Friday, January 16, 2015

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Time for Another Raffle/Giveaway!

Hi, all!

It's Friday again, and you know what that means!  It's time to get our whoop whoop on!  Are you ready?  I am!!

Today I've got a special quilt to share with you - because this quilt can come live at your house, if you are the lucky winner!  So let's take a look at it, and then I'll let you know all the details!

I think this quilt should be called "Life is More Than Black & White"!  It combines black and white prints with white Kona cotton in 16-patch blocks and pinwheels.  A pretty salmon-colored stop border adds a touch of color and whimsy to the front of the quilt.

I just love the illusion that the blocks are placed on point!

The white outer border is finished with a black leaf print for binding.  A nice touch that looks like a stripe, but with a bit of a kick!

And the back is a great IKEA batik - don't you just love the koi swimming around there?  

This quilt measures about 63" square, is made with 100% cotton fabrics, Warm & White batting, and is machine quilted in a looping meander using white Glide thread.  It's been washed and dried, and is wonderfully crinkly-soft and ready to be loved!


And now, the details on the raffle/giveaway!  As many of you already know, my daughter and her family are in the process of adopting a little boy from China, who will be named Nathanael when he comes home!  Nathanael, like our youngest granddaughter Emmy, is profoundly deaf and thus this is a special needs adoption, which usually go more quickly than regular adoptions in China.  It's been almost a year since they started this journey. Right now, they are anxiously awaiting their Letter Of Approval (LOA) from China, which we are expecting any day now.  

The adoption process takes about twelve to eighteen months or longer, and costs between $25,000-$35,000.  They have one more payment due to the adoption agency when they receive their LOA, and then they will need to raise their travel money so they'll be ready to go when China sends their authorization to come over and finalize the adoption and bring Nathanael home!!

So here's the skinny on this event.  You'll have multiple ways to enter to win….

Primarily, this is a fundraising event.  But that's where you can get multiple entries!  For every $5 you donate, you will get one entry in the drawing.  $5, one entry; $25, five entries!  You can make your tax-deductible donation by clicking here, or by clicking on the "#bringNathanaelhome" button at the top right of this blog.  After you make your donation, come back and leave a comment letting me know that you did!  

You can also use your PayPal balance or bank account to make your donation, if you don't care about whether it's tax deductible.  You can donate directly through PayPal by using the "friends and family" option.  Nancy's email address is cornwell.nancy (at) gmail (dot) com.

If you would prefer not to use the AdoptTogether website or PayPal to make a donation, tell me so in your comment and I will contact you with mailing information.  Be sure to give me your email address just in case you are a no-reply blogger!*


But you don't have to make a donation to enter in the drawing!  (Although we would really appreciate it if you would - 
because every little bit helps!)  
For one entry in the drawing, leave a comment on this blog post  - tell us about a time you had to wait for something great to happen!


And for a final entry in the drawing, share about the giveaway on your own blog!  Be sure to put a link back to this blogpost in your post, and come back here and leave a comment with a link to your blogpost.

This event will stay open until 5:00 pm CST on Thursday, February 5th.  A winner will be drawn and announced on Friday, February 6th!

There!  Easy-peasy!!

*A note about no-reply bloggers - if you don't receive a response to your comment from me, you are a no-reply blogger.  You can email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com if that happens to you.


The last time we did a quilt raffle/giveaway (in July 2014), I promised another quilt would be added to the giveaway (and another winner) each time we hit a $500 milestone.  In the end, we collected $2640 and we made and gave away six quilts to six lucky winners!  Can we pass that this time?  Keep me busy making quilts - I have absolutely no problem creating as many quilts as needed to have lots of winners!!

Let's see what we can do to help #bringNathanaelhome!!


And now it's your turn!

What's making you smile this week?

What's making you dance the happy dance today?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight - 

Hope to see you there!



