Hi, all!
Wow, last week really flew by! Its amazing how fast time goes when you're cleaning - - - not leaving much time for sewing - - - but it needs to be done sometimes! So let's see how last week's list went...
1. Quilt and bind the commission t-shirt quilt.
Done! I am so happy to have this one finished and delivered!
Done! I am so happy to have this one finished and delivered!
2. Pack up the quilts going to NYC for Hurricane Sandy victims this week.
Done! We packed up thirty-two more quilts for our high school mission team to take to New York City. We had a few more, but we ran out of space!
Done! We packed up thirty-two more quilts for our high school mission team to take to New York City. We had a few more, but we ran out of space!
3. Make some gift items and get them in the mail.
Done! I can show you one - this is a zipper pouch I made for my niece for her birthday. It's a great size - exactly right to hold a 12 ounce bag of Hershey's Kisses!
Done! I can show you one - this is a zipper pouch I made for my niece for her birthday. It's a great size - exactly right to hold a 12 ounce bag of Hershey's Kisses!
4. Quilt at least three quilts for the quilt ministry.
Done! Here's a pic of one that I quilted - a very large quilt!
I also quilted two others Sunday afternoon, but haven't had a chance to take pictures of those yet.
Done! Here's a pic of one that I quilted - a very large quilt!
I also quilted two others Sunday afternoon, but haven't had a chance to take pictures of those yet.
5. Keep processing fabric donations at church.
Still working on them! It's a lot of fabric, and we've been busy folding, sorting, turning some into kits already, and using some of the larger pieces for quilt backs!
Still working on them! It's a lot of fabric, and we've been busy folding, sorting, turning some into kits already, and using some of the larger pieces for quilt backs!
6. Keep up with all quilt ministry needs that arise.
OK! In addition to the 32 quilts we sent to New York with the high school mission team, we gave this quilt to a man with lung cancer…

This quilt went to a woman just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer...

This quilt went to a gentleman recovering from a stroke that left him paralyzed on one side...

This quilt went to a woman with terminal cancer...
This one went to a woman with thyroid cancer…
This quilt went to a woman just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer...
This quilt went to a gentleman recovering from a stroke that left him paralyzed on one side...
This one went to a member of our quilt ministry team who is having knee replacement surgery this week...
This quilt went to a woman with terminal cancer...
This quilt went to a young mom of three who was just diagnosed with a brain tumor...
This pretty quilt went to a woman just diagnosed with breast cancer...
This one went to a woman with thyroid cancer…
And this quilt, shown above, was given to a couple whose house burned to the ground last week. They were home at the time and, while they lost everything, escaped uninjured.
With that last quilt, our count for the year stands at 258, and the total number of quilts we have given away in almost five years is 930! It's looking more and more like we may actually give away our 1000th quilt this year! Woohoo!!
7. Keep cleaning the house, particularly focusing on my niece's visit this weekend.
Done! I've still got a little bit to do this week before we leave for our long weekend at the mountains, but I'm planning to make sure I have some time to sew, too!
OK, so not such a bad job on last week's list! This will be a short week, because of our little mini-vacation, but there's still some stuff to do, so here goes….
1. Bind the two quilts I quilted on Sunday for the ministry.
2. Divide a roll of batting and take half of it to church.
3. Mail off some ministry quilts to their recipients.
4. Quilt two more quilts for the ministry.
5. Cut up some more fabric for jelly roll quilts.
7. Cut the pieces for the granddaughters' quilts for Christmas (this is a project I'll take on vacation with me…)
8. Keep up with any ministry needs that arise.
It was so nice to have quilts finished and on hand when we had needs, so we're trying to build up our stock of finished quilts again - sending the quilts to NYC really depleted those that we had been working on all summer!
On the adoption front, we received some new pictures of Nathanael this week! He's so cute - all boy!! I wish I could share them with you, but the adoption agency is very serious that photos can't be share on social media until after the adoption is final, so we'll just have to wait.
And now, the question is - - - what are you working on this week?
A mini-cation sounds good. Lots of lovely quilts that are sure to comfort.
ReplyDeleteYou and your band of quilty ladies are amazing - nearing the 1,000 mark! What wonderful work you are doing.
ReplyDeleteThis week I'm starting the next wedding quilt for the next granddaughter. (There's another in the wings, too. Not yet engaged, but totally together... she stayed in AK to be with him when her Mom & Dad went to AZ. That's dedication - don't you think so? So I should really make two wedding quilts on speculation - unknown wedding dates.
See my quilt up there and so glad to see where it is going! I need to send you a few more! Great work you are doing!