Friday, October 23, 2015

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Some Beauties from Last Week...

Hi, all!

Well, here it is, Friday again!  With any kind of luck, right now I am checking out the only man-made object visible from outer space...

...the Great Wall of China!  Hopefully next week I'll have photos of my own to share, but for now, this Google image will have to do.

Since I'm in China, I definitely don't have any finishes, or probably anything much accomplished this week - so I'm going to rely on the kindness of you all, my blog friends, and share some of your beautiful finishes from last week.  There was lots to choose from, but these were some of my favorites...

Check out this beautiful Downton Abbey quilt by Katy of Katy Quilts - I love a quilt waving in the breeze!

And look at this fabulous Moccasin quilt in neutrals by Cindy of Live A Colorful Life!

Isn't this a great picture?  Farm Girl Vintage by Tracy of Tracy's Bits & Pieces.

Don't you just love this Christmas tree table runner by Cynthia at Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework!  You should see how she created this - it's ingenious!

And check out this precious giraffe made by Carole at Fresh Off The Frame!

Thanks, ladies for bailing me out this week!  
And keep up the good work!  
Whoop whoops to all!


And now it's your turn! 

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you dance a happy little dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you...
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday at midnight.

Hope to see you there!



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  1. Great highlights this week Sarah!! Just so much creativity out there!! THanks for the linky!!! V:)

  2. We are visiting friends in a few weeks. We just found out that their daughter is adopting a little boy from China, and, will be picking him up the same time we are visiting. I told my friend about your grandson.

  3. Following your vacation on Instagram. Looks like you are having a great time. Thanks for sharing my tree table runner again this week. It was fun to make!

  4. Well you might not have any finishes but you most certainly are having some fun!

  5. I'm browsing through long-open tabs on my computer, and I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GOT TO GO TO CHINA!! How exciting. I would really love that. :)


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