PS:  I'm linking up to a new linky party, hosted by Julie, who blogs at Pink Doxies!  Stop by, show her some love and join her party too!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. That is one gorgeous quilt! Hope it brings in lots of support!

  2. I love the back of the quilt, as well as the on point illusion you pointed out! Beautiful. I had to wait for my husband -- before we were married we were living in different countries for 1.5 years. There have, of course, been many other things to wait for, but I think that was one of the waits that felt the longest.

  3. I love pinwheels, so that quilt is really up my alley! I think my longest-feeling waits have been my three pregnancies as we waited to meet our new little babies.

  4. Sarah, I have made a small donation through PayPal using the Bring Nathaniel Home button. I'm excited that you can use this venue to help raise money. I'm thrilled to be a part of your Linky Party each week, too, and thank you for allowing us to share our work with each other. May Nathaniel be quickly in your family's arms, and showered in their love.

  5. What a blessing and generous giveaway! I would be thrilled to give this beautiful quilt a home with my daughter and I. Wishing you and your daughter all the best! xoxo

  6. I also shared this on my blog to raise awareness!

  7. I'm going to go over a make a small donation as soon as I leave my comment. I have waited for years for a cure for Hep C and finally I get to start my treatment next week. The great thing is that there's a 99% chance of it working. Even better is the fact that it won't cost me anything as the insurance and drug company picked up the entire cost of $96,000. Wonderful things are always worth the wait as I'm sure getting Nathanael will be.

  8. Just wanted to let you know I sent a donation directly to Nancy through Paypal instead of the adoption site The email address it will be coming from is edrin_2@hotmail from Rina. Hope they hear about the papers soon and I hope you end up making 10 quilts this time.

  9. 50 cheers for the Cornwell's! Praying that paper LOA that you are waiting for comes soon! I've waited for the same thing before. It is worth every second and every ounce of emotion spent during the wait. Best wishes! I made a donation to Nancy via paypal. I'd love to see the quilt in our sons room once he is home from China in exactly 26 days!

  10. First of all...IKEA has fabric??? That's an awesome print! The entire quilt is gorgeous, and I hope you raise tons of funds with it. Someone told me I'm a no-reply blogger again (how this happened I don't know, it was already fixed once), but I'll leave my waiting story here anyway. I'm waiting right now for one of the best things in life, and that is my first grandchild. :)

  11. I love that quilt -- especially the Ikea backing fabric and the salmon colored border that ties it all together! Best wishes and prayers for a smooth adoption for your daughter and little Nathanael. I have never been able to understand why the adoption process has to be so drawn out. After all, the child's best interest should be foremost, and a year is SUCH a long time to a child waiting to be loved!

  12. I love this quilt...I am afraid I don't have the extra to donate but wanted to tell you about my adoption experience. In 1966 we moved back to our hometown. I ran into one of my friends from school. I had an 8 yr old son and tried for years to have another but lost one after the other from 3 months to 7 months along. My friend had a 4 yr old daughter at the time and had just had a baby but had put the baby in a foster home (emotionally was unable to take care of it) We were looking for an apartment and she needed to sublet her apartment so we took her place there. She asked us to help her with the 4 yr old and then told us about her baby. We kept her 4 yr old for a year and ended up adopting her baby girl. I was in because of these girls. I love my daughter so much and am thankful every day that God saw fit to answer my prayer in giving me a chance to be a mother to her. I am so inspired by what your family is doing for these special little children. Thank you for your encouragement to keep my quilting passion flowing. I love your blog and look forward to every post. spx823(at)gmail(dot)com

  13. I shared on my blog:

  14. Fabulous quilt! My significant other and I were in a long distance relationship while he was away for school. I waited 3 years for him to come back home =).

  15. I've just sent Nancy $25 through paypal (mllefleuret (at) aol (dot) com). I hope you'll be giving us the wonderful news that Nathanael is coming home very soon! And the quilt is simply gorgeous.

  16. such an amazing quality job so impressive thanks for sharing


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