Friday, April 6, 2012

Can I Get a Whoop-Whoop?? The Very Best Of Finishes....

Hi, all!

Well, here it is Friday again - and it's time to get your whoop whoop on!!  It's been an unusual week for me this week, with not too much sewing, and what I have worked on I can't show yet - so I'm going to share a finish of my daughter's - the very best of finishes!!

Meet Emmalyn Elise - my daughter's most recent finish!  Just four days old, and already has a whole bunch of people wrapped around her tiny little finger!!

And here's my favorite picture of the week...

....all three of my beautiful girls!

So - - - no quilty finish to share, but I'm happy!

And now it's your turn!

What have you been working on this week?

Share with us - we'd love to see
and give you a big whoop whoop!!

The linky party will stay open until Sunday night.
Be there or be square!!

And one last thing - if you're interested in the auction for the feed sack quilt top or blocks, the current high bids stand at $75 for the quilt top and $50 for the blocks.  I'll be closing bids tonight at midnight and will notify the winners tomorrow (Saturday, 4/7/12) so if you want them, bid now!!  You can either leave a comment below or e-mail me directly at



This linky list is now closed.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a WONDERFUL finish :)

  2. Oh Sarah, what a beautiful photo. Congrats to all. Lilly looks just adoring in that photo. Who needs a quilting finish when you have such exciting news!

  3. Congratulations to you as well as the rest of the famil - lovely photo.

  4. Three beautiful girls is right! Congrats! My donation quilt is at the quilters now and she says no problem in getting it done in time to meet the June delivery date.

  5. Whoop Whoop! You win with the best Whoop Whoop of the week!

  6. Your girls are beautiful. I can't think of a better finish for the week! Congratulations again!!

  7. It doesn't get better than your three beautiful girls! What a finish! Congrats! Whoop! Whoop!

  8. I sure don't think anyone is going to have a better finish than that!! Congrats to all. What an incredible picture of the 3 of your beauties. The love is just oozing out of that picture!!

  9. Beautiful child brought into this world!! Lilli looks ecstatic!

  10. Now THAT deserves a Whoop Whoop!!! How sweet is that adorable baby?!? Congratulations & blessings on the new sweetheart!

  11. Such sweet pictures! Congratulations!

  12. Beautiful girls...congrats! I have three little girls myself, so I know that great feeling!

  13. She is beautiful! So happy for you. Enjoy those sweet grand babies!

  14. The best finish of all, a healthy family! Have a great Easter with your growing family!

  15. congratulations Grandma!! Such a wonderful picture!

  16. Congratulations...what a beautiful group of ladies!

  17. Your 'finishes' this week are great! What a great picture of your girls. Congrats!

  18. Oh Wow! Congratulations!!! That is one heck of a finish if you ask me!

  19. Congratulations! Beautiful girls!

  20. Congratulations. I'd love to trade my Whoop whoop for your whoop whoop!

  21. I can't begin to compete with your finish. Absolutely beautiful. Congratulations

  22. What an absolutely perfect picture! I can feel the love from here.

  23. What a sweet photo! Lilli seems to be pretty happy:)

  24. I love the pictures of your girls !! the baby is smiling isn't she ????
    well , as usual , I messed up my linky but it goes to the right picture on flickr . Sorry !!!

  25. Ooohhh....she is adorable. That is without a doubt my favorite finish I have seen on here. Congratulations to all!

  26. A lot of love in that little bundle! She is adorable...

  27. That is definitely my favorite photo fo the week too. They are so very beautiful--and I'm sure they are just as beautiful on the inside, and that is best of all.

  28. What a beautiful picture but you should have been in it to. Three generations of beautiful girls. Love and blessings to all of you Sandra


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