Friday, January 9, 2015

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Something to Touch...

Hi, all!

It's Friday again - are you ready to get your whoop whoop on?  I know I am - it's been a week of working on things I can't share yet, but I do have one cute little quilt to show off.

First of all, meet Baby Charley! In December 2013, Charley was diagnosed with a brain tumor, which they thought at the time was inoperable.  Recently, though, they did surgery which was successful in removing a large part of the tumor, but it left Charley blind.  So when we were asked to make a quilt for Charley, I knew it needed to be something special and different.

So we gathered up lots of different textured fabrics

…chenille scraps, fake fur…

…appliqued terry towels, minky

…sparkly shiny pieces, rubbery basket weaves…

embroidered pieces, even the fabric they use to put non-skid bottoms on footy pajamas!

It's backed in a pretty piece of rosy fleece, and quilted in a cross-hatch design with rainbow colored variegated thread.  Binding is scrappy pieces of various pink prints.

Lots of different textures for Baby Charley to explore! 

You can follow along with Baby Charley's story on her Facebook page, Smiles For Baby Charley.

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop??


And now it's your turn!

What's made you dance the happy dance this week?

What's got you whooping it up?

Share - we want to whoop right along with you!

Remember - it doesn't have to be a finish - 
just whatever has been making you happy this week!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight - 

Hope to see you there!



PS - be sure to check back on Sunday for the beginning of the Sweet Sixteen Quilt-Along!  Grab the button in the top right sidebar for your blog!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. What a great gift for the baby girl. I wish her and her family a lot of strength. The quilt will help.

  2. What a very special quilt for a very special little girl. May her family find comfort and strength in this quilt.

  3. What a wonderful quilt for such a sweetie. Many blessings to her and the family.

  4. Sarah, You get a HUGE Whoop Whoop for this wonderful quilt you made for this beautiful little girl. What a great idea! I will pray for Charley and her family. Thank you for all that you do.

  5. Sarah,Love that quilt for baby Charley... :) Thanks for sharing that! Kathi

  6. Your creativeness and generosity are hero!!

  7. oh my....mixed feelings here. so sad, yet such good news that they operated at all!!! lovely quilt for her!!!

  8. Something tactile for a sightless child -- great idea. I've heard of doing something similar for Alzheimer's patients who often fidget and fiddle with fabric.

  9. Poor, Charley! What a sweet and thoughtful idea. Sounds like Charley has great support behind her!

  10. SUch a perfect quilt for a very very special little girl!! Thank you for sharing this story....

  11. great idea for a quilt for someone that is blind - poor baby Charley such a cute little one and a perfect quilt

  12. What a special quilt!! It is going to be so soft and snuggly!!

  13. All the different textures are such a great idea for a sightless child! How wonderful that you've created this for her. It's fantastic! I hope it gets her off to a great start in 2015.

  14. What a touching story, and the perfect quilt for her to feel and love.

  15. This just melts my heart! What a wonderful quilt for Charley. A big, touchy-feely whoop-whoop!

  16. What a Sweetie! So glad to hear that they could help her and what a wonderful Idea for a quilt. I bet she will love it!

  17. Wishing Charley and her family all the best, and definitely shouting out a Whoop-whoop for you too :)

  18. What a WONDERFUL idea, all those textures! Baby Charley is just adorable. I have a feeling she's going to grow up to be one very special lady. Awesome project!

  19. A very thought quilt. I wish Charley and her family the best.

  20. You must be one of Charley's angels. Blessings to you.

  21. What a sweet quilt a baby! Me & my daughter "awwed" over it! Thanks for hosting the Linky Party! I'm back to sewing and found your blog at

  22. What a wonderful idea for a quilt for little Charley. She is beautiful.

  23. Whoop, Whoop to you Sarah, and to all your buddies! You folks rock.

  24. Oh, my gosh! This quilt is awesome! I'm sure any baby would love it, but I can imagine how confusing it must have been for Charley to lose her sight, and how very comforting the soft textures on this quilt are to her. Makes me cry and smile at the same time. :)

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. I'm sure that will be very loved by her.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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