Friday, October 2, 2015

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? A Quick Quilt!

Hi, all!

It's Friday again, and you know what that means - it's time to get our whoop whoop on!!  It's been a long dreary week here - very little sunshine and lots of rain - so I'm ready to do some whooping instead of wondering where the sun went!

Despite the weather - or maybe because of it - I did manage to get some sewing done this week!  Sunday afternoon I decided that I wanted to make a baby quilt for an upcoming baby and started to check over my stash to see what I had.  Low on the colors she requested, I decided to go up to Joanns at 4 o'clock.  

I found these three fabrics, and cut them into 2.5" strips, then sewed eight sets of three strips together.

Then I cross-cut the strip sets into 6.5" blocks, and put them together into a rail fence pattern.

By 7:30, I had this quilt top all assembled!  I think that was a record for me - and it felt good!

Monday morning I loaded it up on the frame, then spent some time with my grandkids...

...and after they left, I quilted it up!  I did the binding on it today, but didn't get a pic of that - the weather has really been just awful for taking pictures lately!  But this quilt is finished and ready to go to that new little baby as soon as she is born!

And then this happened!  Between 5 pm on Monday and 5 pm on Tuesday, I quilted ten quilts for the quilt ministry!  Binding commenced on Wednesday night, and Marie (a ministry member) took a couple home to do this week.  I finished up the binding on the last one today, and one of these quilts has actually already been mailed to a woman in South Carolina!  It felt good to complete so many at once - a little hard on the body standing at the frame all day, but so worth it!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?


What's making you dance the happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you -

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

Remember - it doesn't have to be a finish,
just something that's making you happy.

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



PS - My friend Zenia Rene has a new Saturday linky party called "WHOOMP There It Is" going on at A Quilted Passion - check it out and show her some linky love!  I'm headed there now.....

This linky list is now closed.


  1. That is quite definitely a lot to WHOOP WHOOP about! Congrats on all those finishes.

  2. Wow, you did an amazing lot of quilting this week! I really like your sweet lavender baby quilt. Sometimes the simplest patterns that showcase the fabrics are the most effective. Very pretty!

  3. It's hard to beat a rail fence! Especially when the colors are so lovely.

  4. You are cooking, Sarah! What a nice thing you do with your charity quilts! We should all aspire to do even a fraction of what you get done.

  5. You definitely deserve a Whoop Whoop! That is a lot of quilting, and so impressive. I love the sweet rail fence.

  6. You absolutely deserve a big whoop whoop for your generosity, and such a cute rail fence baby quilt. Can't believe how fast that came together!

  7. That rail fence is lovely. A simple quilt that will be treasured for sure!

  8. Love the soft colors in this baby quilt. Congrats and a Whoop for finishing all those quilts, too.

  9. Wow Sarah! you definitely get a Huge Whoop Whoop! That is a lot of quilts to quilt in a very short time. I love your soft colored raif fence baby quilt. Grey and purple must be in colors for nurseries. It made me laugh that you have it finished before the baby is born. I just posted a grey and purple baby quilt I made and the little girl is now two.

  10. What a productive day! No wonder you're hurting

  11. Wow! I am impressed with all that you accomplished this week. Your baby quilt is so soft and sweet looking. Perfect for a little girl. Thank you for all that you do!

  12. You got a great deal of accomplishments in this week! I have another quilt that I made this week (putting the binding on today :-) but I'm linking up last Friday's work...didn't get my blog post done till later. Wish you could send that rain out west. We would make good use of it!

  13. Your quilt is a great reminder that simple really can be so spectacular!

  14. So cool you finished so many quilts. It's my first time on your linkup and I already love it.
    Greetings from Germany!

  15. what a lovely little finish! and rail fence is so appropriate for TN..i miss the country roads and fences! not to mention the pretty houses, rolling hills, and greenery. i lived in nashville during high school then moved out west. but TN still has a piece of my heart! i should make TN rail fence someday. =) with lots of green!

    and good work on the ministry quilts!!!

  16. SUCH beautiful soft colours you found! Great pattern, and OMG you are a machine to get that done that fast .... and then TEN MORE?!!! My hat's off to you!

  17. Dang, Sarah, you need a vacation after this week!! LOL Great work, and I love the baby quilt...lavender is my favorite baby color. Hope you're putting your feet up this weekend and taking it easy.

  18. Gorgeous rail fence - beautifully calming colours. And hats off to getting 10 quilts quilted - brilliant person you are :)

  19. The baby quilt is so pretty! I like how you were able to fussy cut that fabric with the butterflies. Looks great!

  20. Congratulations on your baby quilt. The colours are beautiful. And ten quilts! Wow! I am in awe!

  21. I love this sweet little quilt! You have been so productive this week! Thanks for the link up!

  22. Holy cow! You really had some good mojo and ran with it! Great job on all that quilting. Love the delicate purples and greys. Just beautiful!

  23. TEN! Sarah you are amazing and a lady with a big heart!!! Love that pile of quilty finishes!! Yes...whoop whoop!!

  24. Wow!! Whoop Whoop, and way to go! That's a lotta finishes. The baby quilt is adorable--such sweet fabrics, and an amazingly fast project.

  25. Wow!! Oh my gosh, that's a lot of quilts quilted! :D Really love the soft lavender color blend in that baby quilt.

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  27. You are my hero! I want to be JUST like you when I grow up! Wowzers! I was really impressed w/the baby quilt finish..but then you quilted 10 more...AMAZING! Kudos Sarah!

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