Friday, October 19, 2012

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Scraps of Love

Hi, all!

It's Friday again - are you ready to get your whoop whoop on?  I'm currently whooping it up in Gatlinburg, TN with my family - a long weekend to play, shop and enjoy the beautiful fall colors in the Great Smoky Mountains!  I didn't get a whole lot of sewing done this week, but I want to share a post I also put up on the Quilts Are For Giving blog - so if you've already read it there, I apologize for repeating myself....


I've got a special quilt to share with you all today - made for one of our quilt ministry members, who had a brain aneurysm rupture last week.  

The word blocks were donated by Sharon...

Christy is a new member - she had just joined a couple of months ago, and after making her first quilt for herself (she was afraid it wouldn't be good enough to give away!), she made six baby quilt tops and started on a quilt for a friend.  

The monkey fabric came from the first baby quilt Christy made...
And the red striped fabric above is left over from a dress I made
for my daughter about 20 years ago!

Then suddenly, last Monday, she suffered a ruptured aneurysm and has been in the hospital ever since.  She is still sedated and they are unsure of the extent of the damage.  

Lots of the ministry members joined in making blocks for this quilt - it was the first experience for many of them with dump-and-sew blocks, but it went well!  

In fact, the block on the right above was the first block a new member had ever made, and actually the first thing she ever sewed!  She was so excited....

And this block has the best story - one of the ladies in the group was making it at home before leaving on a trip, and her daughter was helping her pull fabrics.  When KatieBeth brought the princess fabric over, Deb said, "Honey, this quilt is for a grown-up lady - and that's a little girl fabric."  KatieBeth responded, "Well, she's a princess too, isn't she?"  As Deb said, how could she tell her not to put it in after that?

There are pieces of fabric in this quilt from many of the quilts we've made for the ministry, and many hands had a part in the making of it.  Our hope is that it will remind Christy of how many people are praying for her and cheering her on as she recovers from this horrible event in her life.  

Thanks for letting me share this special quilt with you.  I hope you'll join us in praying for Christy - she'll need a lot of prayer over the coming months......


So now it's your turn!

What have you been working on this week?

What's made you dance a happy dance?

Share - we want to boogie along with you!!

The linky party will stay open until Sunday night...

Be there or be square!!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. I cry every time I see this quilt and hear the story - but so worth it. I sincerely hope Christy is doing better, sending so many healing prayers.

  2. I love the word HOPE in there. We are need a bit of that! Lovely quilt.

  3. Sending prayers for your friend and her family.

  4. Such a beautiful quilt and so many beautifuls stories with it.

  5. Man. Talk about a tear jerker. Hugs to your friend and your ministry... And a few of your quilts won 100 quilts prizes, so unless you have moved, I'll box them up and send them on their way. :)

  6. How beautiful is that quilt?!? What a wonderful way to cheer Christy on! I just love the Princess block!!! "Out of the mouths of babes" LOL!!! I will definitely join you all in praying for Christy.... that is my daughter's name, so I will have no problem remembering her and to pray for her.

  7. I think KatieBeth nailed it:) I'll continue to remember Christy is my prayers.

  8. Love the part about the princess fabric. Such fun blocks and words interspersed throughout! Great quilt! Hoping for the best for Christy.

  9. That Princess fabric is perfect for Christy. Hope she starts her recovery quickly. Today is a day for prayers, as FIL is having a heart cath and stint at noon today. What a quilt, love it.

  10. What a wonderful expression of love and healing prayers for Christy! I love all the words that are pieced into the quilt!

  11. Thanks for sharing the quilt and the story. I will pray for Christy.

  12. I so love your quilt... and I'm sure she will too. It's just beautiful.

  13. Smart little girl - of course adults can be princesses! Praying for a recovery.

  14. What a beautiful quilt! I love all the stories behind the blocks in it.

  15. What a special quilt - love all the word blocks too.

  16. I think I like this quilt even more the second time! Princess Christy will remain in my prayers.

  17. What a special quilt Sarah. It's beautiful. Wishing your friend a speedy recovery :)

  18. wow - that is amazing. I love the dump blocks and will be praying too. That is not a fun situation. Hugs to you for comforting her

  19. What a beautiful quilt and a wonderful story of coming together to show love and support for a friend. Quilters are some of the most generous people I know!

  20. How is Christy doing, Sarah? That is so tragic.

  21. Hello, new follower here and I’d like to invite you to join me at my weekly Clever Chicks Blog Hop:

    I hope you can make it!


    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick


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