Hi, all!
Fall is arriving with a vengeance here in middle Tennessee - the weather is cooler, the leaves are finally starting to turn, and my friend has started his annual countdown to Christmas on Facebook! So I have a daily reminder of just how few days it is until Christmas…. So I guess we can add a sense of urgency to that list of things that mark fall's arrival!
It was a busy week but I did manage to get a lot done! Let's see how it went….
1. Contact repair people to get quotes for the damage repair work in the garage.
Done! Two roofers came today, a drywall guy came last week, and I spoke to the electrician and garage door guys. Now I'm just waiting for the estimates to roll in...
2. Take photos of the quilts to sell for the adoption at my friend's barn.
Done! You can see one of them at the top of this post, and you'll see more next week as I put together some special posts. Stay tuned!
3. Finish the back-stitching on Nathanael's stocking.
Done!! Yipee!!! I just love this one, and it makes me smile to think of it hanging with all the others this year, even if Nathanael isn't here yet.
4. Assemble the blocks for the commission quilt.
Done! This top is finished, and now I'm trying to work out how I'm going to quilt it. (There is a narrow gray border around it that's not in this picture.)

5. Write up an estimate for another t-shirt commission quilt.
Done! This is going to be a really interesting quilt, but probably not until after Christmas!
6. Quilt two quilts for the ministry.
Done! Here's one of them, and you'll see the other one in the pictures for #9 below...
7. Complete a quilt top for the ministry.
Done! This came to us as just the square on-point panel - the triangles are shirting plaids, so adding another plaid for the large outer corners was the perfect touch! Oh, and the top's not only completed, it's quilted too!

8. Participate in a Jelly Roll Race at church tonight with my Sewing Siblings!
Done! It was a small group, but we had fun and finished several tops!
9. Keep up with all ministry needs that may arise.
Done! We gave away five quilts last week…
This quilt went to a retired schoolteacher who just found out she has liver cancer… (it's also the second quilt I quilted this week)
This quilt went to a young man who was involved in a very serious auto accident recently, and is dealing with health issues related to that…
This comfort quilt went to a woman who just had a hip replacement, and while recovering, her 95-year old father passed away.
And this one went to a man who went in for a routine outpatient procedure that had complications. He is in the SICU, unable to wean off the ventilator.
We also gave away one more, to the wife of a gentleman we gave a quilt to last week. He has cancer, and she is his primary caregiver. She's been having a rough time and we wanted to send her a quilt-y hug. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of it! But it was a beautiful blue and yellow quilt.
The current quilt count is at 271 for the year, 943 all-time!
And now, here's what I'll be working on this week…
1. Make a back for the pieced commission quilt.
2. Decide on the quilting design for that quilt.
3. Order the Kona background fabrics for the t-shirt commission quilt.
4. Write the special posts for next week.
5. Meet with a friend to discuss how to quilt her finished top.
6. Finish four cross-stitched stockings for another friend. (She did the cross-stitch, just needs help turning them into stockings!)
7. Finish Nathanael's stocking!
8. Keep up with any ministry needs that arise - and it looks like a busy week, because I've already got six requests!
So that's definitely enough to keep me busy and out of trouble this week! OK, maybe not out of trouble, but maybe I won't get into as much trouble as usual… ;-) Oh, and by the way, you want to know something weird? Remember how I worked so hard to get my house clean for the party at my house? Well, it's been a week and a half and the house is STILL CLEAN!!! I have no idea how that's happened, but I sure do like it!
So now, the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?