Friday, July 26, 2013

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? This Week's Accomplishments...

Hi, all!

It's Friday again, already!  That means it's time to get your whoop whoop on - - - I hope you're ready!  


Even though I had the little girls for three days this week, I did manage to get some piecing and quilting done this week...

I quilted and bound this pretty scrappy top, donated by Ginette.  It will be going to a young woman whose cancer has returned after four years cancer-free.


And I also quilted and bound this colorful top, made with donated pieces (I wish I could remember who donated them!).  It is going to a young woman whose husband, a firefighter, was killed in the line of duty.  She has a five-year old son and is expecting another baby shortly.

I also turned these beautiful blocks donated by Laura into a quilt top!

Isn't that gorgeous?

I love the way the colors glow like stained glass!  It's always a pleasure to work with other people's beautiful blocks, and these colorful blocks were a special treat - right up my alley!

And now, to commemorate my week with the girls...

On Monday we went to see my daughter and husband at work and I got this great pic of DH with his favorite girls...

And then today, I got this pic of the girls playing with blocks together.  Emmy really wants to be just like her big sister!

Lilli starts kindergarten in about three weeks - hard to believe!  She's been staying with me since she was four months old - it's going to be strange not to have her around as much, but I'm sure Emmy will keep me on my toes!


Now it's your turn!

What has made you dance the happy dance this week?

Remember - it doesn't have to be a finish - just whatever you've been happy to accomplish!

Share with us - we want to dance along!!

The linky party will stay open until Sunday midnight -
Plenty of time to join in!!



PS - if you don't know how to dance the happy dance, here's a little tutorial...

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Lovely quilts! I think that's the first time I have seen DH - oh, the girls are just growing!! And I do remember the Seinfeld Dance !!

  2. Thanks for the happy dance instructions - I'd be stuck without them! Gorgeous girls :-)

  3. I love the colorful blocks you assembled. So cheery :)

  4. Great quilts - I really like the donated stained glass blocks - the girls are adorable!
    xo jan@sewandsowfarm

  5. Okay, my comment disappeared....anyway, love your finished this week! Especially that second quilt, never saw that pattern before and I love it!

  6. Oh your granddaughters get cuter every day. And I loved how you sashed the donated blocks with grey fabrics - it realley makes the colours pop. Whoop whoop!

  7. Gorgeous quilts Sarah and for such worthy recipients, i'm sure they will be gratefully received. Thanks for the happy dance instructions, I needed that! :o)

  8. Wonderful quilts. I laughed at the "happy dance."

  9. Sarah, you make such beautiful quilts, and your little snippets about the recipients is so touching. By the way, I was totally thinking "stained glass" when looking at that gorgeous quilt top-even before you said it!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  10. I'm so glad you were able to do something with those batik blocks! The quilt is beautiful!

  11. Love what you did with the orphan blocks!

  12. Great idea for orphaned blocks. I have a whole pile of them I received from a friend.

  13. Love the pic of the girls playing blocks together. So sweet!!

  14. You have got quite a lot accomplished and the quilts are all so pretty! The granddaughters are beautiful - who could blame a grandfather for doting on them?

  15. You are NOT going to believe it...but I was looking for a happy dance video for my post TODAY! I ended up adding "celebrate!"
    Love that first quilt!

  16. Gorgeous quilts... the 1st one really caught my eye with the value placement. Happy dance indeed!

  17. I don't know if I have enough adjectives, but I'll try. The scrappy quilt is awesome! I'm in love! The quilt for the fireman's wife is superb, sensational and beautiful. Thank your for your ministry. My dad, a firefighter, died because of injuries in a fire. I was four. Bless you. And love those adorable and sweet grandchildren.

  18. Love the donated blocks floating on batik backgrounds! The other quilts are awesome as well. Can't help but grin about the happy dance animation!

  19. This is my first time stopping by and I LOVE YOUR BLOG! I actually caught myself LOL!!! I'm a new follower!!

    Val @

  20. ...and I added your button to my sidebar! See ya next Friday!

  21. I can't believe all you get done. Amazing!

  22. Gorgeous quilts and I like the creative setting for the donated blocks. Congrats on getting so much finished! Or should I say Whoop Whoop!

  23. Hi Sarah!
    Thanks for hosting and thanks for sharing your lovely family and the beautiful quilts!

  24. I absolutely love both of those quilts and the scrappy one is perfect for using up the bits. That idea is going on my list.

  25. You have done an amazing amount of sewing and quilting this week. All are very pretty. Your granddaughters are sweet as can be.

  26. Wow that stained glass looking quilt is stunning!!! Your grand daughters are just adorable, I can't believe you can get so much done with them in the house!


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