
Hi, all!
I'm so pleased to announce the winners of the giveaways related to the Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge of 2011....
Ruthie Wasmuth - a Robert Kaufman "brights" solid roll-up, donated by fellow quilter Sharon Vrooman
Jenny Scheidt - a $25 gift certificate to Green Fairy Quilts, donated by fellow quilter Sharon Vrooman
Kari Janetvilay - a Verna Kit by Kate Spain, donated by fellow quilter Pam Nagle
Pam Nagle - two charm packs of Benartex Heritage Prints, donated by fellow quilter KatieQ
Sue Daurio - six Chasing Cottons patterns, donated by the designer, Rebecca Johnson
Miki Willa - a jelly roll of Warm Memories by Kansas Troubles, donated by Cathy of Wondrous Woven Fabrics
Paulette "P." Horn - a Blooming Brown and Blue Stash Builder Bundle, donated by Peg and Becca of Sew Fresh Fabrics
Diane Wingo - a $15 gift certificate donated by Leah of Burgundy Buttons
Karen Green - a fat quarter bundle of Joel Dewberry's Heirloom in her choice of colorway, donated by Julie at The Intrepid Thread
Joy Bury - a $25 gift certificate donated by Anna Luna of The Crafty Girls Workshop
Ann Skelton - her choice of two of Kate Conklin's great quilt designs
Jacque Bruce - her choice of two of Kate Conklin's great quilt designs
Chris Pearson - her choice of two of Kate Conklin's great quilt designs
Deborah Hester - her choice of two of Kate Conklin's great quilt designs
Stephanie Ruyle - her choice of two of Kate Conklin's great quilt designs
Kathleen Gansert - a $25 gift certificate donated by Shannon of Fabrics 'N Quilts
Barb Boland - a "Make Life" jelly roll donated by Melanie of Above All Fabric
Robyn Allen - a $20 gift certificate donated by Kathy Mack of Pink Chalk Fabrics
Rita Penner - a "Meadow Friends" jelly roll donated by Judi of Green Fairy Quilts
And in our special giveaway for participants who sent in more than one quilt, the winner is:
Sharon Vrooman! She will get to choose five of her favorite designs from those wonderful quilt patterns designed by Judi of Green Fairy Quilts!
Thank you all, so much, for making this a wonderful success!! I wish I had enough giveaway items so that everyone could receive something, but alas, not this year. Maybe next! I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did, and will join in again next year.
You are all wonderful ladies with huge hearts and I am proud to have been a part of this with you.
PS - be sure to stop by Green Fairy Quilts and join in her huge charity giveaway!! She's giving away some really great fabric and hoping to raise some funds to take to Romania to purchase food and school supplies at the same time....
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